Side effects of plastic lips: how dangerous

January 7, 2012

 Side Effects Lip
 Lip - it is not only the notorious lip augmentation by injection of polymers, but also a whole range of plastic surgery intended, in particular, and for the correction of the lips. Thus, for example, not less popular than lip augmentation, reduction operation uses the lips or correcting their shape. Lip in today's society is very popular (not least thanks to numerous celebrities, almost en masse to seek the services of plastic surgeons). However, despite the development of beauty industry, plastic lip could still be a risky procedure and associated with a number of side effects.

 Side effects of plastic lips: how dangerous

What is a plastic lip

In most cases, the plastic lip is designed to increase the volume and adjust the shape of the lips .  The so-called contouring the lips is actually a gel injection spetsilno siloxane-based or hyaluronic acid: a gel with a needle inserted under the skin in the corners of his mouth, and then evenly distributed beneath the skin .  The first type of drugs now used infrequently - this is due primarily to the fact that preparations based on artificial siloxane organism perceives as foreign, which in turn can cause a number of undesirable side effects .  And here at the injection preparations based on hyaluronic acid such negative consequences is not as hyaluronic acid - a natural ingredient present in the human body .  For this reason, hyaluronic acid is applied in the production of various cosmetic products .  However, the preparations and injections of hyaluronic acid has a number of side effects .

  • Firstly, the effect of this is not as durable plastics (in most cases achieved the volume and shape of the lips are stored for only a few months)
  • Second, just like any other so-called "fillers" such gels can cause redness at the injection site, temporary numbness, slight swelling.

Furthermore, in the case of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, there is a risk of absorption acid in a few weeks, resulting in initial volume and shape of the lips back. In this case, we recommend repeating the process Plastic lip. The most common side effect of plastic lips - is the emergence of a small swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 . Typically, after the rehabilitation period ranging from two to four days, any effects plastics lips, whether swelling, redness or bruises fade independently. Finally, the important factor - professionalism, performing the procedure: negligence in carrying out plastic lips, use neprodezinfitsirovannyh tools can lead to infection.

 Side effects of plastic lips: how dangerous

Side effects of plastic lips: myths and facts

One of the most common misconceptions associated with the plastic lip, is that such procedures bespoleznenny. In fact, the occurrence of pain depends on the type of treatment: for example, increasing the volume and shape correction of the lips by injection biogels indeed accompanied by minor pain, but often at the expense of the local anesthetic is absolutely painless. If the correction of the lips must be immediate surgery is like any other surgery, this procedure can be quite painful - and in some cases the pain persist over a period of rehabilitation. In any case, the discomfort after plastic lips are minimal and can be easily removed special reception analgesic medications.

It is believed that the plastic lip - the procedure is quite risky in the first place because the so-called "fillers", which is an injection used to increase the volume and changing the shape of the lips, can cause an allergic reaction. In fact, the risk of allergies can not be considered a common side effect - and, moreover, because most modern drugs for plastic lip is made on the basis of natural substances, hyaluronic acid, the risk of allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   minimal. However, in some cases, before the procedure is carried out a compatibility test Truthfully Do compatibility tests  Truthfully Do compatibility tests
   preparation intended for injection.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • plastic lip

Transplanting hair on his head - effective, but very expensive

December 30, 2010

  • Transplanting hair on his head - effective, but very expensive
  • Equipment Operation

 head of hair transplant
 Transplanting hair on the head - the most popular to date method of hair transplantation, the so-called autotranplantatsiya hair, which involves transplanting active hair follicles from the donor areas of the skin (ie, those parts of the skin, where there is a large concentration of hair follicles and hair growth is not damaged).

 Transplanting hair on his head - effective, but very expensive

Methods for transplantation of hair on the head

Hair transplant procedure on the head can be in two different ways. The first method of hair transplantation involves transplanting hair follicles, together with individual strips of skin (called grafts) are experiencing a large number of active hair follicles. This procedure takes place in several stages: first from donor areas of the scalp is cut small strips of leather (grafts), then the donor skin grafts implanted between to keep the hair or bald areas on the scalp. The results of the procedure can be seen in a few months after the hair transplantation: a new place hair begins to grow in about twelve to sixteen weeks after transplantation of skin strips.

The second method of hair transplant on the head - the so-called seamless transplantation, much more complicated procedure that requires maximum precision. Seamless transplantation involves transplantation of individual punctiform hair follicles, rather than whole strips of skin. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area without the skin incision, using special tools and procedures ensure the accuracy of special optical instruments. In a hair transplant procedure on his head, despite its complexity, there is one significant advantage in the new location hair growth of transplanted hair follicles starts much faster and the results of hair transplants can be assessed not in three or four months, and almost immediately.

 Transplanting hair on his head - effective, but very expensive

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Autotransplantation has the hair, as compared with other methods of combating hair loss Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem  Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem
 , A number of significant advantages. First of all, with hair transplantation of donor skin areas with no risk of tissue rejection associated with very unpleasant consequences, so no side effects were observed. After a hair transplant on the patient's head is able to become the owner of a thick head of hair, which can perform any manipulation - transplanted hair is easy enough to carry perm, coloring and other hairdressing procedures. In addition, another significant plus autologous transplantation - is the ability to transplant hair on bald areas of the scalp to other parts of the body.

In transplant hair on his head and has several significant drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages of procedure - is the need to wait a long time before they begin to grow hair: hair growth process itself is quite long, and in the case of transfer of individual strips of the skin also begins immediately, but only after a few weeks. Although risks from such a procedure is less than the artificial hair transplantation, autologous transplantation after all still may remain scars or post-operative scarring, which update will be very difficult because of the subtlety of the natural skin color. In addition, a significant drawback of autologous transplantation of hair is such an unpleasant side effect, as a complete loss of hair Hair loss - the distress signal  Hair loss - the distress signal
 : Within a few weeks after the operation, all the hair from the transplanted hair follicles will fall out and new hair growth will begin only after two to four months. Finally, any type of hair transplant is accompanied by a well-known risk of death of the hair follicles, so to achieve the former head of hair density is difficult.

 Transplanting hair on his head - effective, but very expensive

When transplanting hair on his head is really needed

In some cases, any method of hair transplant on the head, whether or autologous transplantation of artificial hair are considered unreasonable and will not provide the desired result. First of all, do not look for the effectiveness of procedures for hair transplantation in different types of alopecia (baldness) and alopecia and androgenic, or complete, alopecia - these are disorders that can not be disinfected, and because hair transplant would be only a temporary measure; even then transplanted hair also be subject to loss. However, in some cases, a hair transplant on his head is really needed - for example, such a procedure is justified when a head injury or burns of the scalp, caused irreversible damage to the hair follicles.
