How to lose weight in the legs - not a single diet - Exercises to slim legs
July 4, 2010
- How to lose weight in the legs - not a single diet
- Exercises for buttocks, thighs and legs
- How to get rid of excess fat in the legs and thighs
- Exercises to slim legs
- Technique of breathing exercises "Body flex"
Exercises to slim legs
About shapely legs and thighs dream of many women. Unfortunately, to achieve this dream, we need a major effort, time, patience and, of course, the right exercises to achieve good results.
- Squats - one of the most effective exercises for the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks. Stand with your back to a chair, slowly sit down on it, and then also slowly get up, but do not straighten the legs fully. Perform the exercise 15-20 times.
- Squats with dumbbells. Stand with your legs apart at shoulder width. Hands with dumbbells stretched along the body. Slowly squat down so that the thighs are parallel to the floor. Stand up and repeat 10-15 times. Make sure that your back all the time to stay straight.
- Walking. It's probably the most simple exercise for the muscles of the hips. You just need to go a little faster than usual, but it is important, not speed, and strength that you spend on each step: go, so that the most strained muscles of the hips and legs, 3-4 times a week for half an hour.
- Lunges with dumbbells. Stand up straight, feet together, hands with dumbbells are extended along the body. Step forward with the right foot, at the same time bending the knee left leg so low to the knee almost touches the floor. It is important to always keep your back straight. Slowly return to starting position and do a lunge left foot.
- Lunges with dumbbells - a variant №2. This exercise is similar to the previous one, but they do have an important difference. You return to the starting position after a lunge, and lunge with the other leg is really moving forward. Of course, this exercise is best done in a fairly large room.
- Bike. Engage in cycling 4 times a week for 30 minutes without stopping. Pre-adjust the height of the seat and steering wheel so that it may be most convenient.
- Leg press. This exercise should be done on the bench for the bench, which is in most gyms. The back should be tightly pressed to the back legs may be arranged in different ways, depending on how the simulator is adjusted. For best results, you need to do this exercise as slowly as possible.
- Exercises with elastic band. Starting position: one end of the tape is attached to the door, the other - to the left ankle. Stand facing the door and removal of the left leg back as far as you can. You can thus rely on the chair.
- Raising the legs. Lie on your right side, gently lift up on one elbow. Right leg straight, left bent. Raise your right leg until you feel the inner thigh muscle strain. Repeat the exercise 20 times for each leg.
How to lose weight in the legs - not a single diet - technique of breathing exercises "Body flex"
July 4, 2010
- How to lose weight in the legs - not a single diet
- Exercises for buttocks, thighs and legs
- How to get rid of excess fat in the legs and thighs
- Exercises to slim legs
- Technique of breathing exercises "Body flex"
Technique of breathing exercises "Body flex"
Breathing exercises:
- stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, bend forward, lean hands on feet, knees slightly bent;
- exhale air from the lungs through the mouth (in full, to the last drop);
- sharply to breathe through your nose, completely filling the lungs with air;
- with force, loud exhale through your mouth (and up to the last drop), using the diaphragm;
- hold your breath, involve the stomach (stomach poke in the ribs) for eight to ten seconds (massage internal organs) and in this position to exercise
Myths about exercise: do not believe
Stretching - it's very easy, you first need to learn how to breathe, and then join a gym;
- relax (let the abdominal muscles) and breathe (air rushes into the lungs).

A set of exercises "Body flex" stretching leg
All sets of exercises performed in the morning, before breakfast, for 10-15 minutes. The very first class - it's just breathing exercises, and only after mastering join exercise. Before the beginning of the complex lessons it is recommended to measure the scope of the problem area (hips), and then measure them weekly.
Stretching exercises designed to increase muscle tone and not their mass, so they seem like perfectly to form the contours of the legs of women.

Exercise for stretching muscles inner leg
This exercise is designed to tighten the muscles of the inner thighs and legs, as well as the burning of fat in this area:
- sit on the floor, legs spread as widely as possible; without taking the heels off the floor, pull the socks and send them to the side (that's a stretch inner surface of the feet);
- lean direct hands on the floor behind him and perform breathing exercise, then bend your head, draw the belly and hold your breath;
- perform on 8 counts: the hands move straight forward, bend over and put your hands in front of him; without taking your fingers off the floor, her hands going forward, gradually bending lower and lower (inner surface of the legs stretched), being careful not to bend the knees; stretching to be performed very carefully, making no sudden movements;
- exhale, put his hands behind him and start the exercise again, repeat it three times.

Exercise for stretching the muscles of the leg outside
The exercises are designed to pull the outer muscles of the thighs and fat burning in this area. In addition, this exercise will help to reduce waist circumference and waist to relieve the stress, which is especially useful for those who are constantly working in the office. Doing stages:
- sit on the floor, legs crossed at the knees (left knee over the right); put your left foot behind his back, and his right hand to take himself for the left knee;
- do breathing exercise, hold your breath, involve the stomach;
- rely on a straight left arm (it behind you), right hand pull the left knee up and as close as possible to him, the body bend at the waist to the left until it stops, feeling at the same time as the outer surface of the stretched muscles of legs and waist; stay in this position for 8-10 accounts;
- exhale and start all over again; do the exercise three times with the left foot on the top and three times with the right foot, while turning in the opposite direction.

Exercise for stretching muscles in the back of the leg
This exercise is designed to stretch muscles of the back of the legs and hamstrings, fat burning in the back of the thighs and shins:
- lie on your back, bend the legs at the hip joint (not bending your knees) and lift them perpendicular to the floor, pulling socks to yourself (flat feet);
- stretch the legs and arms to take hold of the upper part of each calf;
- not taking his head and back from the floor, making breathing exercise, hold your breath, involve the stomach;
- gently pull your hands to your head straight legs, keeping your head and buttocks from the floor; stay in this position for 8 counts;
- exhale and return the leg to the starting position, socks to his hands around the calf; do the exercise three times.
"Body flex" - a complex, which is more suitable for women, as it helps to burn fat without muscle building. It is fully suitable to lose weight in the legs.