Celandine skin: reliable means

April 29, 2014

 celandine skin
 Not all aware of how useful celandine skin. With this plant it is possible to cure a lot of skin diseases, even those who do not respond to treatment with medication. Recipes use of celandine is very simple but effective.


Universal medicine

Celandine - the plant, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Consequently, it is only drug of natural origin. However, the medicine should be used with caution, and after consulting a specialist. Juice of celandine are toxic and in contact with damaged skin or incorrect use may cause inflammation. Therefore, the implementation of the collection of the plant or in the preparation of his concoctions and tinctures should in any case use protective gloves.

Broth celandine ingested and infusions often used externally. Many drugs in its composition containing celandine, first of all it concerns ointments and tonics for the skin. Tincture of Celandine has a terrific cleansing effect, so the plant is often used in cosmetics. But the application is not limited to a decoction of celandine and liqueurs, and with him taking a bath, it is beneficial not only skin, but also the whole organism.


Celandine skin diseases: diseases of different medicine one

Many skin diseases for a long time do not give medical treatment. Then the aid of natural remedies that have many useful for skin and body as a whole property. Medications often have side effects that are harmful to health. There are side effects and celandine, so this plant should be used with caution.

Celandine is widely used for skin diseases such as acne, pimples, various types of burns, chirii, boils, herpes and fungal diseases. Also, the successful application of celandine with dermatitis, eczema and warts. Even with getting rid of dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
   It applies celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
 . In addition, the plant is used for the emergency regeneration of tissues with festering sores and wounds.


Treatment of skin diseases celandine

Celandine treatment of skin diseases should be carried out only after it is established, what kind of skin disease in need of treatment. Consultation specialist dermatologist who will supply an adequate diagnosis and explain the rules of celandine.

Treatment of celandine dermatitis is treated broth plant affected areas. Sometimes the broth is added to honey. You can also use the juice of celandine, pre-diluted with boiled water. The broth is necessary to moisten the gauze and apply to the skin for a few minutes in acute dermatitis can make compresses with a decoction of celandine.

Papillomas and warts removed by a poisonous juice of celandine. That juice cauterize the affected area of ​​the skin, after which the dead skin particles cleans the epidermis.

To get rid of eczema, it is necessary to use an infusion of celandine. The most commonly used baths with infusion of plants. To speed up the process of regeneration is recommended together with the tub to take a decoction of celandine and inside.

When fungal skin lesions, the ointment is used on the basis of celandine, marjoram, chamomile and calendula tincture. Rubbed ointment three times a day to the affected skin. Five days later, the fungus disappears.

Herpes can be cured by the use of celandine juice. It is best to begin treatment at the first symptoms, it will avoid the appearance of herpetic vesicles. Affected areas necessary to smear all day. A noticeable improvement comes on the second day of use.

Boils are quite difficult to treat, but with the application of celandine The use of celandine - a wide range of actions  The use of celandine - a wide range of actions
   this disease can be cured. From the leaves of the plants is made gruel that is superimposed on the boil Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
   and sealed with plaster. After three applications of the disease recedes. It is also possible to use medicines containing basically celandine or juice.

Burns of different origin also often treated with the juice of celandine. In the affected area of ​​skin the juice of celandine is applied in several layers. We must not forget that the greater celandine, it is also a local anesthetic, so it will not only treat, but also eliminates the pain. It is also possible to apply the juice of celandine and frostbite.

When acne and pimples applied decoction of celandine, which smeared face. Effective also mask celandine. Celandine need to pound, add boiled water to form a slurry. This mask should be applied once a day. When it is possible to use an intense eruption of acne, but after the second time of acne and pimples will be much less.


Skin burns celandine

Improper use of alcohol tinctures of celandine or juice possible thermal burn skin. In some cases, the consequences of inadequate use of celandine can be irreversible - forever remain on the skin red spots. Therefore, use of celandine and preparations based on it should be very careful, since small doses.

If you have a burn need to abandon the use of celandine and impose a wound-healing ointment. But better, of course, do not bring to burn and seek medical advice in advance for detailed instructions on the use of celandine.


Not only self-

Thus, celandine skin is an effective medicine that should be used carefully. This plant is capable of exerting a regenerating, toning and antiseptic effect on the skin. After application of celandine, the skin forms a protective plenochka you want to leave a little time for the antiseptic action.

Celandine perfectly cleans the skin, hence its name. Ointments and creams that contain a part of celandine, have a positive effect on the skin, helps get rid of the rashes, pigmentation, warts. Tonics containing celandine extract perfectly cleanses and tones the skin. In cosmetology celandine it is used not only as a cleanser and as an antiseptic for removing unwanted scars, age spots, and even freckles. Thus, the majority of funds for skin whitening contain in their composition celandine. Some successful beauty clinics release anti-wrinkle lotions based on the juice of celandine.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • celandine

Poisonous plants - whether they can be treated

September 5, 2010

 noxious plants
 In nature, many poisonous plants, but also Paracelsus once said that only the dose makes the poison or drug. Therefore, many poisonous plants has long been successfully used to treat various diseases. So poisonous foxglove used in the treatment of heart disease.

 Poisonous plants - whether they can be treated

What kind of trouble can be expected when dealing with poisonous plants

Nature can always meet with poisonous plants - this is not uncommon. Beautiful red wolf berries are particularly attracted to children, tender stem spring lily of the valley can chew and the adult (many love to take a piece of grass in his mouth). Frequent mushroom poisoning. Therefore, adults should make it a rule, and teach it to your children: never take by mouth unfamiliar plant, however attractive it may seem. In order to help a person in cases of poisoning in some plants, it is necessary to know the main toxic substances that grow in the area, their mechanism of action and the rules of first aid.

There are many poisonous plants used in medicine. As an example, consider digitalis and belladonna.

 Poisonous plants - whether they can be treated

"Vitamins" to the heart of the foxglove

Digitalis - a biennial herbaceous plant native to Western Europe. In our country it is cultivated as a medicinal plant. In the wild form is found in the middle of Russia, the North Caucasus, the Urals, in the Krasnodar region. It grows on forest edges, small groves and forests. All parts of this plant are very poisonous.

From drug to use dried leaves of Digitalis, which contain cardiac glycosides, the most important of which - digitoxin and gitoksin. These glycosides are well absorbed and are not destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. Their action begins 2-4 hours after oral administration, reaching a peak in 8-12 hours and stops completely only after 2-3 weeks. After absorption cardiac glycosides into the blood enters the tissues, including cardiac muscle. This digitalis glycosides have a pronounced ability to accumulate in the body.

The action of cardiac glycosides appears to change all the main functions of the heart. Under the influence of therapeutic doses of glycosides heart muscle begins to contract more strongly and often. As a result, the heart as a pump to pump a greater volume of blood. The main therapeutic effect of cardiac glycosides seen in heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
 When the heart is unable to cope with its core function of pumping blood. Strong and more rare cuts of the myocardium (heart muscle), which appear under the influence of cardiac glycosides, quickly restore circulatory disorders. However, an overdose of this medication is very dangerous, so if a patient is prescribed cardiac glycosides, a primary dose of trying to pick up in the hospital when the patient is under constant surveillance.

If overdose of digitalis or foxglove accidental poisoning occurs severe bradycardia Bradycardia - when the heart stops  Bradycardia - when the heart stops
   (very rare heart rate), irregular heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Very high doses can cause cardiac arrest.

If you suspect an overdose or poisoning Digitalis preparations need to wash out the stomach, do a cleansing enema, give the interior a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
   and call an ambulance. If the ambulance is not a long time, an hour after taking the activated charcoal can be given 2 tablets asparkama or panangina that contain potassium - it will improve the patient's condition.

 Poisonous plants - whether they can be treated

The poisonous belladonna - first aid for pain in the stomach

Belladonna, or deadly nightshade - a perennial herb of the poisonous nightshade family. Flowers in June-August, flowers large, drooping in the form of bells, and sometimes involve children. But the more they are attracted to the berries, reminiscent of cherries, which appear in September (for poisoning quite a few berries). It grows in the South of Russia - the North Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory.

As a medicinal raw material used the leaves of belladonna, which contain alkaloids atropine group. Atropine causes a decrease in the secretion of salivary, gastric, bronchial and sweat glands, pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 , Increased heart rate, lowering the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs. The latter quality allows belladonna preparations for the treatment of pain in the gastrointestinal tract caused by spasm of smooth muscle. These drugs help relieve pain in gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, with cramps in the area of ​​the gallbladder and bile ducts, intestines, urinary tract, and so on.

Even a small herb drug overdose can cause dry mouth, dilated pupils, palpitations, mental agitation, convulsions, hallucinations. First aid for poisoning belladonna - gastric lavage, enema, receiving several tablets of activated charcoal and call an ambulance.

Almost all poisonous plants have one or other medicinal properties, but you can only apply them strictly on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • healing herbs
