Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

July 8th, 2013

  • Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination
  • Can I get pregnant
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 amenorrhea and pregnancy
 During pregnancy, a woman's periods are absent, then there comes the physiological amenorrhea Physiological amenorrhea - at different stages of a woman's life  Physiological amenorrhea - at different stages of a woman's life
 . Pregnancy while developing normally. Women are often concerned about whether it is possible pregnancy if the woman has no menses? In most cases, no.

 Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

Types of amenorrhea

Amenorrhea - is the lack of menstruation for more than six months (if already established), or their absence from the start (there was no menstruation). In the first case we speak of primary amenorrhea, and the second - on the secondary.

Amenorrhea also divided on the physiological and pathological. Physiologically amenorrhea is a normal variant and develops during pregnancy, infant feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding in children and elderly women. Pathologic amenorrhea develops when there are any failures in the neurohormonal system, women: the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary - uterus.

True called amenorrhea amenorrhea due to hormonal disruptions, false - changes in the anatomy of the uterus.

 Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

Amenorrhea and Pregnancy - physiological state

In order to understand why during pregnancy, there are no monthly, you need to know how to "work" woman's menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle of women - is a mechanism that allows a woman to have a baby. If there has been a failure, or the pregnancy does not occur, or ends in miscarriage.

Woman's menstrual cycle consists of two phases separated by ovulation. The first phase of the menstrual cycle is accompanied by the secretion of pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which promotes the maturation of egg follicles in the ovary the follicle cells and the secretion of female hormones estrogen. Under the influence of estrogen grows (proliferate) the mucous membrane of the uterus (the endometrium).

Once the egg matures, this signal enters the central nervous system and the hypothalamus secretes a hormone that stimulates the secretion of other pituitary hormone - luteinizing hormone - LH. Under the influence of LH follicle in which the egg bursts and the egg is released from the ovary, heading into the fallopian tube for fertilization. Out egg from the ovary is called ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?

Once ovulation has occurred on the site of the ruptured follicle forms a new endocrine gland - the corpus luteum, it secretes the hormone progesterone the female sex Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . Progesterone inhibits the proliferation of the endometrium and makes the last to secrete - secrete substances necessary to maintain the state of pregnancy.

If the egg is fertilized by sperm, then a week later it is gradually moving through the fallopian tube, embedded in the wall of the uterus, where he began to develop. Thus yellow body expands and releases many times more progesterone than before pregnancy - which prevents uterine contractions, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. It is understood that menstruation during pregnancy is not possible, because the menstrual rejected by the mucous membrane of the uterus, and together with it and implement it in the embryo, that is miscarriage begins.

If the pregnancy to the end of the menstrual cycle has not occurred, the corpus luteum gradually atrophies. Deprived of hormonal support the mucous membrane of the uterus is torn away, which is accompanied by menstrual bleeding.

 Amenorrhea and pregnancy - an inevitable combination

Amenorrhea and false pregnancy

Sometimes amenorrhea background, over which a woman is being treated, a so-called false pregnancy. The woman begins to feel pregnant, walking those actually conception has not occurred. The cause of false pregnancy is often a very strong woman's desire to have a child. Often this condition occurs in women after 35-40 years.

At the same time develop indirect signs of pregnancy: increase breast, fat deposition in the abdomen and thigh, the phenomena of toxicity of the first half of pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, salivation). The belief of some women in the offensive of pregnancy is sometimes so great that they feel the fetal movements.

Naturally, such a condition can not last long, and the first medical examination dispels all doubts: the uterus is not increased in size, has all the same pear-shaped, the cervix has not acquired the characteristic bluish tint.

Persuade a woman with a false pregnancy in her absence is very difficult. This requires a bedside manner, and sometimes mental health care.

Amenorrhea and pregnancy - are two inseparable concepts. But amenorrhea during pregnancy is a physiological natural. Pathologic amenorrhea may also be a barrier to pregnancy.

Allergies in pregnancy: the main thing - caution

November 24, 2011

 Allergies in pregnancy
 According to some reports, in modern times allergy affects about 50% of people. Those who suffered at least one allergic attack, knows what this unpleasant condition. The increase in patients suffering from allergy, due to the chronic stress, impaired environment, extensive use of cosmetics and household tools, the use of antibiotics without prescription, and more. Women with allergies are often afraid to become pregnant because of the constant use of allergy medications that are harmful to the fetus. But not all that bad, often an allergy during pregnancy does not occur practically.

 Allergies in pregnancy: the main thing - caution

Influence of allergy pregnancy

During pregnancy, allergies can occur in three ways:

  • pregnancy and allergies exist independently of each other (no effect on allergic reactions);
  • the positive effect of pregnancy on allergic reactions;
  • aggravation of allergies against pregnancy.

 Allergies in pregnancy: the main thing - caution

Mechanism of allergy during pregnancy

Pregnant women in large numbers are produced hormones such as cortisol and gonadotropin. Due to the disposal of allergy mediators - histamine, they have anti-allergic effect. Therefore, during pregnancy, if a woman was ill before allergy, allergic manifestations come to naught. Special attention is given asthma, it is quite rare, about 2% of pregnant women. Currently, asthma is not a contraindication to pregnancy, but doctors should be warned of the presence of the disease. Exacerbation of asthma is usually between 24 to 36 weeks. But the positive thing is to improve the course of the disease in the four weeks before delivery.

 Allergies in pregnancy: the main thing - caution

Allergy during pregnancy

Most often during pregnancy, women suffer from allergic rhinitis Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious  Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
 . This is evident in nasal congestion, shortness of breath and swelling of the mucous membrane. No less common allergic conjunctivitis, which manifests itself in tearing, photophobia, redness of the eye Red eyes - an occasion consult an ophthalmologist  Red eyes - an occasion consult an ophthalmologist
 , Swelling of the eyelids, itching and constriction of the optic fissure. Cutaneous manifestations (local urticaria) characterized by the formation of blisters, the edges of which are raised, and the center of Pale. Accompanied by severe itching. For severe allergy include angioedema and anaphylactic shock. Angioedema manifested swelling of the skin, subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes. Most often affects the lips, the scalp, forehead and eyelids. There may be a swelling of the digestive tract, joints and throat (difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath). Anaphylactic shock is characterized by a sharp drop in pressure, loss of consciousness, abdominal pain and edema of the larynx. Asthma manifests shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Aggravation occurs in the case of contact with the allergen, in severe stress or physical exertion How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

 Allergies in pregnancy: the main thing - caution

What to do?

First of all, make sure that it is an allergy. Then consult an allergist and immunologist. Allergist when unidentified allergen holds special allergological samples (dust, animal dander, pollen, etc.). In addition, it should be possible to avoid contact with the allergen (for example, during the flowering period to go outside in the mask). It is recommended to ventilate the room, daily wet cleaning and once a week to vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture. Also, pregnant women must be observed hypoallergenic diet Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach  Hypoallergenic diet - the salvation for the stomach
 . Products that are permitted for allergies: cereal, boiled lean poultry and meat, and fruits and vegetables non-toxic coloring (apples, cabbage, zucchini, squash, pears, cucumbers, etc.). It is forbidden to caviar, eggs, nuts, honey, chocolate, seafood, raspberries, strawberries, strawberry, black currant, citrus and spicy, fried and sweet foods. Furthermore, it should eliminate smoking, both active and passive. Smoking during pregnancy causes fetal chronic hypoxia and intrauterine development. Pets during pregnancy does not start, or if any temporarily get rid of.

Anna Sozinova

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  • allergy
