- Leukemia - it is not a sentence
- Basic provisions
- Causes
- Kinds
- As shown
- Treatment
What is Leukemia Basics
Leukemia or leukemia - is a general term describing a group of acute and chronic neoplastic diseases of the blood system. This disease is "white" blood, ie, leukocytes, before it was called leukemia.
Leukocytes perform a protective function in the body. All of them can be divided into two major groups: granulocytes (their function - phagocytosis, ie destroy bacteria and viruses by swallowing) and lymphocytes (they are in response to the invasion of bacteria and viruses produce a special substance antibodies that are glued together with disease-causing bacteria and viruses, and displays from the body). All types of leucocytes are produced by the bone marrow.
In leukemia, the white blood cells do not mature until the end, so they can not perform their inherent function of protecting the body against viruses and bacteria. The number of immature cells (blasts) literally fills the circulatory system and internal organs and is responsible for development of the main symptoms - anemia, bleeding, various infections, irritation, increase and dysfunction of affected organs.
Why it may be leukemia?
No one knows the true causes of the disease. However, it was observed that the leukemia often occurs after ionizing radiation, by exposure to some chemicals, viruses. Contributing factors are the genetic features of the structure of the body.
Types of leukemia
Leukemia can be acute or chronic. Acute leukemia is divided into acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL - if you grow blast cells) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML. - Grow blast granulocytes).
Chronic leukemia is divided into chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and hairy cell leukemia (mostly elderly sick man).
How does acute leukemia
Acute leukemia begins suddenly with high fever, sometimes with sore throat
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or with stomatitis
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symptomatic bleeding gums
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. Appears as weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain in the bones. Increased liver, spleen, lymph nodes, there punctulate reddish-bluish rash, bruises, nosebleeds. Rapidly growing weight loss, there may be internal bleeding.
Against the background of the disease, typical changes in the blood - the emergence of a large number of immature white blood cells (blasts).
Manifestations of chronic leukemia
Chronic leukemia is slower, sometimes for several years. All symptoms smoother. The periods of exacerbation is usually followed by periods of remission (a temporary absence of symptoms).
The diagnosis is usually made by chance during a blood test.
Leukemia Treatment
Treatment of leukemia - is, above all, the suppression and destruction of breeding blasts, as even one or two of the remaining cells may lead to a new outbreak of the disease.
Inhibits the development of cell or with special drugs (cytostatic agents, such as vincristine) or by irradiation. Since both methods do not act selectively on the blasts, it could be affected and other full-blood cells, so this chemo- and radiotherapy carry heavy: general weakness, vomiting, drop all the hair and so on.
A powerful immunoregulatory action have glucocorticoid hormones, they are also prescribed for leukemia. If exacerbation started again, bone marrow transplants from a donor. Donor bone marrow cells to stimulate the activity of the bone marrow of the patient and, in most cases occurs in remission.
Since the period of intensive treatment the body is virtually defenseless against infection, the patient is isolated from any contact, he appointed prophylactic antibiotics
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and antiviral drugs.
When bleeding transfusions of blood or blood components (eg, red cell mass or torombotsitarnoy).
The prognosis of leukemia
The prognosis depends on many factors, the most important of which - the type and stage of the leukemia patient's overall health, access to quality health care
. On average, 64
. 5% of men and 63
. 5% of women live at least one year after they have been diagnosed with leukemia
. Five-year survival is 44% for men and 44
. 4% for women, and ten-year survival rate - 32
. 9% for men and 33
. 6% for women
. Note that this is - the general data obtained by analyzing the records of patients aged 15 to 99 years old
. In the age group 15 to 39 years of the five-year survival rate is much higher (64%) than those aged 80 to 99 years old (19%)
. However, survival rates for leukemia are significantly worse than for many other types of cancer
. It is very much "spoils Statistics" acute leukemia: in 57% of cases it is detected when the patient has an urgent need of treatment, and therapy is much more effective when the disease is detected in its early stages
Despite this, with 1970 annual survival rate for leukemia for both sexes and all age groups has increased almost two times, five-year survival rate - three times, and ten-year survival rate - almost four times.