Abdominal hernia if you hit upon a lump in the abdomen - Treatment

September 5, 2010

  • Abdominal hernia if you hit upon a lump on her belly
  • Kinds
  • Treatment

Treatment of hernia

After the discovery of the first symptoms of abdominal wall hernia should consult a doctor. To confirm the presence of a hernia, the doctor resorts to physical examination of the patient and, in certain cases, additional methods - sonography, tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. In some cases, if the diagnosis is difficult, use abdominoscopy.

In some cases, the hernia can be treated without surgery - using special techniques the doctor attempts to "straighten" hernia. The success of this method depends largely on how far the hernia got out beyond the abdominal wall and how much it keep the muscles of the abdominal wall. If the usual methods do not help, for the treatment of hernias using surgical methods.

Umbilical hernia in infants is not treated in the first two years of life. If during the first two to four years of life lost hernia not require medical assistance. Mandatory surgery requires a strangulated hernia. In the case of infringement of a hernia operation must be carried out immediately, as is the state threatens the life of the patient.

 Treatment | Abdominal hernia if you hit upon a lump on her belly


Surgical reduction of hernia is called herniorrhaphy. Herniorrhaphy performs three tasks: to successfully restores normal abdominal wall hernia vpravlyaya, relieves the patient from the discomfort and pain, inhibit the further development of a hernia.

  • Open surgery is used for small hernias and is performed under local anesthesia. This type of surgery involves a small incision over the hernia, in which the hernial ring and dissected through an incision hernia sac contents reduce a into the abdominal cavity. Then hernial opening is closed, and the muscle layer of the abdominal wall is restored.
  • Endoscopic surgery has three main advantages: small cuts or punctures, minimal pain, faster recovery after surgery. Endoscopic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure involves three puncture length reaches only a few millimeters. Through a puncture in the navel into the abdominal cavity endoscope is introduced, transmitting the image on the monitor. Two other puncture surgical instruments are introduced. Control of the operation carried out by the monitor.

 Treatment | Abdominal hernia if you hit upon a lump on her belly


The formation of certain types of hernias can not be prevented, however, avoid complications, and prevent re-herniation is still possible. The first step - to avoid activity, accompanied by a load of the abdominal wall.

  • You should avoid lifting heavy objects and, if necessary, to carry the load on leg muscles and back.
  • To avoid muscle strain, you must use the support belt.
  • Since constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   may be one of the symptoms of a hernia, it is necessary to pay attention to proper bowel function.
  • For the prevention of hernia requires cessation of smoking: Nicotine weakens the muscles and thus increases the risk of herniation.

Article Tags:
  • hernia

Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair - Chronic

May 17, 2009

  • Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair
  • Symptoms
  • Ferment
  • Chronic
  • Children
  • Treatment

Chronic indigestion

Chronic indigestion - a problem faced by many people regardless of age or gender. Chronic considered dyspepsia, symptoms of which are observed for more than seven days a month. Chronic indigestion is accompanied by very unpleasant and sometimes even painful symptoms. However, even in chronic dyspepsia can improve health, following a few basic rules.

The most common cause of chronic dyspepsia becomes permanent unhealthy diet - unwillingness or inability to refuse food or beverages that aggravate symptoms of dyspepsia. Of course, can cause digestive disorders, many other factors, however, in the case of chronic dyspepsia, symptoms of which occur regularly, it becomes a major cause of malnutrition. The most common digestive disorders associated with eating too much fast food; to prevent another bout of indigestion, you should eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly.

 Chronic | Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair

Healthy eating

In order to prevent the occurrence of dyspeptic symptoms, it is important to eat properly - that is, once and for all abandon the products that provoke and aggravate the violation of the digestive process. There are several types of products, the use of which in most cases causes dyspepsia - first an acute and fatty foods. In addition, to provoke symptoms of dyspepsia are products with a high content of acids, caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks. Finally, to facilitate the chronic symptoms of dyspepsia are advised not to have large portions and smaller, but more frequently - to six to eight times per day. The diet must include more fiber that promotes normalization of digestion, and more fluid. Immediately after a meal is better not to take a horizontal position to prevent acid reflux.

 Chronic | Dyspepsia - frustration of a chair


Certain foods and drinks - not the only problem associated with the occurrence of chronic dyspepsia: very often one of the factors that provoke symptoms of digestive disorders, stress becomes. It is important to always find time to rest and be able to relax, to limit the effects of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   health - it can be read, massage, hot tub, all that helps to relax and relaxation.

Antacids in the stomach - for example, antacids - this is only a temporary measure to help ease the symptoms of chronic indigestion, but does not contribute to its prevention. The best solution in the case of chronic dyspepsia - it is to maintain a lifestyle that will make the digestive disorders impossible or extremely rare.

Gastritis - several disorders of the stomach - Signs and Symptoms

January 28, 2007

  • Gastritis - several stomach disorders
  • Signs and symptoms

 signs and symptoms of gastritis

Signs and symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of gastritis that often appear for a short time and in an easy manner:

  • Aching or sharp burning pain (indigestion) in the upper abdomen, which is exacerbated or disappears during the meal
  • Sickness
  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Belching or bloating
  • Feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen (epigastric region) after eating
  • Weight loss

Acute gastritis occurs suddenly and rapidly proceeds. As a rule, it appears the classic combination of nausea and burning pain or discomfort in the epigastric region. Chronic gastritis develops gradually and occurs with frequent relapses. This form of gastritis often accompanied by a dull pain and feeling of fullness or loss of appetite in the beginning of the meal. However, many people have chronic gastritis causes absolutely no problem.

In rare cases, gastric bleeding is not excluded, but it is not too dangerous if not accompanied by the formation of ulcers on the inside of the gastric mucosa. Gastric bleeding can cause vomiting blood, or black tarry stool color. In this case, any immediate medical attention.


When to seek medical help

Almost every one of us at least once experienced a bout of indigestion. In most cases, the attack passes quickly and does not require medical intervention. However, if the above-mentioned signs and symptoms of gastritis persist for weeks or longer in a hurry to the doctor-gastroenterologist. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any stomach upset after taking medicines, especially aspirin or other painkillers.

If you notice in the vomit or feces spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
 , Consult a physician immediately to determine the cause.


X-ray examination and diagnosis

An experienced gastroenterologist easily recognize gastritis, you are just barely over the main symptoms, but the study of medical history and conduct a thorough comprehensive survey is needed to identify the exact cause of the disease. Standard tests and examinations that must pass for the diagnosis of gastritis:

  • Blood tests. Doctor prescribes a blood test to check for antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   Helicobacter pilori. A positive test result indicates that the patient has been in contact with these bacteria, however, it does not mean that they are infected by them in reality. Blood tests also help identify anemia induced gastric bleeding associated with gastritis.
  • Breath test (sample of exhaled air) for infection Helicobacter pilori. This simple test can help determine whether a patient is infected with Helicobacter pilori currently.
  • Fecal. This test checks for the presence of bacteria Helicobacter pilori in feces. A positive test result confirms the presence of infection in the body. The doctor also may prescribe a stool How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it  How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it
   the presence of blood in it, indicating the gastric bleeding that may accompany gastritis and gastric ulcer.
  • Upper endoscopy (visual inspection of the upper digestive tract) .  This diagnostic study helps identify abnormalities of the upper digestive tract, which often go unnoticed in the X-ray examination .  At esophagogastroduodenoscopy in the mouth of a patient who is lying down, insert a thin flexible tube controlled, equipped with optical system (gastroscope) .  Gastroscope slips into the esophagus, stomach, and lowered into the upper part of the small intestine .  As a rule, before the start of the survey carried out by local anesthesia of the pharynx (to remove the gag reflex), and give the patient a special medicine that reduces discomfort .  If one or other tissue in the upper tract of the digestive tract seems suspicious doctor, he takes a sample of tissue (ie, biopsy) using instruments that pass through the gastroscope .  This procedure is completely painless .  The sample is then sent to the laboratory for histological examination .  Esophagogastroduodenoscopy procedure takes an average of 20 to 30 minutes, however, after its closure to the patient will have to stay for a while in the hospital until after the action of the drug - this takes about two hours .  Upper endoscopy is not a health risk, in rare cases it is possible bleeding and perforation of the stomach mucosa .  The most common complication - a slight sore throat, caused by ingestion gastroscope .
  • X-rays of the upper digestive tract. Roentgenology stomach and small intestine check for signs of gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system. Most prior studies patient takes liquid barium, which coats the lining of the digestive tract, so that it becomes more visible on X-rays.


Complications gastritis

Without timely and comprehensive treatment of gastritis can lead to gastric ulcers and stomach bleeding. Some forms of chronic gastritis increase the risk of gastric cancer, especially in extensive thinning of the gastric mucosa and concomitant changes in mucosal cells.

Most cases of stomach cancer Stomach cancer: genetics and lifestyle  Stomach cancer: genetics and lifestyle
   - Adenocarcinoma, which occur in the glandular cells of the mucosa, the deepest of the stomach. In particular, adenocarcinoma usually develop from infection Helicobacter pilori. Also bacteria associated with these other much less common type of stomach cancer - slow growing cancer of the immune tissue of the stomach wall. These tumors are known as lymphomas mucous membranes, often treatable with early detection.

Article Tags:
  • gastritis
