Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination - Can I get pregnant

July 8th, 2013

  • Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination
  • Can I get pregnant
  • How to Get Pregnant

 is it possible to become pregnant while amenorrhea

Can I become pregnant while amenorrhea

Can you get pregnant with amenorrhea? The answer is rather negative than positive. The reason is that the pathological amenorrhea broken mechanism for pregnancy, gestation and birth of a child. But this will not happen without ovulation or the embryo will not be able to penetrate into the wall of the uterus. Sometimes pregnancy occurs, but soon happens miscarriage, and so on.

 Can I get pregnant | amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

Physiological amenorrhea and pregnancy

Physiological amenorrhea can occur not only during pregnancy but also during the feeding of the child Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding. Normally, pregnancy while for most women, it is not desirable. However, pregnancy during lactation may occur. And here's why.

The cause of physiological amenorrhea Physiological amenorrhea - at different stages of a woman's life  Physiological amenorrhea - at different stages of a woman's life
   during lactation is the allocation of a large number of the pituitary hormone prolactin - that this hormone stimulates the secretion of breast milk. But Prolactin also suppresses the secretion of gonadotropin-Riesling-releasing hormone (GnRH) of the hypothalamus, whose main task is to stimulate the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins (TG) and luteinizing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH and LH).

Lack TG affects ovarian function. Lack of FSH does not allow the egg to ripen, does not produce enough estrogen, so the mucous membrane of the uterus (the endometrium) is not growing (proliferation phase missing). Lack of LH suppresses ovulation - out egg from the ovary, although it is not possible because of the fact that the egg does not mature.

Due to the lack of ovulation is not followed by a second phase of the menstrual cycle as the corpus luteum is formed which normally secretes progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . Always the same low (monotonous) secretion of female sex hormones leads to the fact that it is impossible to process monthly rejection of the endometrium, coupled with the normal hormonal support cliff. So, it does not begin and menstruation, that is, at high levels of prolactin in the blood comes persistent amenorrhea.

It would seem so natural why contraception is not reliable? But the fact that the permanent enough to suppress the menstrual function prolactin level is kept constant reflex action on the nipple of the breast. That is the right level of prolactin is supported only when the regular (the more the better) applying of the child to her breast. Once introduced first lure (aged 5-6 months) sharply increases the risk of pregnancy.

Pregnancy can also occur when the girl's menstrual cycle and transient even if the first period has not yet begun. The reason is that the menstrual cycle has already begun, but not finished menstruation and pregnancy. This rarely occurs since the first menstrual cycle in girls usually anovulatory, ie pass without ovulation.

 Can I get pregnant | amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

Pathologic amenorrhea - whether it is possible in this pregnancy?

Imagine that at some sections of the neurohormonal system (the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary) fails (no matter what it was called).

If the failure occurred at the level of the cerebral cortex (for example, severe stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   - Psychogenic amenorrhea), the signal of changing hormone exposure is not received on time in the hypothalamus. The latter, in turn, will not be able to secrete hormones that give the signal, and the need to change the hormonal effects of the pituitary gland. The result will not be promptly released LH and ovulation does not occur - the egg can not get out of the ovary and the pregnancy can not. And since there is no progesterone is not timely separate the endometrium and menstruation may be absent, but often they are still there, but irregular. If disturbed hormonal support both phases of the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea occurs. The same mechanism of developing disorders in various lesions of the hypothalamus.

If for some reason there is an error at the pituitary level, the lack of FSH and LH will lead to a decrease in estrogen and progesterone release ovaries, amenorrhea also occurs and pregnancy is impossible.

Finally, a failure may occur at the level of the ovaries - the ovaries will not stand female hormones. This will cause the pituitary gland to work "wear", releasing a huge amount of their hormones. But if the ovaries are not functioning, it will not work and just start amenorrhea, in which pregnancy is impossible.

Thus, you can get pregnant during physiological amenorrhea, amenorrhea is when abnormal pregnancy in most cases, no treatment is possible.

Amenorrhea and pregnancy - the inevitable mix - How to Get Pregnant

July 8th, 2013

  • Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination
  • Can I get pregnant
  • How to Get Pregnant

 how to get pregnant with amenorrhea

How to Get Pregnant with amenorrhea

While not eliminated the causes of pathological amenorrhea, pregnancy usually does not occur. And as the causes of this condition are many, to clarify them women conducted a comprehensive inspection. Only then can you answer the question, how to get pregnant with amenorrhea.

 How to get pregnant | amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

How to establish the causes of amenorrhea

In order to establish the causes of amenorrhea Causes of amenorrhea - different circumstances  Causes of amenorrhea - different circumstances
 It needs to be examined. First woman interrogates and examines the obstetrician takes swabs from the vaginal canal of the cervix and the urethra for laboratory examination.

Then the woman bled on hormones, conduct ultrasound of the pelvic organs, if necessary - hysteroscopy (study of the inner surface of the uterus using an optical instrument). To eliminate the disease and tumors in the hypothalamus and pituitary conduct X-ray, computed or magnetic resonance imaging. As the survey is sometimes a need for any additional methods of research and professional advice.

On the basis of all the data the doctor identifies the cause of pathological amenorrhea and sets a final diagnosis.

The cause of pathological amenorrhea may be to failure at any level of neurohormonal system. Therefore, amenorrhea is divided into central (hypothalamic-pituitary), ovarian and uterine. The latter is called a false amenorrhea, as it has a hormonal origin.

 How to get pregnant | amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

How to Get Pregnant with amenorrhea of ​​central origin

Amenorrhea of ​​central origin may be functional or organic in nature. When changes occur functional disorders at the biochemical level, such violations are more typical for the destruction of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. They can be caused by stress, unbearable loads starvation, various intoxications (including smoking) and so on. Often this takes place independently amenorrhea after elimination of the reasons that caused it, lifting loads. It is very important a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. The menstrual cycle can not restore the deficit 15 weight% or more, as well as obesity.

The reason may be the central amenorrhea also organic hypothalamic or pituitary diseases, including tumors. Such changes are more typical for the pituitary gland. All the violations are treated, sometimes it used hormones.

In some cases, the cause of amenorrhea center is a genetic disease - they will certainly be difficult to correct.

But in most cases with timely treatment to the doctor with a pathological amenorrhea can not cope. Once restored the normal menstrual cycle, pregnancy is possible.

 How to get pregnant | amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

How to Get Pregnant with amenorrhea of ​​ovarian origin

If the problem lies in the ovaries, the more likely this is due to hereditary or congenital disorders and various diseases that affect their function. Ovarian failure affects the work of the pituitary gland - it begins to produce a large number of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (TG). However, pregnancy can not occur.

Women with amenorrhea of ​​ovarian origin held cyclic treatment female hormones. It is also possible to carry out the stimulation of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (if the egg). If this treatment does not work, women spend in vitro fertilization (IVF) with the introduction into the uterus of a donor egg fertilized in vitro with sperm of her husband. In order to prepare the uterus for pregnancy, in this case by means of creating an artificial hormone (managed) the menstrual cycle.

 How to get pregnant | amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

How to Get Pregnant with amenorrhea uterine origin

When amenorrhea uterine origin (false amenorrhea) pregnancies occur in some cases, because the hormonal system is working properly. But usually the embryo can develop due to the fact that in the uterine cavity has spikes or some other obstacle.

But most of the pregnancy does not occur due to the fact that a fertilized egg can not penetrate the wall of the uterus changed.

Eliminates the causes of uterine amenorrhea Uterine amenorrhea - how and why there  Uterine amenorrhea - how and why there
   most rapidly: the spikes are cut using a hysteroscope or by scraping the uterine cavity Curettage - how dangerous it is?  Curettage - how dangerous it is?

Become pregnant while pathological amenorrhea is possible only after its removal. And to eliminate the causes of amenorrhea with subsequent correction of the menstrual cycle can only obstetrician-gynecologist.

Galina Romanenko

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  • amenorrhea
