- Discharges during pregnancy - should not be afraid
- Norm and pathology
- Bloody
- Brown
- Mucous
- Liquid
- White
- Pink
- From the chest
Normal and abnormal discharge during pregnancy
In the body of the pregnant woman takes a lot of changes. Most of them are imperceptible, but some apparent. Vaginal discharge fall into the latter category. Although the allocation not pose a health risk and in most cases are completely natural, they can be a source of anxiety and inconvenience.
Influence of the menstrual cycle on release
Under normal conditions, the cervix always produces mucus. That's just the nature of it throughout the menstrual cycle is different. The first half of the menstrual cycle, before ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
(release of the egg from the ovary), regulated by the female sex hormone estrogen
Estrogen - the key to bone health
Second - progesterone. The task of the first and second half of the menstrual cycle is different, however, and hormones act differently.
Thus, the first half of the menstrual cycle should provide a way out egg from the ovary and its connection to the sperm, so in this period of isolation liquid and more abundant: they must ensure the promotion of sperm. The second half of the menstrual cycle - is to prepare the body for the introduction of a fertilized egg in the uterus. During this period, a different female sex hormone - progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. Under his influence, the entrance to the uterus is sealed opaque viscous mucus, preventing the uterus from getting the infection.
Normal discharge during pregnancy
Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy - is a milky white or transparent mucus, they have a strong odor (though the smell can change compared to the one that was before pregnancy). These secretions are not irritating to the skin; signs of thrush or another vaginal infection is observed. To feel comfortable in the normal allocation of sufficient use panty liners or change underwear twice a day.
Progesterone regulates the uterus and its appendages, and in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, so this period of separation will be scarce and viscous.
Starting from the 13th week of pregnancy in the blood reappears increased amount of estrogen and the discharge becomes less viscous and more abundant.
By the end of pregnancy vaginal discharge have become increasingly abundant. In later stages, especially in the morning, from the vagina may ooze clear fluid, which is often taken as a sign of the onset of labor. If there is no severe pain, you need to go to the toilet, change the gasket and calm. If the liquid will continue to trickle out a few hours, it's probably the water, and we need to go to the hospital. If it cease, then the time of delivery has not yet come, and you can go about their business.
Abnormal discharge
Do not highlight any in pregnant are the norm. For example, a white discharge, odorless, which cause itching and burning of the skin and cause discomfort during sexual intercourse, probably a sign of a yeast infection.
White or grayish discharge which smell after sex (as a result of mixing with the sperm) is beginning to resemble the smell of fish are a common symptom of bacterial vaginosis.
Yellowish or greenish discharge with strong odor, usually appear when trichomoniasis - a disease transmitted through sexual contact.
In all these cases, immediately contact a doctor. Should not be treated with OTC products and folk remedies. It's not just that these are not the most effective method, and the fact that only one external features accurate diagnosis is not always possible, even the doctor. In addition, the infection in pregnant women should be treated with extreme caution and under close supervision of a professional, so do not risk it.
After proper treatment allocation bounce back. From ordinary maternity discharge can not get rid of, and it is not necessary. After birth, they will cease naturally, and before that they are a sign of a normal pregnancy.
Change selections
Selections can change their nature and quantity of the action of any stimuli or intolerance to a substance, such as the use of panty liners. Such allocation transparent and abundant, they stop at the elimination of the stimulus.
Selections can be changed and under the influence of the infection.
Thrush in pregnancy
Thrush - a disease caused by fungi of genus Candida, which is normally present in small amounts in almost all women. During pregnancy, reduced immunity and fungi begin to actively proliferate, causing inflammation, abundant white cheesy discharge from the sour smell, more or less severe burning and itching of the vulva. Sometimes thrush disappears, it appears throughout the pregnancy.
In order to prevent transmission to the infant, as well as complications during childbirth, yeast being treated.
For the treatment of pregnant women used antifungal drug pimafutsin
Pimafucin - help in difficult times
As well as various local means to prevent proliferation of fungi. After the treatment is carried out the restoration of the natural microflora of the vagina using laktobakterina and bifidumbacterin. The husband should also be treated, the better the more effective antifungal drug fluconazole.
Infections, sexually transmitted infections
Since during pregnancy decreased immunity, it is often "wake up" the infection, which until then was in the body in a latent state, ie, "Dozing". That is why gynecologists recommend a planned pregnancy with the obligatory preliminary examination, identification of infection and prolechivaniem.
Infection during pregnancy can manifest itself in the form of precipitates, which can be yellow-green, foamy, grayish, and so on. When such discharges should immediately see a doctor, he will appoint a laboratory examination, then - treatment.
Ectopic pregnancy
If an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg develops, for example, in the fallopian tube, the woman may be small spotting, then - pulling pain in the abdomen on the right or the left, smack in the rectum. The condition can deteriorate very sharply against the background of internal bleeding (decreased blood pressure, dizziness, loss of consciousness). In such cases, will only emergency surgery.