Hemangioma - a benign tumor
A benign tumor - is not always safe
Developing from blood vessels. It is a congenital defect of blood vessels and are usually detected after the child's birth. Stake hemangiomas in adults accounting for over 20% of the benign tumors and more than 40% of all soft tissue tumors.
How is the hemangioma
Hemangioma is formed from the walls of blood vessels that are located atypically (atypical). According to the structure there are several types of hematomas. Thus, capillary hemangioma consists of a plurality of interwoven capillaries cavernous hemangioma - a sufficiently large voids (cavities) of different shapes and sizes, filled with blood.
The incidence of malignancy (transformation into a malignant tumor) hemangiomas are not observed. Significant proliferation of tumor blood vessels to form the cavernous cavities and vascular strands called angiomatosis or haemangiomatosis. It is most often affected an entire limb or a final department. There are also malformations of the lymphatic and blood vessels at the same time, they are called gemolimfangiomoy.
Symptoms hemangioma
Symptoms depend on the location of the hemangioma. There are hemangiomas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes, muscles, tendons, bones and internal organs. The most common form of hemangioma of skin and mucous membranes. Most often affected the skin of the face and neck. In these areas account for more than half of all hemangiomas.
Hemangioma of the skin develops mainly on the face, it is found in the scalp, at least - on the trunk and extremities. Usually detected at birth or in early childhood, increases the growth of the organism. The tumor may reach a considerable size and capture a large part of the face, resulting in a cosmetic and functional defects.
It is found several varieties of hemangiomas. Capillary hemangioma of the skin (spotted, simple, flat) is a blur of purple, pink or bluish color, paling when pressed.
Cavernous hemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue - a limited education, whose color varies from cherry to purple, covered with intact skin. Dimensions can be a hemangioma of a pinhead to a man's fist, and more. Education soft texture with a smooth or bumpy surface, the pressure-sensitive cavernous hemangioma quickly fades and almost disappears and then rapidly restores its appearance. Sometimes cavernous hemangioma develops from capillary hemangioma. Cavernous hemangiomas may spontaneously disappear. There are also multiple cavernous hemangioma, scattered in the skin and internal organs.
Hemangioma creeping - symmetrical dermal atrophy (decrease in its entirety). It occurs mainly in girls.
Hemangioma of the skin with a strong growth of the connective tissue characterized by a dense texture and called angiofibroma.
Arterial hemangioma is rare in the skin itself does not develop, is located in the subcutaneous fat. Characterized by soft pulsing entities interconnected branched vasodilation. The skin over these entities do not change or thinned and has a bluish-purple color. In rare cases, the tumor grows into the underlying tissues - muscles or bones.
Hemangiomas subcutaneous tissue and muscles diffuse (widespread) forms infiltrate surrounding tissues, it is more common in the lower extremities. When pressed on her hemangioma collapses, it becomes flat, and changes its color - it almost merges with healthy skin. But then, after pressing ends gemagioma again filled with blood and restores its appearance, including the color. If a hemangioma is reported with a major blood vessel, it pulsates.
Hemangiomas of the mucous membranes are often observed on the lips, hemangiomas of bone in the spine, skull bones, pelvis and limbs, internal organs - the liver.
Hemangiomas may be in a fixed position, and may progress to grow. Most hemangiomas are asymptomatic, and appears only in the case of accession of complications associated with compression of adjacent organs or the appearance of thrombosis.
Diagnosis of hemangiomas
The diagnosis of hemangioma of the skin and mucous membranes is made by medical examination. Gemangiony muscles, bones and internal organs, if not for a complicated, often is a random finding, in particular, X-ray examination.
Hemangiomas - benign tumors that may be asymptomatic, but can produce complications, and then they have to be removed.
Treatment of hemangiomas
Treatment hemangioma depends on its type, location and extent of proliferation. For example, liver gamangiomy in no hurry to remove if they are small and do not show themselves. A hemangioma of skin prone to growth will attempt to remove as soon as possible, until they are grown.
Treatment of hemangiomas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
This is the most frequent localization of hemangiomas, which is primarily a cosmetic defect, since these hemangiomas are located mainly on the face, in the parotid region and the neck area. In identifying hemangioma immediately after birth or in the first months of her life it is usually observed as a small part of the small and medium-sized hemangiomas in term infants prone to self-healing.
The rest of the hemangiomas, especially those that are growing rapidly removed as soon as possible. Even prematurity is not a contraindication for their removal. Remove hemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue can be different ways: surgery, using sclerosis, cryoablation, radiotherapy and hormone therapy
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Surgically removed mostly large deep hemangiomas. Moreover, if the hemangioma is very large, before the surgical treatment of her or irradiated, or hormonal treatment is carried glucocorticoid hormones. As a result of the impact of the hemangioma grows pale, the blood vessels in her partially zapustevayut, so it is easier to break up into separate sections for the gradual surgical removal.
Sometimes, if the hematoma has penetrated deep into the tissue and has a pulsating character, before removing it produce blockage of a blood vessel feeding it. To do this directly after the diagnostic X-ray examination of the blood vessels (angiography) detected in this way supply the tumor blood vessel is inserted through the catheter material which occludes the blood vessel (special sponge metal spiral). After that, the tumor is significantly reduced in size, pale, her partially zapustevayut vessels. Small tumors after such treatment may simply disappear, the greater are removed surgically. For children this treatment is not carried out.
Most medium and small hemangioma removed by the introduction of these sclerosing solutions. This causes inflammation of infectious origin zapustevaniem with further development of the blood vessels and in their place the connective tissue. But it is a long and painful process, which is carried out in several steps at weekly intervals until the complete removal of hemangiomas.
A more gentle method is a method of cryoablation - impact on the hemangioma cold, often with liquid nitrogen. But with the help of a conventional cryoablation can be removed only superficial capillary hemangioma. In order to increase the impact of cold on the tumor tissue, they can warm up first with the help of physical treatments (microwave microwave warming up) - this will increase the penetration of cold and can eliminate more profound, cavernous hemangiomas or mixed small or medium size.
Small and superficial capillary hemangioma point is best to remove the laser - it is not very painful and leaves no residue. Large superficial capillary hemangioma may be removed by radiation and hormone therapy.
Treatment of visceral hemangiomas
In most cases, hemangiomas formed in liver tissue, at least - kidney. Small hemangiomas of internal organs usually does not manifest itself and is a random finding in the treatment of other diseases. If a small hemangioma, compress surrounding tissue and organ function does not break, it makes no sense to remove. For such hemangiomas just watch and if they start to grow, or is suspected of degeneration into a malignant tumor
Malignant tumor: cells are mad
Then operate.
Diagnosis and treatment of hemangiomas of internal organs is the fact that in this case a biopsy - taking a piece of tissue for research to identify malignant transformation. Therefore, the investigation carried out directly during the operation and after the results, decide on whether to remove the tumor, or the entire (part) of the body.
Treatment for hemangiomas of bone
In bone tissue hemangiomas occur most often in the spine, skull, pelvis and limb bones. They also occur without symptoms and are manifested only in the form of complications - compression of the surrounding tissues or fractures.
In the treatment of hemangiomas of bone used a variety of methods, often combined: radiation and hormonal therapy combined with surgical methods. In some cases, there is an effective sclerotherapy
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tumor if sclerosing agent is injected into the vessel feeding the tumor. Used and embolization - the introduction of specific substances clogging the blood vessel feeding the tumor.
Treatment of hemangiomas - a complex process that requires an individual approach to the patient.