Preventing breast cancer - an integrated approach

June 13, 2013

 Prevention of Breast Cancer
 Preventing breast cancer - a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   and addressing the factors that can stimulate the growth of tumors. It was found that if you stick to these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer or its recurrence.

 Preventing breast cancer - an integrated approach

This should be the prevention of breast cancer

Preventing breast cancer is necessary for all women, but especially in need of it women who are at risk for breast cancer. It is women who have family history (mother, grandmother, sister of ill breast cancer) or were suffering from some disease of the breast (mastopaniey, fibroadenoma, cysts, and so on).

In the same risk can be attributed to women treated for breast cancer are possible, as the recurrence of cancer, and the emergence of a new tumor.

For all these women, respect for the rules of prevention is vital.

 Preventing breast cancer - an integrated approach

The first rule of prevention - a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition

At the heart of any tumor formation are metabolic disorders and impaired immunity. These processes contribute to cell mutations, their uncontrolled division of tumor formation and unimpeded.

If a person is a wrong way of life - a little move, a little there in the fresh air, while having a significant neuro-psychological stress and stress - is necessarily a negative impact on the metabolism and immunity. If at the same time also "seizing" stress something tasty (roast meat, smoked meats, sweets), the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   even more hurt. As a result, excess fat will be deposited, which allocates each cell estrogens. A estrogens stimulate the tumor growth.

Sweets should not be used also because they stimulate the production of insulin, and it also stimulates the growth of breast cancer. You should not eat a lot of meat - the product contains a lot of carcinogens, especially after cooking - the smoking and cooking. It is doubly harmful fatty meat - is also a source of cholesterol, from which the body synthesizes estrogen.

But there are products that inhibit the growth of tumors. This soy, all fruits and vegetables (especially red grapes), garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Vegetable oils, green tea.

If you follow the recommendations on diet combined with moderate (by age and state of health), physical activity, and it is an excellent prevention of breast cancer. Be sure to consider how to reduce weight (if increased).

 Preventing breast cancer - an integrated approach

The second rule is prevention - getting rid of unnecessary loads and stresses

All processes in our body, "manages" the central nervous system, she is also responsible for female hormones. Higher nervous and mental load and stress have a powerful effect on all maladaptive neurohumoral system of women. A violation of hormonal background, of course, have a negative impact on the growth of the tumor.

Therefore, a woman should so organize their lives, in order to minimize these impacts. Particular attention should be paid to the night's sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . When it is violated reduced the adaptive capacity of the body, and this leads to an increase in breast cancer.

 Preventing breast cancer - an integrated approach

The third rule of prevention - to get rid of bad habits

Smoking and frequent use of alcohol (even in small doses) promotes tumor growth. The stimulatory effect of alcohol on tumor growth was attributed to the fact that it stimulates the production of female sex hormones. Thus, the level of estrogen in the blood increases when alcohol consumption by 20-30%. In addition, alcohol inhibits the intestinal absorption of folic acid (a B vitamin group) which requires the mammary cells to protect against tumors.

 Preventing breast cancer - an integrated approach

The fourth rule of prevention - put in order the state of health

Any long-occurring diseases adversely affect the health of women and, therefore, the state of its metabolism and immunity.

Especially great impact have various gynecological diseases, for example, an infectious-inflammatory processes, hormonal disorders (such as endometriosis), and so on. All of these diseases are being treated should be timely. We can not allow as abortion - it is a real blow to the body's hormones.

 Preventing breast cancer - an integrated approach

The fifth rule - promptly treat breast disease

All breast diseases require constant medical supervision and, possibly, treatment. The problem is that these diseases may eventually transform into breast cancer. Not always, even with the most careful observance of preventive measures possible to stop this process. The main objective in this case is the timely detection of breast cancer in the early stages. This will help the regular medical supervision, methods of self-examination and mammography skrinningovaya.

Prevention of breast cancer significantly reduces the risk of tumor growth and development.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of breast cancer

Surgery to remove the breast cancer - the main method of treatment of the disease

June 11, 2013

 surgery to remove the breast cancer
 Surgery to remove the breast cancer is still considered the main treatment of this disease. Other methods (radiotherapy and medical treatment) are of secondary importance. Today, we developed a technique for the surgical treatment of different stages of breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   (Breast cancer). But the most effective surgical treatment in the early stages of the disease.

 Surgery to remove the breast cancer - the main method of treatment of the disease

When surgical treatment of breast cancer

All surgeries at gake breast can be divided into radical and palliative. Radical surgery - these are operations whose purpose is the complete removal of the tumor, they are held in tumors that have not spread so much that you can remove them without compromising the health and life of the patient. If the tumor has spread significantly, and it is impossible to remove it completely, sometimes, in order to alleviate the condition of women, held partial (palliative) operation.

Selecting the type of surgery depends on the stage of disease, tumor growth, ie about how she got into the surrounding tissue, the woman's age, the state of its hormonal and immune related diseases, general condition, and so on. Typically, surgery is supported by an auxiliary (adjuvant), whose mission - to destroy cancer cells or suppress their reproduction. As an adjuvant treatment is usually applied radiation and drug therapy.

 Surgery to remove the breast cancer - the main method of treatment of the disease

Radical mastectomy

This is surgery to remove the breast, along with nearby lymph nodes. Sometimes it also deletes the pectoral muscles, which attach to the breast - this is necessary if the tumor has spread to the chest muscles. Together with the lymph nodes (axillary, subclavian, subscapularis, and others) is removed and the surrounding tissue.

After this operation occurs often lymph stagnation in this area, which leads to swelling of the upper limbs and limit its mobility. But all this is gradually recovering with the help of special exercises.

If the chest muscles are not affected by tumor, they do not remove this type of operation is easier tolerated - less disturbed lymph flow, are easier to follow reconstructive surgery to restore normal appearance of the breasts.

 Surgery to remove the breast cancer - the main method of treatment of the disease

Mastectomy without removal of lymph nodes

This palliative surgery, it is performed mainly in order to facilitate the patient's condition and stop the spread of the tumor. It makes older women with advanced breast tumor and severe concomitant diseases that can not withstand the radical mastectomy. Typically, this operation is combined with subsequent radiation or chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?

 Surgery to remove the breast cancer - the main method of treatment of the disease

Radical sectoral resection of the breast

This is a relatively new kind of operation that can be performed only in the initial stages of the disease. Radical sectoral resection involves removal of the tumor along with adjacent tissue to her, some of the pectoral muscles and fascia, the nearby lymph nodes and surrounding tissue.

If the tumor is located in the outer regions of the breast, the operation is carried out from a single cut. When the location of the tumor in the internal departments make two cuts - on the breast and underarm area.

The advantage of this operation is that it is one hundred and sparing. However, the main disadvantage of it - the increased risk of cancer recurrence, as in the rest of the breast cancer cells may remain.

Indications for radical sectoral resection of the breast are small (up to 3 cm in diameter) size of the tumor, its slowest growth in non-aggressive, no metastases Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   in nearby lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
 . Ratio is also important and the magnitude of the breast tumors that can achieve normal cosmetic benefit without additional plastic surgery. Last but not least (but not critical) importance and the desire to preserve the woman's breast.

After this type of operation must be conducted radiation therapy to the breast and lymph nodes to destroy the remaining cancer cells not removed.

 Surgery to remove the breast cancer - the main method of treatment of the disease

Reconstructive breast surgery

After the complete removal of breast cancer after adjuvant radiation therapy and recovery period are carried out plastic surgery, allowing to fully restore the appearance of the breast.

Surgery to remove the breast today is not a tragedy. It allows a woman or completely get rid of breast cancer, or to significantly improve the quality of life.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of breast cancer
