Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly

August 2nd, 2009

  • Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly
  • Types of hip fractures

 Hip fracture
   Hip fracture can happen at any age, but most often it happens in older people over the age of 65 years. During the aging process lose bone minerals, and becomes less dense. The gradual decrease in bone density increases the risk of hip fracture.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly


In most cases, the symptoms of a hip fracture are:

  • Immobility immediately after injury
  • Severe pain in the hips or groin
  • Failure to transfer the body weight on the leg from the thigh injury
  • Numbness, swelling and hematoma formation in the thigh
  • The leg from the thigh becomes a little shorter

Risk factors


The risk of hip fracture increases with age, as the aging of human bones become less solid, vision deteriorates, and the reaction rate decreases. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, his muscles with age and weaken. The combination of these factors increases the likelihood of a hip fracture. Almost 9 out of 10 patients with fracture 65 years.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly


Approximately 80% of patients with hip fracture - women. The fact that bone density decreases faster in women than in men. The drop in estrogen levels Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   during menopause leads to bones rather quickly become brittle. As a result, a crack in the bone and fracture can occur after damage, which would have ended before menopause for women are virtually unnoticed.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly

Chronic diseases

Most often an increased risk of hip fracture associated with osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
 . However, there are other conditions of bone which can become more brittle. For example, endocrine disorders, such as excessive activity of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 And also disorders of the intestine may reduce the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, which is why bone also become more brittle.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly


Some drugs are usually used to treat chronic disorders such as high blood pressure, asthma, long-term use can lead to a decrease in bone density.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly

Unhealthy diet

Due to the lack of calcium and vitamin D in the diet of peak bone mass in humans (which achieved an average age of 30) may be lower than normal, increasing the risk of hip fracture in the elderly. Eating disorders such as anorexia Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body  Anorexia nervosa - symptoms and effects on the body
   and bulimia nervosa can cause serious damage to the skeleton at any age. In severe cases, these changes may be irreversible.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly

Sedentary lifestyle

Regular exercise strengthens bones and muscles as well as reduce the likelihood of serious injury in the fall. When enough active lifestyle bones can become brittle before the onset of old age.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly

Abuse of alcohol and tobacco

Smoking and alcohol can disrupt normal processes of growth and bone remodeling.

 Fracture of the femoral neck - the scourge of the elderly


Hip fracture - it is a serious injury, but possible treatment-related complications are very dangerous fracture .  If a patient diseases that make unsafe surgery, the doctor may choose as a treatment for traction, or stretching .  The most significant risk associated with the traction - wear and weakening of muscles and increased the likelihood of permanent loss of mobility .  Furthermore, due to prolonged immobilization necessary for applying this method of treatment can develop superficial thrombophlebitis and deep vein thrombosis .  After the surgery also may develop the disease associated with the formation of blood clots .  In some cases, blood clots move to the lungs artery, causing a potentially life-threatening condition, as pulmonary embolism .  Other complications that may arise from the treatment of a hip fracture: pressure sores, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, muscle atrophy .

In addition, a hip fracture is associated with an increased risk of recurrent fractures.

Endoprosthesis - if you need a "new" agency

January 1, 2013

  • Endoprosthesis - if you need a "new" agency
  • Operation on the joints

 When any body ceases to fulfill its function, in some cases it can be replaced by a prosthesis. If this artificial construct located inside the human body, it is called endoprosthesis. Most often performed joint replacement heart valves, breast and joints.

 Endoprosthesis - if you need a "new" agency

Endoprosthesis mammary glands

During this operation, a special prosthesis is placed directly under the mammary gland or under the pectoralis major muscle. With this increase and chest lifted.

The implant consists of a shell and the filler. The casing is made of silicone plastic and is used as a filler saline or silicone gel. The latter is a sticky substance that looks like a jelly.

Implants that are filled with saline solution, can only be circular in shape. Because of this, the breast becomes unnatural shape. But if the shell of the prosthesis for any reason a hole, its contents, which is completely harmless, drained and distributed in the surrounding tissues. After that the woman will have to re-do surgery to replace the implant.

If a small hole is formed in the shell of the silicone prosthesis, its gelatinous content will remain in place. At the touch of such implants are very similar to breast tissue, and their consistency allows you to give different forms of endoprostheses. For example, teardrop-shaped implants to help the breast look more natural.

Endoprosthesis mammary glands is performed when:

  • Small breasts from birth;
  • Reducing the volume of the breast due to weight loss or after birth;
  • Breast deformation after removal of a benign tumor or surgical treatment of mastitis.

For this operation, there are a number of contraindications. Endoprosthesis not perform for tumors of the breast, severe diseases of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, uncompensated diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease

This surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The most common cut is made at the crease under the breast, sometimes - on the edge of the areola (the pigmented parts of the skin around the nipple), or in the armpit. In these places, scarring after surgery will be the least noticeable.

 Endoprosthesis - if you need a "new" agency

Joint Replacement heart valves

If the patient has congenital or acquired heart valve irreversible changes to the violation of their functions performed arthroplasty. Artificial valves are mechanical and biological.

If the patient is fitted with a mechanical valve, the person shall, within the rest of their lives taking anticoagulants (drugs that prevent blood clots) and monthly give blood to determine the state of the coagulation system. This is in order to prevent the development of thromboembolism.

Biological prostheses manufactured from porcine aortic heart valve or bovine pericardium pre-treated with this material with special chemicals. Such implants have small weight and size, and the risk of thrombosis and embolism Thromboembolism: severe complications  Thromboembolism: severe complications
   amid their operation is minimal. But the valves of biological materials have one major drawback: after some time they are deposited calcium salts, and there are gaps.

Biological heart valve prostheses are used:

  • the elderly;
  • in patients at high risk of thromboembolism (a condition in which the blood clots);
  • with contraindications to anticoagulation permanent reception (bleeding tendency of different origin).

As with any other operations for hip replacement heart valves are contraindications. These include:

  • Severe lung damage, liver and kidney failure, which occurred against the backdrop of severe congestive heart failure or have evolved as a distinct disease;
  • The presence in the body of the patient source of infection (caries, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis).

Before replacing the heart valve prosthesis to the patient must pass examination of all organs and body systems, it is prepared for surgery. The operation was performed on a stopped heart, at this time, the patient is connected heart-lung machine.

 Endoprosthesis - if you need a "new" agency


When arthroplasty damaged or destroyed joints replaced with artificial ones. Most often, the operation is performed at the hip and knee joints. Slightly less replace the elbow, shoulder, ankle and small joints of the hand. Endoprosthesis helps to restore normal range of motion in the affected limbs.

The operation is performed in those situations where the conservative treatment does not give positive results. Usually arthroplasty performed with degenerative joint diseases, ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis - a lot of patience is required  Ankylosing spondylitis - a lot of patience is required
 , Rheumatoid arthritis, intra-articular fractures, aseptic necrosis of the hip, as well as the formation of false joints False joints - when the mobility of broken bones  False joints - when the mobility of broken bones

Endoprosthesis may be incomplete (single-pole), when the replaced part of the joint, and the total at which the joint is completely replaced by a prosthesis. Depending on how the elements of the artificial joint are attached to the bones, recovered cement and cementless techniques. In the first case, the implants are fixed with a durable polymer, which is fast becoming a firm. With cementless fixation method, the surface of the prosthesis is covered by special porous material, which in the future will sprout bone.

Operations on endoprosthesis replacement of an organ or part of helping to lead a normal life for many patients. If a person complies with all medical advice in preparation for the surgery and after it, the risk of complications is minimal.
