Pregnancy and birth control pills: without fear of abortion

February 11, 2012

 pregnancy birth control pills
 Contraceptive pills today facilitated the life of a woman. They saved her from exhausting the process of annual births and brutal methods of attendants, midwives, by which they interrupt an unwanted pregnancy. But birth control pills affect the accident arose pregnancy and fertility? Undoubtedly, this is a hot topic, and the impact the pill for pregnancy is very important to know not only the doctors.

 Pregnancy and birth control pills: without fear of abortion

The mechanism of action of tablets

There are several types of birth control pills, as the hormonal and non-hormonal. For non-hormonal contraceptive pills are spermicides, used locally. The composition of spermicides contains active chemicals which are detrimental effect on sperm. Furthermore, the active ingredient spermicides forms a protective film over the vaginal mucosa. The effectiveness of non-hormonal birth control pills Non-hormonal birth control pills: minimal side effects  Non-hormonal birth control pills: minimal side effects
   It is not very high and close to 70%. They also cause some seal cervical mucus Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person  Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person
   and prevent spermatozoa to penetrate into the uterus.

Hormonal birth control pills are of two types: combined oral contraceptive pill and mini-pill. As part of the combined pill contains two types of hormones: estrogen and progestin in the mini-pill contains only progestogen. Accordingly, they are different mechanisms contraceptive effect.

Combination pills acts on the ovaries, thereby suppressing ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . Also, as an additional effect, they affect the mucous membrane of the uterus, causing its regression, making it impossible ovum implantation.

Progestogens pill or mini-pill, have an effect on the cervical mucus, causing its thickening, and change the properties of the endometrium to prevent implantation.

 Pregnancy and birth control pills: without fear of abortion

Unwanted pregnancy while skipping the contraceptive pill

In case of violation of the rules of oral contraceptives is quite possible to become pregnant. If a woman has forgotten to take the pill on time, it shall drink it as soon as remembered, and for seven days to use barrier methods of contraception. Omitting the mini-pill is maintained the same rule. Also, it is increasing the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy (in the case of receiving a mini-pill) for the duration of the time interval between taking the pills for more than three hours.

Subject to all rules of the pills pregnancy probability is zero. However, mini-drink, for example, have less ability contraceptive.

 Pregnancy and birth control pills: without fear of abortion

What is the effect of birth control pills on fertility

Distributed myth that birth control pills can lead to infertility, and the chances of its occurrence increases with the duration of intake of contraceptives. This is not true, as the ability to conceive occurs in the first month of drug withdrawal in 25% of women in the first six months, 66% of women after nine months at 80% a year in 85%, and finally, a year and half this figure close to 100%. So do not be discouraged if pregnancy has not occurred immediately after cancellation of hormonal pills for a year yet there is no reason to worry.

This is because every woman has their own individual characteristics of the organism, and the time for recovery of the ovaries each require their own. In addition, there is even a certain way of treating infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
   birth control pills. This so-called rebound effect when given hormone pills short courses with their subsequent cancellation. After discontinuation of contraceptive ovaries begin to function with a vengeance, which often is the cause of multiple pregnancy.

Still, the myth of the origin of infertility after taking hormonal contraceptives are not unfounded. The fact that birth control pills are often prescribed after abortion or miscarriage, and after they receive a woman can not become pregnant. But in this case, you should not blame the contraceptives, and the traumatic effect of scraping the mucous membrane of the uterus.

 Pregnancy and birth control pills: without fear of abortion


The possibility of pregnancy when taking hormonal contraceptives, as noted above, is real. In case of pregnancy or suspected, it is necessary to immediately stop taking birth control pills. If this happens in the first three weeks of pregnancy, there is no negative impact of the pill on it will not.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • birth control pills

Betadine during pregnancy - up to what time it can be used?

March 18, 2012

 betadine pregnancy
 Betadine an antiseptic broad-spectrum. Betadine sensitive to the effects of any infectious agents. However, he has no toxic effects on the human body, including the body of the fetus. The only exception is the thyroid gland.

 Betadine during pregnancy - up to what time it can be used?

Pregnancy and infection of the external genitalia

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones decreases immunity. This is perfectly normal, as it helps the woman to bear a child, or her body can deprive foreign cells of the fetus. But at the same time decreased immunity causes an exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Very often pregnant women found various infections of the vagina. This inflammation can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa.

But most of all there is simply an increase in conditionally pathogenic, ready at any moment cause of infections in pregnant women. This condition is called bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis - sex is not recommended  Bacterial vaginosis - sex is not recommended
 It may be the cause of severe infectious and pelvic inflammatory disease, complicating pregnancy and childbirth: recurrent miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
 , Postpartum endometritis (inflammation of the walls of the uterus), premature birth, low birth-weight, septic complications in the mother and baby in the postpartum period, and so on. And because all this is happening against the background of reduced immunity, the consequences can be very unpredictable.

Therefore, it is important to treat all inflammatory and infectious processes before the start of pregnancy. But the practice of obstetricians antenatal clinics shows that almost half of women in early pregnancy has some infectious inflammation of the vagina or bacterial vaginosis. All are to be treated, but most drugs approved for use only in the second trimester of pregnancy, when it formed part of the placenta, which protects the fetus from the effects of drugs. Furthermore, in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first twelve weeks) is bookmark tissues and organs of the fetus and virtually any drug effect during this period undesirable.

The only exception to this rule is Betadine, which allowed it to use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

 Betadine during pregnancy - up to what time it can be used?

The mechanism of action Betadine on the body of a pregnant woman

Betadine (active substance - povidone iodine) - a drug whose effects on infectious agents associated with the release of active iodine. Betadine is an iodine depot, from which continuously release the active iodine is joined to proteins of infectious agents and destroy them. Betadine active against any infectious agents which may be present on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes of man - all kinds of bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi.

The drug is available Hungarian pharmaceutical company Egis in the form of various dosage forms for external use. For the treatment of pregnant women is generally used formulation in the form of vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation

It was found that during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy betadine Betadine - use correctly  Betadine - use correctly
   It does not have teratogenic (causes malformations) and toxic effects on the fetus, so it can be used to treat a variety of infections of the vagina. This is an indication in the instructions for preparation, there are experience with Betadine for women in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, that is up to the birth, the use of this drug is contraindicated, since a small part of it is still absorbed in the blood can pass through the placenta to the fetus and fall have a negative impact on his thyroid gland.

 Betadine during pregnancy - up to what time it can be used?

How to apply

Betadine during pregnancy can be used only on prescription. This woman should not be revealed contraindications for its use. Contraindications for use Betadine suppositories are any violations of thyroid function (particularly its increased function), since the use of radioactive iodine, dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring (chronic skin disease with a variety of rashes), and individual intolerance of components.

For the treatment of women in the first trimester of pregnancy betadine applied by one candle at night during the week. Because of the side effects of this drug (if it is implemented correctly with all the indications and contraindications) are known only to allergic reactions, which happen often enough.

Betadine - is an effective drug that can be administered to pregnant women only doctor in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Betadine
