Amenorrhea in teenagers - it is important to timely treatment

July 8th, 2013

 amenorrhea teens
 Amenorrhea in adolescents may develop for different reasons. It can manifest lack of menses from the beginning (primary amenorrhea) or termination shortly after the beginning of the (secondary amenorrhea). For all of these states have their own reasons, which should be identified as early as possible, since the most effective treatment for amenorrhea Treatment of amenorrhea - should begin as soon as possible  Treatment of amenorrhea - should begin as soon as possible
   Treatment is begun in adolescence.

 Amenorrhea in teenagers - it is important to timely treatment

Causes of amenorrhea in teenagers

Often the cause of primary amenorrhea are genetic or congenital disorders. When genetic disorders changes in the chromosomes can lead to violations of the neurohormonal system at any level. When congenital disorders changes in the reproductive system of the fetus during its intrauterine development occurs under the influence of external factors (of infections, intoxication, alcohol intake, and various medications, and so on). The cause of primary amenorrhea, the girl can also be transferred in early childhood diseases that have had a toxic effect on the ovaries and cause of their underdevelopment.

The cause of secondary amenorrhea in girls are often stress, malnutrition (including strict diets), severe neuro-psychological stress, traumatic brain injury, brain disease and its consequences.

Under the influence of any of these reasons is developing a violation in the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary - uterus. Failure at any level of the system can lead to amenorrhea. At the same time, the sooner will be identified and possibly eliminated or partially treat the cause of the disease, the better the chances for a full recovery of reproductive health, girls and its ability in the future to become a mother.

 Amenorrhea in teenagers - it is important to timely treatment

How is primary amenorrhea in teenagers

Normally, girls 11-13 years appear first period - menarche. Regular menstrual cycle is often installed immediately, but within 6-12 months. If menstruation does not occur after the age of 16, is considered a primary amenorrhea, if menstruation began, but then there was a break of more than half a year, we speak of secondary amenorrhea.

Primary amenorrhea in addition to the absence of menstruation for violations on the part of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, or hypoplasia of the ovaries (they can not in sufficient quantities to produce hormones needed to cyclical changes in the uterus and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics) is also seen slowing down or complete lack of development of secondary sexual characteristics in girls . By 15-16 years in these adolescents undeveloped breasts, body shape have a child form, there is no proper body hair and so on.

In primary amenorrhea, which arose due to the underdevelopment of the uterus, menstruation may be absent not because of hormonal imbalance, but because the way of removing blood from the uterus there is an obstacle - the lack of openings in the hymen, adhesions in the uterus, bending of the uterus, imperforate cervical canal uterus or the vagina, and so on. In this case, the girls develop normally, but not in time menstruation begins. Instead, the girl can be confusing for cyclic (monthly) abdominal pain.

 Amenorrhea in teenagers - it is important to timely treatment

How is secondary amenorrhea in teenagers

Secondary amenorrhea in teenagers is also manifested in different ways, depending on the reasons therefor. When psychogenic amenorrhea Psychogenic amenorrhea - the result of long-term neuropsychiatric overload  Psychogenic amenorrhea - the result of long-term neuropsychiatric overload
 Arising due to stress or severe emotional distress, the girl suddenly disappear menstruation. Often this is accompanied by a neuro-psychiatric disorders - irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Changeable moods, depression, anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Unfounded fears and so on.

Today, very often secondary amenorrhea in teenagers developing against malnutrition. The reason for this phenomenon is the fashion for extreme thinness and dieting. This leads to metabolic disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary system and triggers anorexia nervosa, which is not so easy to stop. Changes in the reproductive system thus difficult to correct.

If secondary amenorrhea due to some diseases of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, the absence of menstruation is accompanied by a number of symptoms characteristic of destruction of a portion of neurohormonal system. For example, in diseases, injuries, and tumors of the hypothalamus may develop Cushing's syndrome. This syndrome produces an increased amount of glucocorticoid hormones and male sexual hormones that contribute to change the girl's body on the male type and occurrence of obesity with the deposition of fat in the face, neck and upper body.

The main task of the girl's parents is a timely appeal to the children's gynecologist. Problems encountered in adolescence, it is best to solve as soon as possible - the reproductive system at this age more amenable to correction.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • amenorrhea

Amenorrhea - the effects of hormonal disorders

July 4, 2013

 the effects of amenorrhea
 Long flowing amenorrhea, even if it initially wore functional character (the effects of stress, heavy loads, etc.) can lead to irreversible changes in the ovaries of women, and persistent infertility. Therefore, it is important to quickly identify amenorrhea. the consequences can be eliminated through the early establishment of the causes of the disease.

 Amenorrhea - the effects of hormonal disorders

Amenorrhea: different reasons - different and consequences

Causes of amenorrhea or absence of menstruation for a long (up to six months) of age or their initial lack of women older than 16 years may be very different. All the many causes of amenorrhea Causes of amenorrhea - different circumstances  Causes of amenorrhea - different circumstances
   It can be divided into two large groups - functional and organic. Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle is certainly easier to correct than the organic and less likely to have any effects.

  • Consequences of functional disturbances

When functional disorders of the menstrual cycle with the development of amenorrhea menstruation ceases exposed to avoidable causes. This occurs, for example when work neurohormonal system is disrupted due to severe neuro-psychiatric or physical exertion, stress common serious diseases, intoxications, injuries and so on. Usually, as soon as is cause of the amenorrhea, and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

But in some cases there is prolonged exposure to such factors. Prolonged inhibition of neurohormonal systems may lead to irreversible changes in the ovaries. This means that the long-existing functional disorders led to the development of organic (a violation of the structure of the body) changes in the reproductive system of women. Such disorders can lead to permanent infertility. That is why it is important to promptly identify and treat all disorders of the menstrual cycle.

  • The consequences of organic disorders

Organic menstrual disorders may be congenital or acquired in nature. Some of them are eliminated completely, others partially, but there are some that can not be repaired. Depend on it and the effects of amenorrhea. If amenorrhea persists without the development of significant changes in the reproductive organs, the genital function is restored. Pregnancy, childbearing and delivery will largely depend on the woman, that is, how well it fulfills all the recommendations and prescription.

Sometimes, as a result of this illness, caused, among other things, amenorrhea, changes in the ovaries do not permit a woman to get pregnant the natural way. If the egg matured in the ovaries, but can not get into the fallopian tube for fertilization, the way out can be in vitro fertilization (IVF). ECO enables taken from the ovary to fertilize female egg by sperm in a test tube husband. After the embryo is stronger, it is transferred into the uterus of the woman.

Today there are many ways to overcome the consequences of various diseases associated with amenorrhea The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom  The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
 . The most important thing is patience - and the fulfillment of all doctor's appointments.

 Amenorrhea - the effects of hormonal disorders

Long-term hormonal background - how it affects the state of the whole organism?

Female sex hormones are important not only for the female reproductive system. Its deficiency affects the appearance. Lack of estrogen leads to rapid aging. Skin and mucous membranes are made dry, hair and nails - brittle.

Dry the vaginal mucosa leads to the fact that sex becomes painful, lack of female sex hormones also reduces sexual desire, often leading to family conflicts.

Hormonal disorders also cause changes in the central nervous system in the form of increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 Sometimes even turning into aggression and tearfulness. The mood of women is changing rapidly, from tears to laughter, it goes, and vice versa. But the most adversely disadvantage of female sex hormones estrogen impact on the bone, causing osteoporosis - brittle bones due to calcium deficiency. It is fraught with constant fractures.

Finally, the lack of sex hormones lead to early development of coronary heart disease as well as cholesterol, which normally goes to the formation of female sex hormones is not used and is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Because of metabolic disorders, which are always accompanied by hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 It increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Neurohormonal regulation of the reproductive system affect not only on sexual organs, but also on the entire body of women.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • amenorrhea
