Artichoke - a plant surrounded by myths

October 19, 2014

 Artichoke - a plant of the unique properties of which were known in the ancient world. In ancient Greece, the artichoke was considered an aphrodisiac Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary  Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary
   - Plant, enhances sexual Nine ways to experience their sexuality  Nine ways to experience their sexuality
 . Today artichoke cook gourmet meals and is used as a medicinal plant - it has a beneficial effect on the liver.


Artichoke - for what and where it is grown?

Artichoke is an herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family with branched, erect stem light green color up to two meters high. Large artichoke leaves surround the inflorescences, which are composed of fleshy scales. The fruit - achene. Homeland artichoke - the Mediterranean coast.

Today, artichokes are grown as vegetables and medicinal raw materials mainly in Europe and America.

The lower parts of inflorescences (cones) artichoke are eaten, fresh artichokes are prepared salads, they can also extinguish and fry. With the drug to the leaves, fruits and root of the artichoke. The leaves are harvested during flowering, inflorescence - shortly after blossoming in June and July, the roots are harvested in the fall.


Artichoke as a medicine

With the drug to the artichoke was used in ancient times. The plant has hepatoprotective (protects liver cells from any influences), choleretic, diuretic, properties, normalizes fat metabolism, reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Artichoke in folk medicine, the Mediterranean has a special place, it is part of many collections for the treatment of a variety of diseases. But mostly it is used in diseases of the liver and digestive system.


Artichoke and Ayurveda

Ayurveda - a traditional system of Indian medicine, which is based on maintaining a balance between the human body and the environment. It is in maintaining this balance is the treatment of all diseases. Great importance is attached to the Ayurveda diet of people with a different constitution. Ayurveda distinguishes three constitutions - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. For people of different types of constitutions fit different foods. Artichoke is suitable for human consumption of any constitution. Ayurveda treatment is carried out and artichoke.

He has found its place as an artichoke in medicine official.

In our time, against the backdrop of the increasing number of diseases of the liver and biliary tract drugs based on artichoke is particularly appreciated for soft, but quite effective action inherent in herbal medicines.

Various pharmaceutical companies producing these drugs, which include the extraction, ie, an extract of artichoke: hofitol Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function  Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function
   (Rosa Phytopharm, France), artichoke extract. Produced and Supplements: tsinariks (Montavit, Austria), artichoke extract (Evalar, Russia).


Artichoke in mesotherapy

Mesotherapy - is subcutaneous and intradermal microinjection drugs and vitamins in the face or body. The procedure is performed short and very thin needles. Drugs wherein accumulate in the skin and gradually heal tissue.

In the treatment of cellulite is widely used artichoke extract 2% Artichoke extract - for the treatment and prevention of various diseases  Artichoke extract - for the treatment and prevention of various diseases
   mesotherapy. The active components of this drug are tsinarin, organic acids, flavonoids, minerals, saponins, inulin, vitamins A, B2, C Artichoke extract mesotherapy well relieves swelling of the tissues, activates the process of fat digestion and elimination from the body by reducing venous stasis and improve lymph flow.


Instructions for use artichoke

The instructions to the drugs on the basis of an artichoke reflected indications and contraindications for its use. Indications for use of artichoke - a variety of digestive disorders (heaviness in the stomach, bloating, nausea, belching), biliary dyskinesia and gall bladder of hypokinetic type (reduction of motor activity of smooth muscles of these organs), inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), liver ( hepatitis), cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy (disturbance of brain function due to intoxication in severe liver damage), drug, food, alcohol and other intoxication, severe kidney disease with a reduction in their functions.

The use of artichoke in atherosclerosis as a long-term courses with a few interruptions is the prevention of coronary heart disease.

It is also used for weight loss artichoke particularly effective drugs based on it for obesity, because they activate fat breakdown.

Artichoke Contraindications: cholelithiasis, jaundice (blockage develops in the bile ducts), acute liver disease, kidney, bile and urinary tract infections, chronic liver failure, children under 6 years of age, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Artichoke - a unique plant that is both useful and tasty foods and medicinal raw materials.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • artichoke

Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties - milk with ginger

March 1, 2009

  • Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
  • Application
  • Slimming
  • Beneficial features
  • Prescriptions
  • How useful
  • In medicine
  • How to Use
  • Tea with Ginger
  • Milk with ginger
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 milk with ginger

Milk with ginger

Ginger combined with almost all kinds of products. Because in cooking and medicine did not disregard its combination with milk. It turned out that milk with ginger - easily digestible and quickly acting on the human condition drink. Especially fast it works for colds throat and bronchial tubes, due to shielding effect of milk. In the preparation of this drink should be taken into account that if the add ginger root powder is not boiling milk, it can curl.

 Milk with ginger | Ginger and most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties

Acceptance of milk with ginger for colds and HIA

From milk with ginger increases immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 , Improves the function of the whole body, increasing the mobility of the fault so that blood. It is understood that such a drink is taken at the beginning of the day, that is before the beginning of the active phase of the day. Wet cough and cold pass quickly if with dried ginger to take hot milk. Prepare this drink is as follows: in the boiling to simmer for a glass of milk is added a teaspoon of ginger powder, a few minutes removed and allowed to settle. To improve the taste and medicinal qualities, you can add a little bit of cinnamon and cardamom and honey. Drinking this drink at night, after a hot bath. It is very well warmed. If prophylactically drink it in raw season, the timing is not.

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   It helps a "mixture of Bengal." Preparing it this way: in a glass of milk boiling for 2 minutes boiled red pepper, turmeric Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron  Turmeric: the benefits and harms of the Indian saffron
   and ginger (each component 2 grams). This is done three times a day, and are consumed each time the oil and honey.

 Milk with ginger | Ginger and most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties

Ginger milk in cooking

In the preparation of sweet dishes are often used together ginger and milk. It is necessary to note that in such cases ginger taken fresh. Dried ginger is much more pungent, but here is more appreciated flavor.

Delicious and aromatic ginger ice cream: 10 grams of fresh ginger in the form of slices infused for 20 minutes in a glass of boiled milk. With 60 grams of powdered sugar 5 egg yolks whipped. This mixture is poured into the boiling milk, all cooked until thick. After that get a lot of strain, ostuzhivaetsya, poured into cups and freeze. If desired, decorated with candied ginger. This recipe is based on 6 people.

Few people know, but if you have to eat a lot of junk food, should be boiled in milk slice ginger, and this milk drink. No problems with the assimilation of food is not. Interesting fact: even transporting milk body easily absorbs it with ginger.
