Flaxseed oil is approved for use during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding. That says a lot about the safety of this drug. Flaxseed oil has a positive effect on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus as improves metabolic processes in their organs and tissues.

Features gestation period
During pregnancy, hormonal changes completely and the body's metabolism. Some processes are more active, some less. For example, during pregnancy reduced immunity - a physiological response of the body - the answer that it is developing a new life. If the immune system is not reduced, the pregnancy would have been interrupted at the earliest stages.
But the decline of immunity negative impact on the course of various infectious and inflammatory diseases in women. For example, pregnant women often pyelonephritis, which is called pyelonephritis pregnant. Therefore, the body needs stimulation of soft natural immune processes.
Another feature is the full period of pregnancy hormonal changes, resulting in some metabolic processes in a woman's body is slowing down. And it can also adversely affect the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus and require unobtrusive light correction.
Condition of the digestive system in pregnant women is poor, as under the influence of hormones decreases motor activity of muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to the formation of chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.
Finally, during pregnancy becomes very important circulatory system, which provides a link between the child and the mother's body to the fetus and bringing nutrients and oxygen. If the permeability of the blood vessels due to atherosclerosis disrupted, it could seriously affect the condition of mother and fetus. Lack of oxygen can be especially hard impact on the state of the baby's brain - it will be left behind in the neuro-psychological development.

What impact can have a linseed oil on a pregnant woman
Flax seed oil - a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which affect the entire metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
As are construction "good" cholesterol - an indispensable participant of all biochemical processes. The gestation period - it is a very difficult period, which does not tolerate exposure to the active drug. Mild through the metabolism of flaxseed oil helps stimulate the immune system, but not enough to pose a threat to abortion. During this period, even small enough to strengthen the body's defenses in order to save a woman from constant colds, fungal infections and pyelonephritis.
Participation in the biochemical processes allows linseed oil to normalize hormonal pregnant woman that also helps to maintain pregnancy.
The positive effect of flaxseed oil has on the gastrointestinal tract of women, improving its functional activity and, most importantly, while taking flaxseed oil may disappear completely constipation, which adversely affect the status of women and the fetus.
But there is also a danger: under the influence of vegetable oil may increase the motor activity of the intestine, which creates a threat of miscarriage, because at the same time can increase their locomotor activity and the muscles of the uterus.
But the positive effect of flaxseed oil
Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower
It has on blood vessels, clearing them from the wall of cholesterol plaques. This contributes to better blood circulation and better supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. As a result of receiving flaxseed oil during pregnancy is the prevention of placental insufficiency
Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
- Serious complication that can lead to fetal death or severe damage to the nervous system.

How you need to take flax seed oil
Flaxseed oil may appoint a pregnant woman only obstetrician or prenatal therapist. This rule must be strictly respected, independent woman can not afford to take any dietary supplements or medications.
Standard course of prophylactic administration of flaxseed oil consists of daily administration of its two tablespoons. Better is the amount of linseed oil added to a variety of dishes, such as salads, vinaigrettes. Preventive course of taking flax seed oil is one month.
Flaxseed oil is actually very useful biologically active food supplements for pregnant women, however, for some women it will not work, so start taking it alone is not worth it.
Galina Romanenko