Antibiotics prostatitis - effectively a cure?

January 29, 2014

 antibiotics for prostatitis
 Antibiotics for prostate play a big role, as the bulk of prostatitis is a bacterial origin. But in order to prescribe antibiotics, it is necessary to set the sensitivity of the infectious agent to a particular drug, or treatment may be ineffective.


How to pick the antibiotics used in the prostate

The main objective in the treatment of bacterial prostatitis Bacterial prostatitis - can be acute or chronic  Bacterial prostatitis - can be acute or chronic
   is the suppression of an infectious agent or its complete destruction. Antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task  Treatment of prostatitis - not an easy task
   this task excellent job, but only if they are chosen correctly. The choice of antibiotics for bacterial prostatitis is guided by the physician:

  • general conclusions made on the basis of the scientific laboratories of the antibiotic susceptibility of the bacterial microflora, usually caused by infectious-inflammatory processes of urogenital organs; Many experts now trust these conclusions more than laboratory findings at medical institutions;
  • laboratory findings hospital surveyed juice prostate and urine of the patient to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to certain antibiotics.

The general trend today is that in acute inflammatory process in the prostate when the suffering patient's general condition, initially prescribe antibiotics, guided by the general recommendations, but before the appointment is taken from the patient's prostate juice and urine for testing. After receiving the results of analyzes in case of need corrected antibiotic treatment of prostatitis.

If the patient's condition allows you to be patient a few days (as in chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
   exactly what happens), its first fully examined, and then the results of a survey administered treatments, including antibiotics.


What antibiotics treat prostatitis

Today, for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis apply antibiotics of different groups. It is believed that the most effective, which are sensitive to the majority of agents of urogenital infections, antibiotics are tetracycline (doxycycline - the most effective and relatively safe from them), and fluoroquinolones. Fluoroquinolones are now the drugs of choice in the treatment of prostatitis, as they quickly penetrate the prostate and suppress the vital activity of virtually all pathogens of urogenital infections. Fluoroquinolone include ofloxacin (tarivid), levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin.

However, the sensitivity of certain infectious agents can be different, they often exhibit sensitivity to antibiotics and other groups:

  • to macrolide antibiotics - azithromycin (Sumamed), josamycin (vilprafen), clarithromycin (klatsid), roxithromycin (rulid); macrolides as well as fluoroquinolones actively accumulate in the prostate, but have thus far fewer side effects; lack of drugs in this group is a smaller range of action;
  • antibiotic cephalosporin group - ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, and other sulperazonu; cephalosporins have a very broad spectrum of activity, however, for the treatment of prostatitis are not always appropriate;
  • antibiotic penicillin group - mostly to amoxicillin and combined preparation amoxiclav (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, which protects it from destruction by enzymes of some bacteria).

Antibiotic prostatitis chosen physician, he also picks up the dose and duration of treatment sets. Antibiotics prostatitis, if he has a bacterial origin are needed, however, after a course of antibiotic treatment the patient may interfere with the function of digestion lowers immunity (in the walls of the intestine is the main mass of immune tissues, producing immune cells). Therefore, after a course of antibiotic treatment is required restorative treatment. For this purpose usually administered probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics - it's drugs, which include a colony of beneficial bacteria needed by the body for proper digestion of food and the synthesis of certain vitamins. By probiotics are bifidumbakterin Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora  Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
 , Laktobakterin, some strains of E. coli, and so on. Prebiotics - are substances that are feeding on the new colonies of bacteria, they do not allow them to die. Prebiotics are, for example, laktofiltrum lactulose.

What is the most effective antibiotic for prostatitis? It is obvious that the most effective antibiotic is the one which showed the greatest susceptibility infection caused by prostatitis in this patient.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of prostatitis

Varicocele - when it hurts the scrotum

August 23, 2009

  • Varicocele - when it hurts the scrotum
  • Steps

 Varicocele - a disease characterized by veins in the scrotum. It is a common cause of a decrease in sperm production and reduce the quality of sperm, which can lead to infertility The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle  The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle
 . However, varicocele is not always a negative impact on sperm production. It can also lead to a reduction in the size of the testicles. Fortunately, in most cases, varicocele easily diagnosed and often do not need treatment.

 Varicocele - when it hurts the scrotum


Very often varicocele causes no signs or symptoms. If symptoms occur, it is, as a rule, the pain in the scrotum. Pain may range from discomfort and feeling of heaviness to severe acute pain. It intensified when a person for a long time sitting, standing, or engaged in physical labor, and the weakening, if lie on your back. Typically, the pain caused by varicocele becomes stronger during the day. Over time, the veins may become noticeable by visual inspection.

If you experience pain in the scrotum, consult a doctor immediately - the symptoms can cause not only varicocele, but other, more serious diseases.

 Varicocele - when it hurts the scrotum


Experts suggest that varicocele is caused by the fact that the valves of veins of the spermatic cord disrupt blood flow to the testicles. Blood stagnates in the veins, causing them to expand.

Varicocele often develops during puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path
 In most cases - the left side of the scrotum. However, the disease can affect sperm production in both testicles.

 Varicocele - when it hurts the scrotum


Varicocele can lead to the following complications:

  • The reduction of the affected testicle (atrophy). The bulk of the egg consists of tubules in which sperm is produced. As a result, damage such as varicocele, testicles are reduced. It is not clear exactly what is called, but it is assumed that the reason is an increase in pressure in the veins of the scrotum and the effect on testicular tissue contained in the blood of toxins.
  • Infertility. Veins in the testicles cool extending testicles arterial blood, helping to maintain optimal temperature for sperm production. By blocking the blood flow, a varicocele causes an increase in temperature in the testes, which adversely affects the formation and motility.

 Varicocele - when it hurts the scrotum


Most varicoceles can be diagnosed during a medical examination. However, if it does not allow the final diagnosis, the scrotum inspect using ultrasound. Ultrasound can also be used to rule out other diseases that can cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of varicocele.

 Varicocele - when it hurts the scrotum


The treatment of varicocele is not always necessary. It is required, if the disease can cause pain, testicular atrophy or infertility. For the treatment of varicocele surgery is appointed, whose task is to block the damaged veins and redirection of blood flow to healthy veins. With the operation on the treatment of varicocele is associated relatively few risks, among them - the accumulation of fluid around the testicles (hydrocele), the re-development of varicocele and damage arteries.

Open surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis using local or general anesthesia. Typically, the patient two days later able to return to classes that do not require significant physical exertion. For heavy loads can return, on average, two weeks.

Doctors recommend to abstain from sex for one or two weeks after surgery. Three to four months after surgery can pass tests to determine how the treatment affected fertility.

Laparoscopy - the operation is carried out with a thin tool laparoscope is inserted through a small incision in the abdominal cavity.
