Professional teeth whitening: in pursuit of the "Hollywood" smile - Methods
March 15, 2013
- Professional teeth whitening: in pursuit of the "Hollywood" smile
- Methods
- Possible Difficulties
If you want a "Hollywood" smile, you have to turn to the dentist. Boom "Hollywood" smiles in full swing and it makes dentists to seek new methods of teeth whitening, so as not to disappoint their patients.
What is a professional tooth whitening
Professional teeth whitening is different from a home that is carried out in the dentist's office using special equipment and solutions with a high concentration of whitening ingredients.
The quality of bleaching depends on the professionalism of the dentist, the individual characteristics of the patient's teeth and the patient's compliance with all the rules of dental care. The method and means for whitening teeth are selected in each case individually, taking into account all the indications and contraindications. The dentist knows that not all the teeth to bleach, it may recommend, instead of bleaching artistic restoration of teeth
Restoration of teeth: the teeth - the card of a person
with crowns and veneers -plastinok that are glued to the teeth.
Bleaching dentist before being treated carious teeth, checks a seal, if necessary remove them and setting new, cleans, grinds, polishes and fluorinates enamel surface. Before and during the teeth whitening is not recommended to use coloring foods.
Contraindication for tooth whitening
Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
(except for photobleaching) are all diseases of the teeth and oral cavity: dental caries, cracked enamel, the exposed roots of a tooth, periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth), stomatitis, and others. Contraindications are pregnancy and breast-feeding
Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
Are allergic to components of the bleaching systems.
Office teeth whitening can be done in several ways.
- The first method - chemical teeth whitening. In professional systems commonly used hydrogen peroxide in a sufficiently high concentration, almost immediately see the result, the effect lasts long. But in the mouth of a patient should not be fillings and prostheses. The chemical bleaching is often a tooth sensitivity
Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain
- The second method - using air abrasion system. With this method, there is a mechanical cleaning of the teeth with a mixture of cleaning powder with water and compressed air. Deleted soft and hard plaque on the enamel surface stains from food, tooth lightens 1-2 tones.
- A third method - using ultrasound. There is also clarification by cleaning and polishing the teeth using a special ultrasound machine.
- The fourth method - laser teeth whitening, which allows you to whiten more deeply dot acting on the tooth. The laser activates the chemical composition of argon, which is applied to the enamel and causes a rapid and sustained its whitening - just a few shades of the session.
- The fifth method - photobleaching teeth. The teeth are covered with a special compound, which is under the influence of light from a halogen lamp, oxygen, sharply and long (several years) clarifying the tooth enamel. Tooth sensitivity is not broken, so the method can be used in enamel defects and the presence of old fillings. An example of a tooth can be photobleaching technique Zoom using acid-free bleaching gel. Bleaching is carried out for one hour and whitening gel, which includes calcium phosphate not only whiten teeth but also treats damaged enamel.
- Sixth process - mixed whitening teeth, which is used in very dark teeth, for example in smokers. Here, home bleaching is combined with the office. It's a long way, it requires several visits to the dentist in the last month.
Teeth Whitening - miracles are possible, but whether it is desirable? - Change the color
March 15, 2013
- Teeth Whitening - miracles are possible, but whether it is desirable?
- How is the procedure
- Discoloration
Causes discoloration
The color of the teeth of a person depends on the genetic characteristics, lifestyle, and some diseases. Teeth are neither pure white, brown or black, and all the more by nature. And then, and another is the result of external factors. Full-scale human tooth color is yellowish or grayish white. Interestingly, yellowish tooth enamel stronger snow-white, so with teeth whitening
Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
should not rush.
Change the color of the teeth should be taken as a signal that it's time to go to the doctor - may not only to the dentist.
Milk teeth usually have a white color, perhaps with a slight bluish tinge; permanent teeth - yellowish-white or grayish-white. The color of the teeth can vary for different reasons. Teeth can become pink because of the bleeding pulp - it happens, for example, in patients with cholera. Tangy yellow teeth can be a sign of jaundice.
Many foods and medications can also affect the color of teeth. Some berries, e.g., blueberries
Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
and cherries can change the color of teeth bluish - however, this is a temporary change.
Some antibiotics
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
Especially if the person taking them as a child can lead to permanent discoloration of the teeth. In addition, the color of the child's teeth may change if his mother took tetracycline
Tetracycline - a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic
in late pregnancy.
Smoking, frequent consumption of coffee and red wine are also greatly affect the color of teeth. When smoking filtered cigarettes stains on the teeth appear not so fast, but those who are not going to give up the habit, this can not be avoided.
There are various ways to improve the color of the teeth; the most effective of them - professional bleaching. However, too often to whiten your teeth is not recommended, as this may weaken the tooth enamel. If discoloration of the teeth caused by a disease, it is necessary first of all to cure it.
The natural age-related changes also affect the color of teeth. Most people with age teeth become yellow, as the enamel wears and she begins to shine through the dentin.