Headache - treatment: to find out the reason - Treatments

April 3, 2011

  • Headache - treatment: to find out the cause
  • Treatments

 types of headache treatment

Types of headaches and their treatment

Treatment of chronic headache is only possible after a thorough examination of the patient and the establishment of a correct diagnosis. If treated with home remedies, it is possible to achieve the opposite result: headaches strengthened by the fact that the diseases caused by them, go into a deeper stage.

In its origin headache divided into neurogenic, caused by irritation of sensory nerve endings and nerve, vascular headache associated with spasm or a sharp expansion of blood vessels and muscle headache, muscle tension arises in the head and neck and nerve strain.

Headache treatment of any origin is divided into etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic. Etiological treatment is aimed at addressing the underlying disease that caused the headache, pathogenetic - to eliminate the mechanism that led to its emergence. As a symptomatic treatment used painkillers.


Treatment of neuralgic headache

These headaches are usually caused by constant irritation of the nerve endings in some pathological process (increase or decrease the intracranial pressure, cerebral blood circulation disorders in the veins with an increase in their pressure, tumors). Neuralgic headaches worse during colds, various infectious and allergic diseases.

Treatment of neuralgia must be complex. As the etiologic treatment prescribed drugs affecting some pathological processes in the brain. Pathogenetic treatment - are drugs that inhibit the spread of nerve impulses from the lesions (antiepileptics). Symptomatic therapy - is analgesic drugs (analgin, pentalgin).


Headache treatment of vascular origin

Vascular headache may be different. In the walls of blood vessels are many sensory nerve endings, which can react as to raise and to lower blood pressure.

If the headache causes high blood pressure, the patient fully examine and identify the causes of such an increase (eg, kidney disease, endocrine disease). If any of a disease to treat it (etiological treatment). If any other disease except for a persistent increase in blood pressure have been identified, the patient is diagnosed with hypertension. In this case assigned to the basic pathogenetic (acting on the mechanisms of formation of high blood pressure) Therapy: soothing agents, reducing pressure medications of different groups, as well as drugs that enhance brain artery.

If low blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   usually assigned tonic medicines: tincture of ginseng, lemongrass, drugs that have caffeine in their composition (eg tsitramon).

In all vascular disorders prescribe nootropics which improve the supply of oxygen to the brain. These drugs include, for example, piracetam, which can take long courses.


Headache treatment of muscular origin

Headache muscle origin is most often associated with neurosis and psychological strain. Etiological treatment of a headache will be to normalize the regime of the day, sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Assignment anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics) with different feedback components: with a predominance of inhibition or excitation of the central nervous system, depending on the sign of the leading neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock

Pathogenetic treatment due to the fact that the stimulation of nerve endings occurs spasm of blood vessels - are appointed antispasmodic, relaxing the walls of blood vessels and relieves muscle spasm at the same time. Symptomatic treatment is given is the same as with other types of headache.


Some non-drug methods for relieving headaches

In the treatment of headaches of various origin play a significant role non-drug methods, such as psychotherapy, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 , Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy.

Reflexology - Eastern technique of influence on specific points on the body. As a result of such exposure (needles, massage, cauterization special cigarettes) restores the internal organs and systems. Reflexology causes a decrease in speed of pain impulses and increases the tone of analgesic system of the brain.

From physical therapy methods relieving headaches is the most effective percutaneous electrical stimulation, which impedes the promotion of pain impulses along nerve trunks and tones analgesic system of the brain.

During the course of psychotherapy, the patient is taught to regulate the work of his body, including muscle tension, tone of blood vessels.

At a constant headache, you must first understand its causes, and then to treat.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • headache

Baralgin: painkiller - Baralgin and alcohol

April 24, 2011

  • Baralgin: anesthetic
  • Mechanism of action
  • Side effects
  • Baralgin and alcohol

 baralgin and alcohol

Baralgin and alcohol

Drinking alcohol simultaneously with any drug disrupt the healing process. Simultaneous reception baralgina and alcohol can be deadly, because these two substances are mutually reinforcing (potentiate) the effect of each other. The danger may be the effect of such a combination, and the internal organs.


Baralgin plus alcohol - the effect on blood vessels

The composition includes an anesthetic baralgina analginum and two antispasmodic -pitofenon hydrochloride and fenpiveriny bromide. The simultaneous effect of all three drugs causes a sharp expansion of blood vessels and drop in blood pressure (BP). Therefore baralgin not appointed at a low or "galloping" blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   - Could happen collapse.

The effect of alcohol on blood vessels in two steps. In the first stage, the rapid expansion of the blood vessels (red face), and after a while - a persistent narrowing. At simultaneous reception baralgina and alcohol significantly increases the risk of a sharp expansion of blood vessels, the fall in blood pressure and collapse.


Collapse - the main symptoms and first aid

The collapse begins with the appearance of vertigo Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 Tinnitus Tinnitus - no disease and disorder  Tinnitus - no disease and disorder
 , Thirst. This gives rise to depression, lethargy and apathy. The skin turns pale, mucous membrane of the lips, the tip of the nose, fingers become cyanotic hue. The skin becomes marble, covered with a cold clammy, a person acquires an earthy color, language becomes dry. The body temperature is reduced, the patient gets cold, shallow breathing, rapid, at least - slow. Pulse becomes frequent, shallow, blood pressure drops sharply: the upper (systolic) can be 70-60 mm lower and lower reduced. Sometimes, especially in the elderly, a sharp drop in blood pressure when it is consistently high rates leads to the establishment of normal blood pressure, for which, however, there are signs of collapse.

With the deepening collapse of the pulse becomes thready, breathing quickens, blood pressure is not defined. The consciousness of the patient is gradually obscured, it appears a pronounced hand tremor, muscle cramps face and hands, and with an increase in cardiac failure patients die from the deficiency of the brain provide nutrients and oxygen.

First aid in the collapse. It is necessary to call an ambulance and while she was going to give the patient a fixed horizontal position and warm it up - make warmer or hot water bottles to the hands and feet, to hide the patient. To stimulate breathing have to bring it to his nose cotton wool with ammonia. If the condition improved a little, then you should immediately wash out the stomach to clean water and to give the patient drink a few tablets of activated charcoal Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
 . If the patient's condition continues to worsen, it is necessary to carry out artificial respiration and chest compressions. This produces some pressure on the sternum, sometimes the frequency of compressions can be up to 100 per minute.


Baralgin plus alcohol - the effects on kidneys

Baralgin can have a toxic effect on the kidneys. And as the simultaneous reception baralgina and alcohol lead to a dramatic expansion of the blood vessels in the kidney receives a large number of toxic substances that can cause acute renal failure (ARF) - a serious condition in which toxic metabolic products are not removed from the body and poison it. Especially great threat to the development of acute renal failure, while alcohol and baralgina in the case and so their function is reduced.

To help such a patient can only be immediate removal of toxic substances from the body, which can be done only in a hospital. Sometimes it helps to just hemosorbtion - cleansing the blood of toxic substances by means of special equipment.


Baralgin plus alcohol - the effect on the liver

Baralgin have little toxic effect on the liver, however, it is. Alcohol also is a specific poison for the liver cells, it kills them. Therefore, concomitant use of these two substances can lead to unpredictable consequences, especially if the patient previously had liver problems. This combination may lead to toxic liver necrosis - necrosis of its cells. This is a very serious condition, which derive from the patient is not always possible. After recovery, the liver cells can not be restored in their place developing connective tissue, leading to permanent reduction of liver function.

Alcohol is not combined with any medicine, at least, it interferes with the treatment. The use of alcohol in conjunction with the baralgin fatal primarily the development of instant collapse and death of the patient.

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  • baralgin
