How to prevent hair loss in women: from food to genetics - Baldness in men
January 23, 2011
- How to prevent hair loss in women: from food to genetics
- Male pattern baldness
- Treatment for baldness
Male pattern baldness
Baldness in men - a very common problem: in the case of male pattern baldness lost hair is not replaced by new ones, but more subtle in women. If hair loss in men began at the age of 25 to 40 years, the risk of baldness is 95%.
Male-pattern baldness is associated primarily with the work of genes that convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Hormone dihydrotestosterone useful for the female body (in particular for the development of the fetus), but adversely affects the male body - and in particular, affects the hair follicles.
Standard life of follicles reaches five years - over four years, the hair grows, and in the fifth year the hair follicle becomes inactive. If there is an imbalance in the body of DHT, the hair follicles are damaged and fall, but not replaced by new follicles - this explains the gradual process of male pattern baldness
Baldness in men: how to fix the problem
. In the later stages of male pattern baldness is already impossible to stop.
As a rule, the process of male pattern baldness begins after the age of 20 years, but in some cases has been observed in adolescence. As a rule, the process of hair loss in men starts with the side portions of the forehead (as a result of hair loss hair line is formed, resembling the letter "M").
A variety of shampoos and hair tonic
Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?
not able to prevent or cure baldness - furthermore, the individual products further damage the hair follicles.
Causes of hair loss in men
- Most men are genetically predisposed to baldness.
- Effect of hormones on the hair follicles leads to male pattern baldness.
- The highest levels of the hormone testosterone
Five myths about testosterone
in the male body is observed after puberty. This hormone is transformed into dihydrotestosterone, a negative effect on the hair follicles, slowing down the process of hair growth, which become weaker and shorter. DHT is often completely damaging the follicles, stopping hair growth and, thereby, causing baldness.
Baldness and heredity
Previously it was thought that the cause of baldness genes inherited from the mother's person, but recent studies have shown that can lead to baldness genes are inherited and from his mother, and his father. If someone in your family suffer from baldness, the chances of the occurrence of alopecia have also increased.
Studies show that about 95% of hair loss
Hair loss - the distress signal
in men and 70% in women depends on hereditary and genetic factors. This condition is not related to the race of man.
Cosmetics and sport: dangerous if makeup for your skin - Helpful Hints
August 5, 2007
- Cosmetics and sport: dangerous if makeup for your skin
- Helpful hints
Helpful hints athletes
The question whether to use cosmetics during sports, for many years, causing heated debate. Women make up supporters argue that, since the makeup they look better, you feel better, and so achieve the best results. Opponents argue makeup that make up clogs the pores, resulting in acne and skin irritation.
With the invention of waterproof makeup that will not melt under the action of sweat and even smeared, women do not have to worry about how they will look after your workout. Here are some tips:
To save face
Modern technologies, we are also required to make-up, does not clog pores. In fact, some of these cosmetics include skin benefit ingredients. For example, many water-resistant tonal foundations contain sunscreen, necessary for any woman, play sports in the street. Choose a foundation shade that complements the natural color of the face, do not use tone combined with bronzer means. Powder may be applied on top of the basics, but try not to abuse the makeup to the face did not look like a mask. In addition, excess powder clog pores and increases sweating. This applies to blush. When running or walking fast on the cheeks appear a natural glow, so try to limit the use of blush to a minimum. For the same reason, do not use glitter, including shiny shadows - in the sunlight, they look pretty ridiculous.
All business - in the eyes
Many athletes worried about the behavior of the carcass - as if she decides to "run away." Unfortunately, when using mascara cheeks as treadmills, the results are unlikely to receive prizes at the Olympics. Fortunately, you can easily find a waterproof mascara and eye shadow. However, use of such cosmetics should be carefully and sparingly. Some women prefer to apply mascara only on the upper lashes. If you exercise in contact lenses
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, Use only hypoallergenic eye shadow and mascara. Remember that in most cases you have to do sports in the morning or afternoon, in bright sunlight, so do not use too bright, "evening" shades of eyeshadow. If you prefer to play sports in the evening, choose shades in accordance with the colors of clothing and the color of your eyes.
Seductive lips
Although the market today there is a huge amount of water-resistant lipsticks, athletes are not suitable as dried lips. If you exercise regularly, use a moisturizing lip balm, transparent or natural shade.
Take it off immediately
Makeup Remover with harmful ingredients can turn make-up removal procedure in the scientific project. Beauticians recommend to use the vehicle on the basis of cyclomethicone oil-free, do not cause burning of the skin. To remove waterproof makeup foundations, mascara and eye shadow are also suitable agents containing chamomile.