How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy - nodes "unleash" themselves after childbirth

July 7, 2012

 Hemorrhoids during pregnancy
 Unfortunately, hemorrhoids - one of the most common problems in pregnancy, most often observed in the third trimester of pregnancy. Hemorrhoids - is varicose veins and inflammation, gradually forming units in the rectum. The disease is always accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms - constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
 , Bleeding and pain.



Trigger the development of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   may be chronic constipation: chronic constipation, along with increasing pressure on the rectum and perineum due to the increase of the uterus The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology  The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology
   in size - the main cause of hemorrhoids in pregnant women. In addition, the development of hemorrhoids can worsen many factors - sedentary, overweight, exercise, improper diet (excessive consumption of coffee, hot and spicy food) and a long stay in an upright position.


How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Although hemorrhoids - a disease accompanied by very unpleasant and often painful symptoms, often after birth such symptoms disappear on their own, without requiring specific treatment. This is due to the fact that the overpressure exerted on the rectum fetus in the last trimester of pregnancy, it disappears. To relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you can use the following ways:

  • To ease the itching, you can take baths with baking soda or apply a small amount of diluted in water to the consistency of a thick paste of baking soda on the skin around the anus
  • To reduce swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and stop the bleeding, healing ointment suit witch hazel
  • If signs of hemorrhoids abstain from physical activities that require large muscle work, stand and sit less



The best treatment - is prevention, and fortunately, ways to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are quite simple. Since hemorrhoids provoke chronic constipation, muscle tension rectum, you need to pay special attention to the prevention of constipation, avoid too much tension in the muscles of the intestine. In addition, it is important to eat right - give up too "heavy" greasy or spicy foods, provoking constipation, eat more fiber, which normalizes digestion (the best source of fiber - fruits, vegetables and whole grains), drink plenty of fluids. Before taking any medication for constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy should always consult with a physician.

Article Tags:
  • hemorrhoids

Fetal movement during pregnancy: Mom, I'm here!

November 22, 2011

 stirring of the fetus during pregnancy
 Inexpressible joy of experiencing a pregnant woman felt the first stirring of the fetus. No less experienced joy and father all know how men like to put his ear to her stomach to listen to the stirring. Fetal movement determine not only physical contact between mother and child, but at this time established a spiritual connection. Fetal movements play an important role in the diagnosis of pathological conditions of the child. As it can be suspected physical or emotional disorder of the fetus. And they themselves wiggling confirm that the fetus is actively functioning.


What is fetal movements?

Perturbation - a fetal movement, which showed its functional activity. If the stirring is too active, and, the more painful it is believed that this is the beginning of intrauterine hypoxia (placental insufficiency). Reduction of perturbations and shortening their duration are the most unfavorable sign and testify as fetal distress and the threat of termination of pregnancy. In the absence of perturbations over 12 hours you must consult your doctor immediately.


How are the perturbation

In fact, the fetus begins to move very early, around eight weeks, when he has hands and feet. But these movements are unconscious, the fetus just floating in the amniotic fluid, sometimes bumping into the wall of the uterus. Unconsciousness movements due to the fact that he has not yet formed the nervous system. At about 10 weeks the fetus is capable of feeling an obstacle (the wall of the uterus) and pushes the handle or stem from it. At 9 weeks, there swallowing (also refer to the perturbation), the fruit begins to actively swallowing amniotic fluid. In these terms the woman still does not feel the perturbations.

About 16 weeks there is a reaction in the form of perturbations to the sounds (especially the voice of the mother). With 18 weeks the fetus is able to compress the fingers, to touch the umbilical cord and distinguishes unpleasant sounds (thus he covers his face with hands and turns in the opposite direction).

Active and frequency perturbations depends on external stimuli (sound, light, touch). At this time, the fetus is able to distinguish between the parent and the touch of his hand, and his father's voice. The largest number of fetal movements produces from 24 to 28-30 per week. Before birth frequency perturbations decreases. This is due to the large size of the child and his cramped position in the womb. The biggest activity of the movements noted in the night, when the mother is sleeping. During the day, the fetus sleeps, seasick motion.


Feelings women

The first stirring of a pregnant woman experiences during the period from 16 to 20 (sometimes 22) per week. As a rule, multiparous begin to feel from earlier periods (an average of 18 weeks). This is due to the "memory" of the uterus. Nulliparous begin to feel the stirring of about 20 weeks. Also, the first perturbation depends on the constitutional features of a woman. That is, overweight women feel the first movement of the fetus later (due to the pronounced subcutaneous layer). Most nulliparous can not determine the first stirring. They take them for a bowel movement. Multiparous have experience and therefore feel the first movement of the fetus before.

In some cases, a woman complains of discomfort perturbations. To calm the child, you can take a warm bath, drink a glass of milk or eat something sweet (great help bananas). In addition, a child aktivnichaya night, a woman does not sleep. Perhaps his mother concerned about the situation. In this case, you must turn to the side, where predlezhit back.


Reducing the frequency perturbations

As noted above, a rare stirring of evidence of fetal hypoxia. Fetal hypoxia may occur for various reasons (maternal diseases, congenital malformations, intoxication - being in a stuffy room). Diagnosing it is possible by listening to banal heartbeat stethoscope. The normal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. An indispensable tool in the diagnosis of fetal distress is cardiotocography.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • development of pregnancy
