Most often cough during pregnancy = a symptom of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Allergies can also be accompanied by the appearance of this symptom. Depending accompanied by cough phlegm or not, they are different in their effect preparations. It is important to know that many drugs during pregnancy can not be taken. Some of the drugs authorized for use only in the second and third trimesters. So before you treat a cough during pregnancy, you should see a doctor.
Preparations for the treatment of dry cough
Dry coughing during pregnancy causes uterine tonic. This results in impaired blood supply to the fetus, and the latter does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Colds can cause substantial harm to the child.
The choice of drugs depends on the duration of pregnancy.
In the first trimester drug Stodal allowed. This homeopathic syrup, which includes several herbal ingredients. It is used for the symptomatic treatment of cough of different origin. Stodal contraindicated when you are hypersensitive. Information about the side effects of the drug there.
In the second and third trimesters can take a number of funds. It:
- Sinekod;
- Libeksin;
- Stoptussin;
- Coldrex Knight;
- Bronholitin.
Sinekod - antitussive syrup. The drug inhibits the cough because of its active ingredient has a direct effect on the cough center in the brain. Also Sinekod enhances bronchial tubes and ease breathing. Side effects are rare. Dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, rash and allergic reactions.
Antitussives Libeksin produced in pill form. This tool has a local anesthetic effect, thereby reducing irritability cough receptors airways. Libeksin slightly dilates the bronchi and reduces the activity of the respiratory center. Rarely in patients receiving the drug develops a rash on the skin appears dry mouth. The tendency to constipation, nausea, stomach pain, and numbness in the mouth - another possible side effects libeksin.
Stoptussin - combined preparation, which, through its two active components (butamirata citrate and guaifenesin) has antitussive and expectorant. The reduction or termination of cough associated with Valium action citrate butamirata on the nerve endings of the bronchial mucosa. Gvayfenezin affects the bronchial gland and its secretion decreases and reduces the viscosity of mucus produced.
Stoptussin produced in the form of drops and oral tablets. Women usually tolerate the drug well. Sometimes, on the background of his admission there are headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In rare cases rash.
Coldrex Knight - syrup, which is used for the symptomatic treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by cough. This combination product, ie it contains several active ingredients (paracetamol, dextromethorphan and promethazine).
Paracetamol reduced body temperature, and possesses analgesic effect. It eliminates the headache, pain in muscles and joints. Dextromethorphan - a substance with the antitussive effect which suppresses the cough center. Promethazine relates to blockers of histamine H1-receptor, and thereby it reduces the swelling
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
nasal mucosa and restores breathing. Side effects of the drug may Coldrex Knight can often manifest as dry mouth, allergic reactions, photosensitivity (increased skin sensitivity to light).
Bronholitin - combined antitussive syrup, which suppresses the cough center and expands bronchial tubes. Basil oil, part of the drug, has a slight sedative, antispasmodic and antimicrobial action.
Preparations for the treatment of wet cough
The treatment of wet cough has its own characteristics, so when it appears other medications. For example, a pregnant woman can take:
- Coldrex bronchitis;
- Ambrobene (ambroxol).
Koldreks broncho - expectorant as a syrup. The drug reduces the viscosity of mucus and contributes to its discharge of respiratory secretions. Also Coldrex broncho reduces irritation and sore throat with a cold.
Ambrobene - expectorant drug that also thins the mucus and facilitates its removal. Available in the form of syrup. This drug can be taken only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.
Inhalation and gargling
As an adjunct to the main drug for the treatment of cough is recommended gargle. For this purpose charges of herbs (chamomile, sage
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
, Calendula, mother and stepmother, and others), or plain water with the addition of baking soda.
Inhalation - another effective way to deal with a cough. To perform these procedures, you can use special inhalers, which are sold in a pharmacy. A more simple and common way - the inhalation of steam over a pan or other container. Do not make inhalation high body temperature. After these procedures should not go out in the cold season for an hour.
What is prohibited
A number of drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. These tools include:
- ACC;
- Glikodin;
- Codelac;
- Terpinkod;
- Pertussin;
- Ascoril;
- Travisil other.
Also during pregnancy to reduce the cough is forbidden to put mustard
How to put the mustard - you know it all?
Take a hot bath and soar feet. It is not necessary to consume vitamin C is in excess of the daily rate.
To solve the question of the use of any drugs, and inhalation can recommend a doctor. At the same time he must take into account the possible harm to the child and the benefit of the pregnant woman.