- Chronic vaginitis - a long course of the disease, and inconspicuous
- Treatment
Treatment of chronic vaginitis - only under medical supervision
Chronic vaginitis is often a consequence of a number of reasons that you want to identify and remove, only then the treatment will be effective. If any reason will not eliminated, relapses of the disease will come back again and again, and the infection will capture all the new "territory".
How to examine a woman with suspected chronic vaginitis
If you suspect a chronic vaginitis in women taking swabs from the vagina, cervix and the urethra (the urethra). Having a high number of leucocytes smears indicates the presence of inflammation. At the same time make the crop discharge from the genital tract in the nutrient media - the pathogen is detected (or more pathogens) infection and its sensitivity to various drugs.
If necessary, the PCR diagnosis (detected DNA pathogen) and immunological (eg ELISA) studies detect antibodies to infectious agents. Based on the EIA may conclude that the duration of the disease.
Held ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and, if necessary, is diagnostic hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
- Endoscopic examination of the uterus using a special optical equipment. Hysteroscopy allows to consider in detail the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus and, if necessary, to carry out some medical manipulations.
No less attention is paid to identifying the reasons that support the long flowing inflammatory process. A study of blood hormones, identification of all chronic diseases, the study of the state of immunity.
Treatment of chronic specific vaginitis
Adequate treatment of chronic vaginitis is possible only on the basis of a comprehensive survey of women. Specific vaginitis (they are the agents of one or more microorganisms, sexually transmitted diseases) are treated by the appointment of antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiprotozoal drugs - depending on the detected infection and its sensitivity to various drugs. It is very difficult, as the agents of these infections have learned to perfectly "hide" and adapt their livelihoods to the overwhelming medicines.
For example, gonorrhea, chlamydia
Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
, Mycoplasma, ureaplasma are often "hidden" inside the Trichomonas and therefore can not be immediately destroyed. To conduct this first treatment of trichomoniasis, and then antibacterial treatment. But this is not always effective - pathogens quickly get used to antibiotics.
In this case, help provocation - "shaking" of the body by a variety of drugs, that lead to the activation of lurking pathogens and exacerbation of chronic process. A worsening is always easier to treat than remission.
After the treatment is required to carry out laboratory control of cure, genital infections when it is carried out for e few menstrual cycles.
Always after antibiotic treatment prescribed drugs, contributing to the restoration of vaginal microflora. Such formulations generally contain lactobacilli example laktonorm.
Treatment of chronic nonspecific vaginitis
Chronic nonspecific vaginitis pathogens are representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora, which constantly lives on the genitals of women. To this microflora caused by the disease, additional conditions - hormonal disorders or reduced immunity. Therefore, if the examination reveals the pathogen (or more pathogens) infections belonging to the pathogenic microflora, be sure to check the blood for hormones and immune status and, if necessary, their correction is carried out.
Medications for systemic effects of chronic nonspecific vaginitis are not always used - basically use a combination of drugs with local action, since such vaginitis generally have a mixed (bacterial and fungal) character. Well suited for this purpose vaginal tablets terzhinan
Terzhinan - accessible and efficient
, Which include several antimicrobials, as well as antifungal and anti-inflammatory agents.
After the treatment is carried out laboratory control and the restoration of normal vaginal flora
The microflora of the vagina: purity
using probiotics (e.g. laktonorma).
Treatment of chronic vaginitis - a lengthy process that requires the strict implementation of all female doctor's appointments.
Galina Romanenko