Analysis for mononucleosis - assistance in diagnosing

June 13, 2014

 Analysis for mononucleosis
 The physician may suggest that the patient mononucleosis, based on symptoms such as increase in lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and liver, combined with a sore throat, fever, malaise and so on. Assay mononucleosis assist in more accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Analysis for infectious mononucleosis is not always required. It is usually carried out only in cases where the clinical picture is unclear, and the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis (as happens, for example, in patients with atypical mononucleosis). In addition, in cases of suspected infection necessarily make analysis mononucleosis in children Mononucleosis in children - possible complications  Mononucleosis in children - possible complications
 , Pregnant women, and immunocompromised patients.



If the doctor suspects that the symptoms associated with mononucleosis, may be caused by other diseases, such as pharyngitis, he can do, in addition to other tests, throat swab - this test reveals some streptococcal infection.

Normally, the blood is checked to mononucleosis within two to three weeks after infection with the Epstein-Barr virus - around the time symptoms of an active infection in cases where it generally develops. Blood is usually taken from a vein in some cases -from finger. Normally, this process takes no more than a couple minutes.

The blood is then sent to the laboratory and conducted a number of analyzes.

  • Monospot - test lets you quickly find a particular type of antibody (heterophilic antibodies), which appear in the blood for certain infectious diseases. A blood sample is mixed with certain substances, and if it contains heterophile antibody agglutination - this can be seen through a microscope. The appearance of signs of agglutination is usually a fairly accurate indicator of infectious mononucleosis. However, this test is not used for the diagnosis of a chronic mononucleosis Chronic Mononucleosis - all a matter of immunity?  Chronic Mononucleosis - all a matter of immunity?
   - It usually can detect antibodies only for two or three months after the infection occurred.
  • Analysis for antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus. This blood test when mononucleosis allows us to establish whether the patient has an active infection. In addition, it can be used to determine whether a person is infected with Epstein - Barr virus. Thus, the presence of IgM antibodies in the blood indicates that the patient has an active mononucleosis; IgG antibodies appear when a person starts to recover. Results of analysis on antibodies are generally known in three days.
  • Complete blood count when mononucleosis usually shows elevated levels of lymphocytes, or white blood cells. During the first week of the acute phase of mononucleosis in the blood appear atypical lymphocytes. In the second week, their share is about 20% of the total number of white blood cells, and then in a few weeks, their concentration steadily decreases. A similar picture can be observed in other acute viral infections, toxoplasmosis, and hypersensitivity to certain substances, such as drugs. If the lymphocytes and white blood cells, in general, the patient is normal, it is extremely unlikely that he was ill with infectious mononucleosis.



Blood tests - a routine procedure, perfectly safe for most patients. If at the time of blood sampling you feel dizziness or lightheadedness, contact the nurse and do not get up until you feel better.

In some cases, after the injection on the arm remains more or less large hematoma. This happens most often when the patient has thin veins that are hard to get a needle. Generally, bruises are already a few days later.

In addition, with the injections always a small risk associated infections. In practice, due to the purification of the injection site with alcohol and use of disposable syringes, the risk is minimized. However, if after a while, after you have donated blood in the area will prick swelling, inflammation or pus, contact your doctor.

If you are taking blood thinning medication such as warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
   or aspirin, please inform your doctor.

He also needs to know if you have diseases such as hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 , Leukemia, scarlet fever, or systemic lupus erythematosus - all of these disorders can lead to false-negative test result mononucleosis.

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  • mononucleosis

Lowered body temperature - or the rate of disease?

August 6, 2014

 low body temperature
 Reduced body temperature often accompanied by prostration, malaise, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and other unpleasant symptoms. If the condition has appeared recently, you should seek medical advice. But sometimes a person from birth reduced temperature and in doing so he feels good - it says about the individual characteristics of the organism functioning.


The body temperature of human normal

The normal human body temperature, measured in the armpit, is 36, 6-36, 7˚S, under the tongue - 36, 7-36, +8 ° C, in the rectum - 37˚S. For most people, the temperature during the day is in the range 0, 1-0, 6 ° C. With the highest rates were observed in the afternoon, and the low - at night and early in the morning immediately after waking Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . There are seasonal variations in temperature in summer it is at 0, 1-0, 3 ° C higher than in winter. In women, the body temperature rises to 0, 6-0, +8 ° C in the middle of the menstrual cycle and is a sign of ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary).

Maintaining life of the human body is possible only at a certain range of the body temperature.

The upper limit is the temperature 42-43˚S, bottom - 15-23˚S. Maintaining a constant body temperature in the body takes place by means of processes of heat (heat generated as a result of metabolic processes and muscle contraction), heat (by widening or narrowing of blood vessels, causing a surge or outflow of blood from the external coverings and impact or heat retention as well as through sweating ), and behavioral thermoregulation (search of more favorable temperature conditions).


Reasons for low body temperature

The reason for lowering body temperature (hypothermia) may be a violation of the processes of heat, heat transfer, behavioral regulation or individual characteristics of the organism. Why lowered body temperature of a person can be identified only after the survey.

Violation of the processes of heat may be due to disturbances or slowing of metabolic processes in the body.

Metabolism slows down after an infection (including fever), against the backdrop of long flowing chronic infections, intoxications, any long-occurring diseases on the background of endocrine diseases (eg, decreased thyroid function - hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus) in old age. Reduced body temperature in the cold is common in the elderly and is a sign of some common disorders of the body. By lowering body temperature can result in starvation and prolonged use of extreme diets.

Violation of the process of heat transfer is possible with hypothermia or for various violations of the vegetative (autonomic nervous system or ANS innervate the blood vessels and internal organs). A common cause of lowering the temperature of a vascular dystonia - a condition where the smooth muscles of blood vessel walls is not responding to external influences, including the ambient temperature (vessels dilate and the body loses heat, not only during heat waves, but also at normal temperature) . Starting torque in this case stress often.

The process of heat transfer may be affected in various diseases of the hypothalamus, including those in tumors, as in this part of the brain is the center of thermoregulation.

Reduced body temperature during pregnancy may be the first few weeks. Most often it is a sign of adaptation to the new state.


Reduced body temperature in humans - as it appears

Lower temperature detected by a thermometer: reducing it below 35, 5 ° C is a sign of hypothermia. In addition to digital indicators of low body temperature it is characterized by pale skin, cold extremities, weakness, drowsiness, general malaise, a violation of thinking abilities.

Low body temperature may be individual to individual, in which case it does not suffer from feeling.


Reduced body temperature in a child

In children older preschool and school age reasons lowering the temperature are the same as in adults. A newborn baby's body temperature in the armpit in the first 4 days of life reduced due to cold stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 And then it rises to the level of 37-37, 2 ° C. In infant Baby man, though with a little finger  Baby man, though with a little finger
   temperature is 36 7-37˚S.

For premature infants characteristic changes in temperature and difference in temperature between the upper and lower parts of the limbs. It is a sign of violation of thermoregulation. These children during acute infections can be as sharp temperature rise and its fall. Reduced body temperature in infants may be one of the signs of perinatal brain lesions.

Reduced body temperature of a teenager is often a sign of endocrine disruption against a background of age-related changes. This may be as a sign of adaptation to the new conditions, as well as a sign of a disease, such as thyroid.


How to raise a lower body temperature

If low body temperature is not accidental transient symptoms should see a doctor and get tested to identify the cause of hypothermia, after which the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. In the case where hypothermia is a specific feature of the body, to treat it is not necessary.

Galina Romanenko

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  • temperature
