Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking Infection - Signs and possible complications

April 28, 2013

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking infection
  • The symptoms and possible complications

 swollen lymph nodes in pregnancy symptoms and possible complications

Swollen lymph nodes in pregnancy - symptoms and possible complications

Swollen lymph nodes in pregnancy may occur as in pregnant women lowered immunity and they are prone to the development of various inflammatory diseases. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a complication of a variety of infectious and inflammatory processes.

The lymphatic system promotes the excretion of toxic products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and excess fluid, and also protects the body against the introduction and spread of infectious agents. It includes a network of lymphatic vessels and arranged in the course of their lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes have an oval shape, a size from a few millimeters to several centimeters thick coated capsule. They are located near large groups of blood vessels. Each lymph node Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   falls brings lymphatic vessel and is enduring. Lymph nodes perform two functions: immune (they mature immune cells) and barrier (they delay microscopic pathogens and foreign bodies).

 The symptoms and possible complications | swollen lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking infection

Why does a pregnant woman can begin swollen lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) - a complication that occurs in a variety of infectious and inflammatory processes in the near data lymph node tissues. Lymphadenitis may be acute or chronic.

The infection enters the lymph node-bearing veins and lymphatic vessels. The lymph node infection lingers that it promotes inflammation. If the inflammatory process has some specific to the characteristics of the pathogen, it is called non-specific (eg lymphadenitis caused by staphylococci or streptococci are identical). If the infectious agent causing lymphadenitis with characteristic only for it features something called lymphadenitis called them specific (eg, tuberculosis lymphadenitis).

During pregnancy always causes low immunity, which contributes to the emergence of a variety of infectious and inflammatory diseases, and complications of which is an inflammation of the lymph nodes Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection  Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection

  • Acute lymphadenitis begins suddenly. Lymph nodes inflamed, increasing in size. When probing such painful lymph nodes. The main difference between the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes, for example from a tumor, in that they do not coalesce (not soldered) to surrounding tissues. Inflammation in the lymph nodes can be catarrhal (redness and swelling), hemorrhagic (bloody with effusion) and purulent.
  • Catarrhal inflammation of the lymph nodes usually occurs locally, and ends as soon as the main passes inflammation in the surrounding tissues. At the same time at a palpation lymph nodes are enlarged and painful, but the skin above them is not changed. When the contents of the damaged blood vessels lymph node gets bloody appearance. Catarrhal lymphadenitis may occur, for example, against the background of a sore throat or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
   in pregnant women.
  • When purulent inflammation of the skin reddens and swells lymph node, suffers and general condition of the patient - there is a fever, chills, malaise. This is a very dangerous condition for pregnant women, because the lymph node can not cope with its function and infection by blood and lymphatic vessels spread throughout the body. The result can be acute thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the walls of the veins), acute lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels), as well as inflammatory processes in internal organs.
  • Chronic inflammation in the lymph nodes is often the result of a treated or untreated acute lymphadenitis wrong. At the same time the lymph nodes may be as increased in size, and, on the contrary, decreased (atrophied). For pregnant women it is also dangerous, as it causes a small but constant intoxication, which is manifested by weakness, malaise, decreased performance. Often this condition in pregnant women occurs on a background of chronic decompensated (where the tonsils can not cope with its function) tonsillitis. That's why pregnant women are advised to scheduled preliminary identification and prolechivaniem all foci of infection.

 The symptoms and possible complications | swollen lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking infection

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in pregnant women

Independently engage in treatment lymphadenitis absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women. This should be done only by a doctor after a preliminary examination, identify the causes of diseases, pathogens and their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Typically prescribed antibiotics authorized for use in pregnant women. When catarrh appoint dry heat, ultraviolet irradiation of the lymph nodes. If the abscess began, warming the procedure can not be done, surgery is performed lymph node dissection and its subsequent drainage, ie ensuring the outflow of wound.

Article Tags:
  • swollen lymph nodes

Colds during pregnancy - how dangerous is it? - Why is there a cold

April 11, 2010

  • Colds during pregnancy - how dangerous is it?
  • Why is there a cold

Why is there a cold

On the surface of the skin and mucous membranes inhabited by many microorganisms and not all of them are neutral or beneficial to the human body. All microflora is divided into normal and opportunistic. Under certain conditions (for example, when supercooling) reduces the body's defenses (immune system), and conditionally pathogenic microflora (bacteria or viruses) begins actively implemented in the mucous membranes, mainly the upper respiratory tract, causing their inflammation. It is cold. You can also become infected and, having received the infection from another person.

For pregnant women the opportunity to catch cold higher than the others because pregnancy is often reduced immunity. Therefore, pregnant women should ensure to always be dressed for the season, not supercool, but do not overheat - temperature changes can also lower immunity.

 Why is there a cold | Colds during pregnancy - how dangerous is it?

How does the common cold, and what is its danger to the pregnant woman

The common cold often starts with a runny nose, then joins a sore throat and cough. But sometimes, and vice versa - that cough occurs first. From the common cold symptoms predominate malaise and weakness. If there are no complications, the temperature rises to a rare and small numbers.

Pregnant women cold is dangerous because it can give complications dangerous for both mother and child. There is a risk of fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen, which can be fraught with disorders of the brain of the child), fetal growth retardation, disturbances of the structure of some of its officials. For the woman an illness can have consequences in the form of polyhydramnios, the risk of spontaneous abortion, premature birth.

But do not panic: the possibility of the body (including during pregnancy) is very high, and even carried a heavy flu may pass without consequences for both mother and child.

 Why is there a cold | Colds during pregnancy - how dangerous is it?

How to treat a cold

The common cold does not require medical treatment. But during the whole period of the disease is better to observe polupostelny mode: longer lie sleeping in the cold season does not go out.

Equally important is the mode of drinking and food. Need to drink more as a liquid from our body are derived infectious agents and toxins. However, drinking large amounts of fluid must be agreed with the obstetrician-gynecologist, as not all pregnant women shown: swelling may appear. At the time the disease is better to take food that is easily digestible: dairy products, chicken broth, steamed vegetables, cereals. Exclude need fried, salty and spicy dishes.

For the treatment of the common cold nose should be washed with a solution of soda (a teaspoon per cup of water) or a special solution to wash the nose, is sold in a pharmacy, for example, Maris aqua (sea water). After washing the nose you can drip aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   (leaf of aloe is necessary to disrupt the advance and put on a night in a dark place, this will increase its medicinal properties). One - two times a day, you can smell the grated onions or garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea

To reduce the dryness and sore throat may be rinsed his herbal extracts, such as chamomile, calendula and sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 . Well help tea with honey and lemon infusion of rose hips and lime blossom.

Drug treatment of a pregnant woman may appoint a doctor.

 Why is there a cold | Colds during pregnancy - how dangerous is it?

Preventing colds during pregnancy

To resist colds and viral diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. To do this, a pregnant woman needs:

  • every day at least three hours to spend in the open air, better in this move - a leisurely stroll contribute not only to strengthen the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 But also the improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • deal with daily physiotherapy - a set of exercises you can always get in the antenatal clinic;
  • eat healthy: food should contain sufficient protein (including built immune cells), vegetable and dairy fat (they are involved in all metabolic processes), complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and vegetables (source of energy), vitamins and minerals (they come in the enzymes and other biologically active substances involved in metabolism);
  • take vitamins: to make up for deficiency of vitamins and minerals produced a special vitamin-mineral complexes, designed for pregnant women, be sure to nominate them to you in the antenatal clinic;
  • avoid contact with sick people, especially true during the cold season, when many suffer from respiratory viral diseases.

Pregnancy - is a very important period in the life of the woman, because it affects the life and health of the child.

Article Tags:
  • a cold during pregnancy
