Dull pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - whether to be afraid of them?

October 15, 2011

 Dull pain in the lower
 Dull pain in the abdomen can have different origins. Determine what caused them, can only obstetrician-gynecologist after a preliminary ultrasound. Therefore, the appearance of even minor aches should inform your doctor of female consultation.

 Dull pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - whether to be afraid of them?

Why can appear dull pain in the abdomen

The reasons for such pain can be very different. That is why a pregnant woman should regularly monitor obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation - this is not a formality, but a vital necessity. If, after the medical examination and the necessary surveys find that the pain is not harmful to the pregnancy, the obstetrician will calm the woman, explaining the origin of the pain. And because we know how much of pregnancy depends on the condition of the nervous system. Under the influence of the constant stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   (what if something happens?) can occur and spontaneous miscarriage, while the initial pain caused by stress, were harmless.

If a woman has started for a complication of pregnancy, the doctor and his time will reveal. There are minor complications that can be treated on an outpatient basis and the doctor will prescribe a treatment. In other cases, in order to prevent serious complications of pregnancy it is better to undergo treatment in a specialized department of maternity hospital.

For scary, physiological blunt abdominal pain include pain associated with strains and sprains, pain during bowel constipation. Complications of pregnancy that causes dull pain in the abdomen, include, for example, chronic polyhydramnios.

Dull pain in the abdomen and may signal the beginning of severe pregnancy complications like spontaneous miscarriage or premature detachment of normally situated placenta. It then they go into acute pain, and the beginning may not be noticeable. Therefore, it is important to know about all these complications of pregnancy, to promptly seek medical attention.

 Dull pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - whether to be afraid of them?

Polyhydramnios - why it occurs and what threatens

The baby in the uterus is surrounded by a fluid medium - amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid protects the child from injury, give the opportunity to keep moving, contribute to the formation of its correct position in the uterus. At the same time in the early stages of pregnancy the amniotic fluid are a source of food for the child, through them appear as the products of its metabolism. At different stages of pregnancy the amount of amniotic fluid should be different, to determine the amount of amniotic fluid is possible during the ultrasound.

Increased amniotic fluid is called polyhydramnios. Most often polyhydramnios develops in pregnant women with chronic infection (inflammation of the female genital chlamydia, mycoplasmosis Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease  Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease
 , Ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
 , Pyelonephritis, acute respiratory viral infection). Often polyhydramnios also occurs in diabetes and rhesus conflict in pregnant women, with multiple pregnancy, fetal abnormalities.

The main complaints when polyhydramnios are just a dull pain in the lower abdomen, as if a large volume of the uterus is significantly stretched ligaments that support it. In addition, the high load on the spine - dull pain from the lumbar region and sacrum may enroll in the lower abdomen and groin. When polyhydramnios occurs as general weakness, malaise, shortness of breath. The woman lost appetite.

The most common complication is miscarriage polyhydramnios Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
   in the form of miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy and preterm labor in the second half. It may also happen premature rupture of membranes under high pressure inside the uterus, which may lead to the development of the fetus in utero, and infections of premature detachment of the placentae. When polyhydramnios and fetus suffers, as the high pressure in the uterus helps squeezing the blood vessels of the placenta - fetus suffers from a lack of nutrients and oxygen.

 Dull pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - whether to be afraid of them?

How to identify and polyhydramnios treated - is it possible in this case to help a pregnant woman?

Even when the external examination of a pregnant woman gynecologist may suspect polyhydramnios, clarifies the diagnosis using ultrasound. At the same time it attaches great importance to identify the causes of polyhydramnios, as this will depend on the treatment.

Examination and treatment of pregnant women with polyhydramnios is conducted in a hospital. Treatment polyhydramnios depends on why it arose. Thus, when detecting fetal anomalies incompatible with life, a woman cause premature birth, the detection of infection is carried out antibacterial therapy, in determining the incompatibility of blood between mother and fetus treatment is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of this disease. Be sure to also prescribed medications that improve blood circulation in the mother - placenta - fetus.

Dull pain in the abdomen - it's different pain, to understand that only a doctor can.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • abdominal pain in pregnancy

Leykoreya (whites) in pregnancy: is there a cause for excitement?

April 19, 2012

 leykoreya whites pregnant
 Having learned that soon she will become a mother, a woman expects a lot: the morning sickness, gas, lower abdominal pain, varicose veins and stretch marks. The last thing she expects vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
 . Meanwhile, leykoreya or bleach - common in pregnant women. In most cases, whites are harmless, but sometimes require treatment.

Beli - mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
   vaginal white or yellowish. Typically, they are always present in women, but in certain circumstances, their number increases. Physiological whites help to maintain a moist environment inside the vagina, which retains its normal microflora. In some cases, there is an increased secretory activity of the mucous membrane of the cervix, then the amount of bleeding can be profuse, but this is no reason for concern. This situation often occurs during pregnancy, the postpartum period, through sexual contact, immediately prior to the onset of menses. Normal allocation have mucous consistency, no color or smell, does not cause irritation of the external genitalia and perineum.

If the reason for increasing the number of cables - the bacteria, you can restore the normal pH of the vagina is often sufficient to acidify the natural yogurt. However, pregnant women often suffer from fungal infections. Their growth is not pH-dependent, but because in this case the recovery of the acidic environment of the vagina generally does not help. In this case, tedious as soon as possible to see a doctor and start treatment.

 Leykoreya (whites) in pregnancy: is there a cause for excitement?

How common bleach during pregnancy?

Doctors claim that whites - one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, fetal development and the amount of bleeding increases. This is perfectly normal. In varying degrees, leukorrhea subject to all pregnant women, only one selection is so abundant that we have to wear pads (tampons are contraindicated during pregnancy), while others barely notice them and do not feel any discomfort.

 Leykoreya (whites) in pregnancy: is there a cause for excitement?

When whites - a cause for concern?

Beli may occur in pathological changes in reproductive organs (eg, inflammatory processes, tumors), some common diseases (eg, tuberculosis, diabetes, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs). The appearance of cables also contribute to the omission of the walls of the vagina, perineal tears, long wearing tubal rings, breaking the rules of personal hygiene.

Consult your doctor should be the case when the vaginal discharge accompanied by burning and itching in it or in the external genitals, acquire an unpleasant smell, milky-white, yellow or greenish color, admixture of blood, watery or cheesy consistency.

Abundant whites lead to the fact that they do not have time to evaporate and in the crotch area felt a constant humidity, formed maceration, reduced libido.

In addition, whites are often caused by infectious agents. The most common cause of cables is inflammation of the lining of the vagina (vaginitis, colpitis), usually combined with cervicitis. Character of discharge at coleitis depends on the type of pathogen. For example, when bleach trichomoniasis frothy, with purulent infection - green, with bacterial vaginosis have a pungent, fishy odor, fungal obesity vaginal mucosa covered with white thread-like bloom. Yellow and greenish whites indicate purulent inflammation, such as gonorrhea, sukrovichnye whites called malignant tissue ulceration of the genital organs, which happens when sarcoma, fibroids and cancer.

During routine inspection gynecologist takes a swab to detect possible infections, the results are known within three to seven days. If the results of the analysis revealed no abnormalities, then no preventive treatment is not required. Fermented milk secretions smell due to the presence of lactobacilli in vaginal microflora.

 Leykoreya (whites) in pregnancy: is there a cause for excitement?

How to eliminate the discomfort caused by belyami

The following tips will help you to eliminate the discomfort that accompanies these harmless but unpleasant selection:

  • Use panty liners (in any case not tampons - they increase the risk of infection in the birth canal);
  • personal hygiene and keep the perineum clean;
  • discard tight underwear and clothes, tights and pants;
  • Do not use scented and parfyumerirovannymi hygiene products: soap, gel for the soul, body oil, bath foam;
  • Do not use vaginal sprays for personal hygiene;
  • Do not use cables douching to flush out of the vagina;
  • eat every day at least one cup of yogurt containing live lactobacilli atsidofilla to reduce the risk of infection of the vagina pathogenic yeasts genus Candida (or Monilia).

When folk treatments whites are treated with infusion of hypericum extract of sage leaves Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 , Rosemary and oak bark. It is believed that well help of cables hot tubs of pine branches and pine extract. To eliminate the cables and into the vagina on gauze How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   deep into the vagina injected a small amount of honey (the course of treatment of 10-15 daily procedures). After the first two or three treatments may experience itching and burning, but in the future they do not disturb, and the secret of the vagina clean. Usually after 10-12 procedures mucosa of the vagina and cervix becomes normal.

Thus, whites - a perfectly normal manifestation of pregnancy, which is celebrated in many pregnant women. But a change in the type, texture and color of cables may be indicative of infection or pregnancy complications. This requires medical intervention and treatment.

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy
