- Early Pregnancy - health risks
- Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy
Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy
The woman's body during pregnancy, there are numerous complex changes that create the conditions for fetal development
Fetal development - week after week
, Preparing the body for childbirth and breastfeeding the newborn.
Since the beginning of the pregnancy in the active mode, all endocrine glands, which provide fetal development and changes in the mother's body. Increase metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
and oxygen consumption, which creates an additional load on the internal organs. Body accumulates nitrogen (protein synthesis), fats (go to form the tissues of the fetus), iron (for hematopoiesis), potassium (for cardiac muscle), magnesium, cobalt, copper and other trace elements. Accumulation of micronutrients promotes water retention - another element of the additional load on the internal organs.
Most withstand load during pregnancy, cardiovascular system, which is associated with an increase in blood volume and increase in volume of the uterus, which has a strong circulation. A large amount of blood makes working in elevated mode, kidneys and liver.
But the biggest changes are subjected to female genital organs. The uterus is increased due to the growth of muscle fibers (they accumulate substances that provide energy muscle contractions during childbirth), in its mucosa grow cancer, blood and lymph vessels and elements of the nervous system.
All these processes are quite difficult to pass even in the adult women's health. What can we say about the girl who has her tissues and organs are not fully developed?

At what age is considered to be an early pregnancy
There are age limits when labor can be dangerous to the body not strong. Of course, this is solved individually, because each girl develop on its own. However, under the understanding early pregnancy pregnancy 15-17 years. This age is the transition from childhood to adulthood.

What ends early pregnancy
Statistics show that unplanned teenage pregnancies often end in abortion. So, 100 pregnancies among teenage girls accounted for 70 abortions, 15 genera and 15 spontaneous abortions. And abortion among adolescents in 25% of cases occur in the timing of 22 - 27 weeks (abortion is legal up to 12 weeks of pregnancy), which is extremely negative impact on the health of girls.
As is known, abortion (especially the first) cause infertility
The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle
Which is due to the emergence of chronic gynecological diseases. Therefore, obstetricians try as much as possible to promote methods to prevent unintended pregnancy.
Unfortunately, even today, when the lifting of restrictions on all types of propaganda, adolescents know little about contraception, which affects their health.

What can cause early pregnancy
Early pregnancy, when the girls are physiologically not ready for motherhood leads to serious complications in childbirth and is responsible for the annual death of at least one million infants around the world, particularly in developing countries. For this reason, pregnancy and childbirth in the Third World are the leading cause of death for young women.
Among industrialized countries, most teenage mothers there are in the United States, Russia and New Zealand, the least - in South Korea, Japan and the Netherlands.
Pregnancy among teenagers creates the greater risk to health than they are younger (he was particularly significant for the 13-16-year-olds). This affects the frequency of pregnancy miscarriage because it is early in the 2 and 5 times higher than in women of childbearing age. They are more likely to develop placental insufficiency, threatened miscarriage, toxemia and anemia
Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
. At birth adolescents have elevated levels of maternal mortality.
Early pregnancy can have such consequences for the mother, as a violation of the structure of the bones due to calcium deficiency, as in this case, the body of a young mother with a child competes for the right to use calcium for bone growth.
Children born to teenagers have a low birth weight and almost twice as likely to die in infancy than babies of 20-30 year old women. Teenagers 11% higher risk of having a child with congenital anomalies.