- Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
- In the left breast
- In the right breast
- Before menstruation
- After feeding
Why sore breasts after feeding - search for causes
Immediately after birth, the woman is usually the problem starts with breastfeeding. That there is no milk, it suddenly comes a lot and there are pains in the breasts. But it all goes away, and will be in trouble, but will be the joy of communicating with their child and the confidence that he will grow up healthy.
What happens to the breasts after childbirth
During pregnancy the breasts ready to feed the baby. Under the influence of pituitary hormones and female sex hormones in them has increased the number of glandular cells and the length of the milk ducts.
After birth, begins to stand out a large number of pituitary hormone prolactin
Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known
and under the influence of the mammary glands begin to secrete colostrum initially and then milk. But in the female body is interconnected, particularly, the effect of various hormones. So, to postpartum reduced smooth muscle of the uterus and this body has regained its normal size in the back lobe of the pituitary produces the hormone oxytocin, which has also helped in childbirth uterine muscles to contract and expel the fetus.
After birth, oxytocin causes the simultaneous reduction of the muscles of the uterus and breast ducts. Therefore, attachment of the child to the breast can cause breast pain in the abdomen and at the same time.
What to do? This is normal, you just need to be patient and wait until the uterus is reduced. Typically postpartum period lasts six to eight weeks, but chest pain associated with release of oxytocin are characteristic only for the first eight to twelve days.
Chest pain associated with nipples
Problems arise when the nipples of their irregular shape (for example, flat or inverted nipples) and trapping the wrong baby pacifier (he must capture not just mouth the nipple and areola - the areola). And in fact, and in another case there is trauma nipples, they appear abrasions and cracks, which causes severe pain during and after the feeding of the child.
What to do? If the nipples are irregular in shape, then you need the advice of a doctor to buy special covers for the chest that will compensate for the individual characteristics of the nipples. If the child correctly grasps the nipple, it is necessary to learn to do it right - even at this age it is quite possible. To do this, the child's mouth, first served the lower part of the areola and nipple, and then only the top of the areola. If you always insist on such a seizure of the nipple, the baby will soon get used to it.
Abrasions and cracks between feedings can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, ointment and gel solkoseril (they contain an extract of cattle blood and promote tissue repair).
Lactostasis or stagnation of milk usually occurs in the first month after birth, when under the influence of hormones abrupt inflow of milk, and a little baby still can not suck the breast.
In this case, the chest is hard and painful. The skin over her pale, shiny themselves breasts are very tense. Because of edema can occur compression of the ducts of the breast and the difficulty of discharge of milk. There is a paradox: in the chest a lot of milk, and the child can not be his "get." The situation is dangerous by the fact that in edematous breast often develops an infectious process if there gets an infection (for example, through small cracks in the nipples).
What to do? Express milk. Better to do it, for example, under a warm shower. When a sharp spasm pass and milk will begin to stand out, you need to attach to the baby's chest - he will suck more than you can decant. Assign also drugs, relieves spasms of smooth muscle - Nospanum or papaverine
Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
Acute lactostasis can cause pain in the case when you want to interrupt the already-established lactation. Usually lactation ends spontaneously twelve to fourteen months after delivery. But sometimes lactation is increased and in this case it is recommended evanescent pumping of milk every twelve hours. If this does not work and lactostasis increases, the prescribed drugs that inhibit the secretion of prolactin, such as Dostinex. Last designate half tablets (500 mg per tablet) every twelve hours for two days. Mammary glands slimming today is not to stop lactation - is harmful.
Acute mastitis
Acute mastitis (inflammation of the breast) while feeding the baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast often starts on the background lactostasis
Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland
and infection in the breast ducts through cracks and abrasions nipples. Signs of acute mastitis is redness, swelling and pain in the same breast. In severe mastitis suffering overall women: high fever, chills and malaise appears.
In this case, you should immediately consult your doctor, because the tactics of treatment depends on the stage of the disease when inflammation is just beginning it can be treated conservatively by warming procedures and antibacterial drugs, breastfeed while you can. If an abscess has formed, it is by no means impossible to heat and should only be opened.
Chest can be ill for various reasons, so it is best to consult a doctor.
Galina Romanenko