Breast cancer and pregnancy - problem diagnosis and treatment

June 12, 2013

 Breast cancer and pregnancy
 Breast cancer and pregnancy - a complex against diagnose and treat the problem. In the early stages to identify the disease it is not always possible due to the physiological characteristics of the state of the mammary glands during pregnancy. So often the selection of an effective set of treatment must be carried out when the disease has already reached a significant stage of development.

 Breast cancer and pregnancy - problem diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of breast cancer during pregnancy

Breast cancer (breast cancer - breast cancer) - the most common form of cancer, revealed during pregnancy. It was found that among all women of reproductive age more than 7% are pregnant or nursing.

Identify breast cancer during pregnancy more difficult than it is. The fact that the state of pregnancy is always accompanied by swelling of the breast tissue engorgement and increasing in volume as all the breast and nipple. This state prevents breast tumor to identify the early stages. In addition, the initial stage of the disease is often asymptomatic. Thus, breast cancer during pregnancy is often detected at an advanced stage already and its treatment is a complex task.

Identify breast cancer in pregnant women may be using ultrasound, but it does not always give a complete picture of breast cancer, so for suspected breast cancer performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - absolute security research, allowing completely accurate diagnosis of the disease.

 Breast cancer and pregnancy - problem diagnosis and treatment

Peculiarities of breast cancer in pregnant women

In 70-80% of cases of breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   during pregnancy is an anchor shape. This type of cancer is easier to detect even though the changes in the mammary gland during pregnancy. Dangerous is the fact that this type of cancer in the majority of cases are asymptomatic and therefore sometimes detected in the later stages.

But about 20% of cases of breast cancer is diffuse, more dangerous form. To diffuse forms of breast cancer, the most common during pregnancy can be attributed edematous-infiltrative form of cancer and cancer mastitopodobny.

Edematous-infiltrative form of breast cancer manifests itself in a fast and painless increase in a breast. Clear boundaries of the tumor with the probe is not possible. In this form of the disease appear early metastasis Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   in nearby lymph nodes, especially in axillary regions, as well as the subclavian, supraclavicular and located along the edge of the sternum lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system

BC in the form of mastitis can also develop during pregnancy. This mastitis (an inflammatory disease of the breast) may have a long duration and difficult to resist the usual antibiotic treatment.

 Breast cancer and pregnancy - problem diagnosis and treatment


In each case, the treatment is selected individually. If breast cancer is detected in early stages, and the woman wants to keep the child, carried out surgery removing the tumor and nearby lymph nodes. Further treatment is transferred to the postpartum period.

If a woman has breast cancer is detected at an advanced stage at the beginning of pregnancy, then it is recommended to interrupt it and to conduct a full comprehensive treatment. Some women in such circumstances want despite everything to continue the pregnancy. In this case, they performed surgery and prescribe a course of auxiliary (adjuvant) chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
 . Chemotherapy is possible, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. For the treatment used only approved for use during pregnancy drugs. Radiation therapy during pregnancy is contraindicated.

 Breast cancer and pregnancy - problem diagnosis and treatment

Is a pregnancy after breast cancer treatment

Today, sufficient experience of pregnancy in women treated for breast cancer. It was found that the most appropriate term pregnancy is a period of two years after the end of treatment. It is this period allows time to identify and treat relapses of the disease and reduce the risk of their occurrence during pregnancy.

Pregnancy in women who received adequate treatment of breast cancer and became pregnant two years after the end of treatment, in most cases proceeds without complications.

 Breast cancer and pregnancy - problem diagnosis and treatment

How to prevent the development of breast cancer during pregnancy

Will planning to become pregnant with a preliminary complete examination, including breasts. If, however, came unplanned pregnancy, the breast examination is particularly necessary - it will identify at an early stage and treat breast cancer while preserving the life and health of mother and child.

Breast cancer - a disease that occurs in pregnant women. It requires timely detection and proper treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • breast cancer

Weight gain during pregnancy: the norm in the set weight

December 28, 2011

 weight gain during pregnancy
 Women are always eager to observe the canons of beauty. Equally important in this case has a beautiful figure and ideal weight. But no less important is the weight gain during pregnancy. How many pregnant women will add kilos during childbearing depends on its development and future health and condition of the woman. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy, as well as the lack of it, is equally harmful to the fetus and the expectant mother. The claim that the pregnant woman should "eat for two" is now considered unreasonable and leads to abnormal weight gain with all the ensuing negative consequences.

 Weight gain during pregnancy: the norm in the set weight

Normal weight gain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body is constantly increasing body weight. But weight gain is not uniform and depends on many factors. In the first half of pregnancy, a woman gains weight slowly, but after twenty weeks of body weight increases more rapidly. First of all, weight gain due to the volume of amniotic fluid, which rapidly increases with the tenth week of pregnancy. For example, the amount of amniotic fluid at ten weeks was 30 mL, twenty weeks - 300 ml of thirty weeks - 600 ml, and the end of pregnancy 1000-1500 ml.

Also, to increase body mass plays a role of increasing the uterus. In the first half of pregnancy, uterine weight increases due to the growth of muscle fibers, and the second half by stretching the fibers. In addition, the weight of the pregnant increases due to the growing placenta (its mass is proportional to the weight of the child) and fat. The amount of fat tissue increases in the anterior abdominal wall, thighs and buttocks. The mammary gland during pregnancy and increase in size (in part due to proliferation of glandular tissue, partly because of the increase of adipose tissue).

The most favorable weight gain during pregnancy is eight to twelve kgilogramm. But these figures are relative and depend on body mass index (BMI), which is calculated before pregnancy, and many other factors.

 Weight gain during pregnancy: the norm in the set weight

Influence of body mass index on weight gain during pregnancy

To determine body mass index values ​​needed growth and initial weight. Calculating BMI is as follows: weight (in kg) must be divided by height in meters squared. For example, the weight is 60 kg, height 170 cm (1 to 7 m), the calculation formula: 60: 1, 7 (2) = 20. Number 20, and 0 is the body mass index. BMI less than 19, 8 indicates a low weight, 19, 8-26, 0 corresponds to a normal weight, while increasing BMI over 26, 0 means overweight.

Women with high body mass during pregnancy is recommended low-calorie diet as overweight not only creates difficulties in determining the duration of pregnancy and fetal growth control, but also threatens to increase blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   and the birth of the largest fruit.

Women who are underweight during pregnancy should eat hard, and it is desirable to defer pregnancy until the corresponding weight gain. Interesting fact: weight gain during pregnancy is greater, the smaller the weight of the woman.

Thus, forty weeks of pregnancy, a woman with a BMI of 19 yen, 8 should add 15, 2 kg, a woman with a BMI of 19, 8-26, 0-13, 6 kg, and overweight women, respectively, not more than 9, 1 kg.

 Weight gain during pregnancy: the norm in the set weight

Factors influencing weight gain

The increase in body weight during pregnancy is affected by the following reasons:

  • age (the older the woman, the greater the tendency to gain weight);
  • weight loss due to early toxicity (in the later stages of the body tends to compensate for the lack of weight);
  • large fruit (weight accordingly increases the placenta);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • gestosis (edema occur as a result of fluid retention in the body).

 Weight gain during pregnancy: the norm in the set weight

The principles of a balanced diet during pregnancy

As noted above, overeating or malnutrition during pregnancy are equally harmful for women and children. The diet should limit salt, spicy foods, meats, bystrousvaivaemye carbohydrates (white bread, cakes, creams). The daily amount of food must be divided into small portions, and increase the frequency of food intake (six to seven times). Limit fluid is not necessary, the daily volume it should be 1, 5 liters. When abnormal weight gain doctor prescribes fasting days (no more than twice a week). The diet of pregnant women should contain all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • pregnancy and your body
