Nuclear diet - sharp change of diet

December 18th, 2014

 Nuclear diet
 Nuclear diet - a diet that recommends daily alternate protein and carbohydrate foods. Such a diet will certainly be to stimulate the metabolism, which will result in getting rid of the extra kilos. But health is clearly such a diet will not add.


The main principle of the atomic diet

Nuclear diet involves daily abrupt change of diet. On the first day in the food consumed only protein foods, so the day is called protein. For protein foods include meat, fish, seafood, dairy products and beans. All products must be low-fat.

The second day of carbohydrate. Allowed to eat vegetables (except potatoes), fruit (except bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   and sweet grapes), drink fresh juices.

The amount of food and the frequency of its reception in the diet does not specify. But the prerequisite is the last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and the use of large amounts of liquid (about 2 liters per day). The duration of the diet recommended to define themselves - to get the desired effect. Then gradually introduced into the diet of porridge, and then other products.

Such a sharp change of diet promotes training metabolism, so the diet is quite effective. But it causes overstrain of the gastrointestinal tract, so it can be used no more than once or twice a year. The rest of the time - the usual healthy eating Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   with limited animal fats, sweet and rich foods. This is especially important: as the weight loss was not physiological, so after the transition to normal diet can be returned to their former weight.


All will approach the atomic diet?

No, this diet is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. These people irritation of the gastrointestinal tract will occur due to the fact that when a large amount of the protein digesting food, toxic substances adversely affecting the wall of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nuclear diet also contraindicated in renal disease, involving violation of their functions. The protein load in these patients cause severe intoxication.

Patients with diabetes should be treated with caution in increased carbohydrate load. And if the vegetables contain mainly complex carbohydrates, which are permitted for such patients, many fruits contain simple, easily digestible carbohydrates. Therefore, the atomic diet diabetics can be made only after consulting your doctor.


Nuclear diet: the menu for the week

Monday - protein day:

  • Breakfast - a few slices of low-fat cheese or durum boiled meat (beef or chicken white meat), boiled egg, tea or coffee with milk;
  • Lunch - Baked sea lean fish (cod, mullet), tea with milk
  • dinner - cheese, dairy products.

Tuesday - carbohydrate Day:

  • Breakfast - fruit and vegetable smoothies (a dense mix of vegetables, fruit or berries, cooked in a blender), fresh salad, green tea without sugar;
  • Lunch - soup without potatoes in the vegetable broth, baked eggplant, fresh apple juice;
  • dinner - braised broccoli, fruit and berry smoothies.

Wednesday - day of protein:

  • Breakfast - 2 hard-boiled eggs, cheese and coffee with milk but no sugar;
  • Lunch - chicken or lean beef breast without skin in the baked, boiled or steamed form;
  • Dinner - low-fat cheese varieties, fish, tea without sugar.

Thursday - carbohydrate Day:

  • Breakfast - a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, squash casserole, fresh orange juice;
  • Lunch - vegetable soup without potatoes (white cabbage, grated on a fine grater beets, carrots, onions), sautéed broccoli and green peas;
  • Dinner - pumpkin cream soup, and fruit and berry smoothies.

Friday - the day of protein:

  • Breakfast - doctoral piece of sausage or 2 sausages, cheese, coffee with cream;
  • lunch - boiled or roasted meat or fish, a side dish of boiled beans;
  • Dinner - cottage cheese casserole with a glass of kefir.

Saturday - day of carbohydrate:

  • Breakfast - Smoothies from cucumbers and tomatoes, fruit salad of apples, pears and plums with the addition of raisins;
  • Lunch - vegetable ragout of zucchini, carrots, onions, bell peppers and tomatoes, fruit juice;
  • dinner - roasted eggplant, apple and orange juice.

Sunday - the day of protein:

  • Breakfast - boiled egg, doctoral sausage, sprinkled with grated low-fat cheese and heated in an oven, coffee with milk without sugar;
  • lunch - meat souffle white meat chicken, boiled peas, tea without sugar;
  • Dinner - fat cottage cheese Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming  Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming
 , Fermented baked milk.

Between meals you can make small snacks. In the days of protein is dairy products, cheese, low-fat cheese. In the days of carbohydrate for a snack you can use any vegetables and fruits.

Nuclear diet does not fit all, before it is used, consult a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • balanced diet

Diet slimming thighs and legs: a few weeks stroyneem

December 14, 2014

 diet slimming thighs and legs
 Slender legs and elastic hip - the dream of many women. But often achieve the desired effect with the help of dietary restrictions is not possible: the lower part of the body loses weight in the last turn. It was only a special diet for the hips and legs helps to lose weight directly to problem areas in just two weeks.


Purely feminine

Thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen are the most "problematic" areas of the female body. If the fat is usually deposited men especially in the upper body, the majority of women are below the extra weight belt. Fat reserves at the waist, hips and legs - a kind of "safety cushion" provided by nature in the event of famine. Extra weight in times of famine is not just able to save the life of a woman, but also help her to bear and bring up offspring.

But times change, and today's generation of people do not know what hunger is. The availability of food has led to the fact that a major problem in the developed countries was no longer hungry and overeating. But the human body can not easily be reconstructed so quickly get used to the gastronomic abundance. Therefore, as hundreds and thousands of years ago, fat reserves continue to be postponed, "just in case" on the beautiful female hips.

Discovering that your favorite jeans became cramped, girls typically begin to limit themselves in eating and dieting. But it was to fight the fat deposits in the hips, such measures are often meaningless. Restrictions on food leads primarily to losing face. Then decreases breast (which is rarely happy girls), and then turn comes to the stomach, and only then starts to walk away "stubborn" fat on the thighs and buttocks.

Is it possible to speed up the process, or rather, to modify it to fat in the lower body were melting faster than at the top? Nutritionists say that this is possible, especially if the hips increased not only due to the excess fat, but also due to swelling and cellulite. A number of special measures to help get rid of excess water and, accordingly, amounts of excess, including in problem areas.


Basic principles of diet

Since diet slimming legs and hips not only mean getting rid of fat, but also from the excess fluid How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
 , An essential part of the diet should be the products that contain potassium. These products, which stimulates cleansing of the body and get rid of edema include virtually all fruits and vegetables. Most potassium potatoes, bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 , Citrus fruits, broccoli, parsley Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
 , Celery.

At the same time should be limited to the sodium in the diet - that is, all foods containing large amounts of salt. Modern man eats too much salt: an increased amount of sodium contained in any products of long storage in smoked, salted, various delicacies, canned food, fast food. Suffice it to abandon such items to notice the positive effects. And if, in addition to limit the amount of salt in the diet, the effect is even more pronounced.

No need to fear that the abandonment of salt will have adverse health effects. Today, salt is included in the formulation of almost all finished products from the sauces to the pastries. Salt is added, even cookies and muffins, so the shortage of sodium is unlikely to threaten those who strongly postpone the salt shaker away. It is advisable not to salt the food during cooking, but only dosalivat dishes directly on the table. In the early days, such restrictions will probably be transported with difficulty, but then the taste buds become accustomed to innovation, and will be able to assess the natural taste of foods.

Restrict have also simple carbohydrates. This is all kinds of sweets and products made with white flour and white rice. Brown rice and other cereals crude is possible and necessary. Approved and whole grain bread.

Proteins are not limited to, as long as the products are low-fat protein. So tasty pork kebabs should be replaced at no less delicious, but much more useful boiled chicken breast. And as a side dish fit fresh, boiled, stewed or baked (the main thing - not fried) vegetables that can be eaten without restriction.

The main advantage of this diet is that it is suitable to virtually all: unless suffering from severe chronic diseases is necessary to change the diet to consult a doctor. The rest of the restriction (but not the exclusion from the diet completely), salty, sweet and fatty probably will only benefit.


Fasting days to slim thighs

It is advisable once a week to arrange fasting days on foods rich in potassium. For example, during the day to eat only potatoes baked in their jackets - without salt or any additives. One kilo of potatoes will be enough. And if in addition also drink plenty of green tea and clean water, the result of such a wholesome fasting day will be pleasantly surprised.

Green tea - even a godsend for slimming. On the one hand, this drink stimulates fat burning. On the other - gives energy and reduces the feeling of hunger. And the third - allows you to get rid of edema, as a diuretic. Green tea can be drunk in the ordinary days, and you can arrange with him unload. For example, drinking so-called "molokochay" - green tea made not water, but skim milk. On the day you need to drink a liter of the drink. Taste it, of course, specific, but the volume of melt easy on the eyes.

Fasting days are no substitute for diet, but they will increase its effectiveness. If within two weeks to give up salt, sweets and products made with white flour, have as little fat and lean on fruit and vegetables, the effect will certainly be. And if this is still and once a week to arrange unloading, and a day to massage your thighs to improve circulation, you have 15 days after the start of a diet lower body will be much slimmer.

Article Tags:
  • Weight loss

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