- Diseases of the Breast: from mastitis to cancer
- Inflammatory diseases, tumors
Inflammatory diseases of the breast
Since the mammary gland play an important role in childbirth, the changes occurring therein during the life affect sex hormone secreted by the ovaries. All diseases of the breast in one way or another connected with hormonal women, especially swinging tumors, both benign and malignant. Breast disease can be divided into inflammatory caused by hitting the breast tissue infections (purulent, fungal, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.), mastopathy, cysts and tumors, which in turn are divided into benign and malignant.
Inflammation of the breast called mastitis. There are acute and chronic mastitis. The disease usually affects one breast, at least - two.
Acute mastitis usually occurs in the postpartum period due to the stagnation of milk in the breast. If there are scratches on the nipple, through them into the mammary gland infection can penetrate and start purulent inflammation. Mastitis occurs in two phases - inflammation (reversible phase) and abscess formation (festering - an irreversible phase).
The disease begins with pain and fever. Increases and becomes painful nearby lymph nodes in the armpit. After 3-5 days in the breast appears pus.
If acute mastitis is not treated or treated properly, it can become chronic with exacerbations and remissions (states outside exacerbations).
Treatment of acute mastitis depends on the phase of the disease. In the first phase may conservatively (without surgery) treatment. Mammary gland attached to the exalted position to express milk, antibiotics are appointed. When abscess treatment should be continued in the hospital, as the only rational method of treatment is surgery.
Disease of the breast
Breast - a growth of breast tissue in violation of hormonal women. The leading role belongs to violations of the regulatory activity of the central nervous system. Violated and activity centers of the brain responsible for endocrine function (hypothalamus and pituitary) and the activity of the ovaries that produce hormones. Mastitis may be due to intoxications and infections. Such women are usually observed menstrual irregularities. Often mastopathies found inflammation in the uterine appendages.
The main manifestations of mastitis are pain, induration of breast and nipple discharge. There are widespread (diffuse) and nodal mastopathy. Diffuse form is clearly linked to the menstrual cycle - all of its manifestations are amplified before menstruation. Nodal mastopathy
Breast - the mirror Women's Health
manifests the appearance of single or multiple sites, do not vary with the menstrual cycle.
The diagnosis of mastitis is placed on the basis of characteristic symptoms, the study of blood hormones, ultrasound and X-ray examinations of the breast.
Diffuse breast treated by restoring normal hormonal levels, nodular - quickly.
Cysts of the breast - a cavity filled with liquid, there are often formed from the milk ducts and are single and group. Sometimes cysts cause pain. Usually cyst formation is associated with the development of female sex hormones estrogen and disruption of normal hormonal levels when taking oral contraceptives.
Treatment of cysts often carried out by drainage: the doctor inserts a needle into the cyst cavity and sucks the liquid, and then the walls of her subside. If within one month at the same Mete cyst is formed again, the cyst is removed promptly.
Benign breast tumors
Most benign breast tumors develop from cells of its lobes and ducts (fibroadenoma, papilloma). Less common tumors of connective (fibroids), muscle (fibroids), fat (lipoma) tissue and vascular tumors (angioma).
Intraductal papilloma grows in the milk ducts near the nipple, a sign of her - or the appearance of blood-stained transparent selections
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from one teat. Fibroadenoma occurs in women of childbearing age and consists of connective and glandular tissue. Its dimensions may be from 1 to 20 cm in diameter. Typically, fibroadenomas are few and they may be formed in any portion of the breast. Lipoma - a tumor of adipose tissue, it is painless, easily detectable.
The diagnosis of a benign tumor
A benign tumor - is not always safe
confirmed by ultrasound and X-ray investigations. Treatment operative.
Mammary cancer
Breast cancer - the most common form of cancer in women. Cancer can not spread beyond the milk ducts and lobules, and may extend beyond their borders (metastasize) and affect other organs. Promote cancer: heredity, age (more common in older women), hormonal fluctuations, early (before 12 years) onset of menstruation, late (after age 55) menopause, the first birth in adulthood (after 30 years) age.
The feature of breast cancer is that it is perfectly curable at early stages, but with great difficulty - in advanced cases. Therefore, great importance is attached to detection of cancer is at the first sign of it. Cancer Treatment operative, is also carried out radiotherapy and chemotherapy
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All women should be aware that the breast should be examined on a regular basis!
Galina Romanenko