Aescusan - a herbal preparation (phytopreparation), which is now more widely used in the treatment of various circulatory disorders. Basically, it is prescribed for venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
But contributing to the improvement of capillary circulation, Aescusan can improve and the supply of organs and tissues of the arterial blood.
Indications for use Aescusan varicose veins
When varicose veins of the lumen increases unevenly, in the walls of the veins are formed protrusions, knots, veins become tortuous, change its course. Blood flow in these veins is broken, the blood stagnates in the varicose veins, a tendency to thrombosis. And this in turn can lead to inflammation of the walls of the thrombosed veins - thrombophlebitis.
This happens often because of the weakness of smooth muscles of the venous wall and valve apparatus. Such features can be inherited, and can be acquired, for example, at high physical activity, excess weight, after previous infections and intoxications. Most varicose veins occurs during pregnancy. Normally, the valves in the veins of the blood is passed over, but does not allow flow downwards by gravity. If the valves are insolvent, the blood rushes downward pressure on the walls of the veins, causing them to expand and lose their elasticity.
Manifested the disease heaviness in the legs, fatigue when walking, cramps in the calf muscles, swelling in the legs. In advanced stages of suffering blood circulation and nutrition of the surrounding tissues, which leads to venous ulcers. The disease can also be complicated by thrombophlebitis and bleeding in violation of the integrity of the walls of the veins.
Aescusan in this case will help to alleviate the patient's condition. It tones the walls of veins, which are beginning to more actively promote venous blood up toward the heart. Reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and reduces swelling.
In addition, it has a positive effect on blood flow in the capillaries (the smallest blood vessels), which improves blood circulation of the lower limbs in general, including improved arterial blood supply to the tissues, thereby reducing the trophic disorders. Aescusan also prevents the formation of blood clots in the capillaries.
Aescusan able to improve the condition of patients with varicose veins at any stage of the disease, if it is not used on their own, but as part of comprehensive treatment.
Indications for use Aescusan hemorrhoids
When hemorrhoids venous insufficiency develops in the colon, resulting in the formation external and internal hemorrhoids. Most hemorrhoids are asymptomatic or with minimal symptoms, but if the hemorrhoid is infringed, there are tissue swelling, severe pain, the threat of tissue necrosis and hemorrhage. Hemorrhoids can develop with frequent heavy lifting during pregnancy, impaired venous blood flow as a result of the tumor and so on.
Aescusan improves the condition of patients suffering from hemorrhoids, as removes edema - the root cause of pain. In addition, improved capillary circulation in the rectal area to some extent reduces the threat of tissue necrosis and bleeding, as well as the risk of thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
Indications for use Aescusan other diseases and conditions
Aescusan also used the appearance of swelling after injuries and operations. In this case, the improvement of venous and capillary blood circulation and strengthen blood vessel walls contribute to the removal of edema, rapid healing and reduce bleeding trauma.
Increasingly Aescusan part of the comprehensive treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland in men). This disease is caused by a number of reasons, but almost always accompanied by impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area and prostate cancer.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
It must also be complex, comprising drugs that act on the causes of various diseases. Appointment Aescusan
Aescusan - help with venous insufficiency
in this case it is justified by the fact that he is able to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and reduce swelling of the prostate, which will improve the patient's condition. Under the influence of Aescusan reduced pain in the lower abdomen, urinary disorders. Partially restored sexual function.
Aescusan - a drug which is widely used in the treatment of various circulatory disorders. At the same time the indications for its use over time expanded.
Galina Romanenko