The reasons for sore nipples may be different. Most often, they hurt when breast-feeding, if he might not be pulling the nipple. But there are other reasons for sore nipples - inflammatory or hormonal breast disease.
Sore nipples during breast-feeding
During feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast tenderness often nipples. Sometimes it occurs immediately after childbirth and lasts long. The reason for the pain can be to update the epithelium on the nipple - is a natural process and as long as the surface of the nipple will not become a little rough, they will get sick. Natural pain in the nipples appears with the rapid arrival of milk.
However, the cause of pain in the nipple can be more serious, for example, cracks and abrasions nipples. They occur, usually due to incorrect gripping teat child. The nipple should be captured while feeding the baby with mouth areola - the areola, and sponge the child should be based on the child's chest and not to be drawn in. Correctly applied to the chest should be from the very beginning - this art teach mothers in the maternity hospital.
It promotes the appearance of cracked nipples and breast constant washing with soap and water - the skin dries, it becomes dry and cracked. This should not be enough to wash the breasts with water just before each feeding. It should also lubricate the cracks and abrasions nipples alcohol solutions. Nipples can be injured by the wrong bra (too tight bra, tight seams on the cups and so on), too hard towel etc. Injury nipples can cause itching and scratching of the skin in this area, which may be the result of individual intolerance of some kind of fabric ( bra, night shirts, and so on) or washing powder.
Sometimes the correct breastfeeding prevents nipple shape, for example, is too flat or retracted. In this case, the special lining nipple. But it could be a hypersensitivity nipple - a characteristic of women.
Often at the end of pregnancy or breastfeeding develops mastitis - inflammation of breast cancer
Inflammation of breast cancer: what is more dangerous - acute or chronic?
It preceded by stagnation of milk in the mammary glands - lactostasis. And lactostasis, mastitis and sore nipples may occur due to compression of blood vessels and nerves. When lactostasis breast cancer (often alone) increases in size, becomes painful, it brings relief from the active pumping milk. With the development of mastitis fever suffers general condition of the woman and pumping milk does not bring relief. Mastitis may require help from a doctor.
Sore nipples is breastfeeding
Many women notice that the breasts and nipples start to hurt on certain days of the menstrual cycle
The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
- Is associated with increased blood levels of female sex hormones. Under the influence of estrogen (in the first half of the menstrual cycle) breast ductal increase in length and have the form of tubes. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle under the influence of progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
the ends of the ducts of the mammary glands (acini) develop and become branched, volume of the entire breast with increased morbidity and may occur, both in hardware and in the nipples. The same changes, but much more pronounced may occur under the influence of female hormones during pregnancy.
Can cause soreness of nipples and hormonal changes, such as mastitis - the development of small and larger cysts in the breast. Most sore nipples occur in diffuse mastopathy, when changes occur in the entire breast, it swells, and that leads to pain.
Finally, with a decrease in the body's defenses (immune system) or by supercooling from prolonged non-breastfeeding women of any age can develop this disease as okoloprotokovy mastitis. By reducing the immunity infectious agents can easily penetrate into the tissue of the breast ducts and through enhanced small (invisible to women) injured nipples. The main symptoms are pain okoloprotokovogo mastitis in peripapillary area and nipple, redness of inflammation and fever. If time does not see a doctor, then okoloprotokovy mastitis can lead to the formation of an abscess.
Call sore nipples may injury themselves breast or nipple. When injury breast cancer is often formed a hematoma (bleeding), swelling of the breast tissue, squeezing the breast ducts, which causes pain in the nipples.
In any case, the appearance of pain in the nipples should see a doctor.
Galina Romanenko