Water shortage during pregnancy - to which it can lead? - Amniotic fluid, their composition and functions

December 13th, 2009

  • Water shortage during pregnancy - to which it can lead?
  • Amniotic fluid, their composition and functions

Amniotic fluid, their composition and functions

Amniotic fluid are periconceptional bag (amnion), which entered the fruit and are a zone of communication between the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. The main function of membranes is that they provide the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   between mother and child (and hence the growth and development of the child), and saves the child from injury (in the second half of pregnancy, the fetus becomes mobile). During birth the amniotic fluid under pressure to the cervix, and contribute to its disclosure.

The composition of amniotic fluid is constantly changing, they contain protein, free amino acids, urea, steroid hormones, human chorionic gonadotropin (the hormone of pregnancy), minerals (sodium, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, calcium), vitamins (A, C, group B), enzymes.

In the first one, 5 months of pregnancy the amount of amniotic fluid is 5 ml, then gradually increases and two weeks before birth equals 1-1, 5 liters. In the past two weeks, the amount of amniotic fluid is reduced to 600 ml. If the amniotic fluid less than normal, it is called oligohydramnios more - polyhydramnios.

 Amniotic fluid, their composition and function | water shortage during pregnancy - to which it can lead?

What causes water scarcity and what it can lead

Water shortage may occur after an infection (especially viral), in the presence of a pregnant woman of chronic diseases (especially infections of the genital organs), metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Endocrine disorders at different intoxication (nicotine, alcohol, drugs, certain medications, chemicals), with late toxicosis of pregnancy. All this contributes to the fact that violated the metabolic processes between mother and child, and this in turn leads to intrauterine growth and development of the child.

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus begins to move actively, so the lack of amniotic fluid may be the cause of his injury, he may develop changes in the musculoskeletal system (spine, hip). When the amount of amniotic fluid is below normal possible merging of the fruit ookoloplodnym bag, which entails the formation of the fetus malformations. About half of pregnant women with oligohydramnios have threatened miscarriage. Often also begin preterm labor, where the weakness of labor.

 Amniotic fluid, their composition and function | water shortage during pregnancy - to which it can lead?

How does water scarcity

Water scarcity may be mild or severe. In marked oligohydramnios pregnant women worried aching pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
 Nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Dry mouth and fatigue. The child begins to suffer from lack of oxygen, which is particularly affecting the development of the central nervous system, so often for health reasons such women performed caesarean section.

But the child is suffering and moderate oligohydramnios, often he is born with low birth weight and some developmental disabilities. Therefore, we must pay attention to the appearance of abdominal pain when moving the child and inform your doctor.

 Amniotic fluid, their composition and function | water shortage during pregnancy - to which it can lead?

What is the basis diagnosed oligohydramnios

The amount of amniotic fluid is determined with ultrasound by calculating the specially developed index (amniotic fluid index - AFI), which allows to approach to the calculation of the amniotic fluid individually.

Since water scarcity may give various complications of the fetus, since its presence is confirmed by ultrasound, performed cardiotocography - synchronous recording fetal heart and uterine contractions, which allows you to judge the state of the child.

In addition, an ultrasound Doppler study of blood flow in the arteries of the uterus, umbilical cord and brain of the fetus, which gives the most complete information about the child.

 Amniotic fluid, their composition and function | water shortage during pregnancy - to which it can lead?

Treatment of water scarcity

If oligohydramnios is primarily trying to identify the cause and treat the underlying disease that led to the dry years. In addition, prescribed drugs that improve placental circulation, metabolism in the placenta, fetal oxygen supply. Treatment is carried out under the control of ultrasound (including Doppler), and CTG. If the fetus is not improving, suffer the metabolic processes and the supply of oxygen the brain, then at 37 weeks gestation performed cesarean delivery.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of pregnancy with oligohydramnios out well, you should always remember that there are complications. Prevent complications can be only one way: regular prenatal visits, implementation of diagnostic studies and recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Article Tags:
  • oligohydramnios during pregnancy

Toxicosis - redemption possible - Why there is morning sickness?

December 20, 2009

  • Toxicosis - deliverance possible
  • What causes morning sickness?

What causes morning sickness?

Toxicosis (intoxication) - a painful condition that occurs as a result of effects on the body of toxic (poisonous) substances which entered the body from the outside (for example, toxins, infectious agents - exogenous toxemia) or were synthesized by the body as a result of violations of metabolic processes (eg, toxemia of pregnancy - endogenous toxemia).

Acute toxicosis arise when the body of toxic substances known to be toxic doses and are characterized by acute onset and severe symptoms of poisoning. Chronic toxicosis occurs when prolonged systemic exposure to small doses of toxic substances.

Among the substances that accumulate in the body in different diseases, are chemical compounds of different nature: reaction products of proteins, amino acids, fats. Matter also biologically active substances: histamine, serotonin, etc., stand out when damaged tissue cells. When infectious diseases is an accumulation of bacterial toxins and other waste products of bacteria, and the decay products of tissues.

 What causes morning sickness? | Toxicosis - deliverance possible

The mechanism of

The mechanism of toxicosis is mainly damaging effect of the poison on those or other cellular structures and metabolic disturbances in the body. In most cases, such injuries are reversible but sometimes occurs cell death (extinction). Matter as the reaction of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as the involvement of other organs and systems.

The development of special system confronts toxicity organism, which provide chemical conversion of toxic substances into less toxic or soluble substances amenable to removal from the body. These processes take place with the participation of the enzyme systems of the body. Poisons entering the blood to the liver and it is partially neutralized. Intoxication develops when the body of poisons in an amount exceeding the possibility of decontamination systems.

 What causes morning sickness? | Toxicosis - deliverance possible

Signs of endogenous toxicosis

Endogenous toxicosis can be caused by toxic products formed in the body in various diseases (eg, burns, infections, etc.). Sometimes it detects signs of toxemia of a disease (eg, chronic renal failure).

During endogenous toxicity is largely determined by the nature of the underlying disease. For example, in diffuse toxic goiter under the influence of increased production of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   there is a persistent tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
   (palpitations), weight loss, protrusion of the eyeballs. When uremia (end-stage renal failure) appear the phenomenon of inflammation in places allocation of nitrogenous wastes, appear on the skin of uric acid crystals Uric acid - a normal level?  Uric acid - a normal level?
   - "Uremic powder." In some cases, the endogenous toxemia may occur in the form of severe acute poisoning with vomiting, lethargy and loss of consciousness (eg, acute renal failure).

 What causes morning sickness? | Toxicosis - deliverance possible

Signs of exogenous toxicosis

The exogenous toxicosis is caused by the action of poisons, got on the skin and mucous membranes, inhalation of vapors or aerosols of receipt of poison in the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, the source of toxicity is not the substance itself, trapped in the body and its decay products.

During exogenous toxicity it depends on what kind of poison in a dose affects the body. The selectivity of action of various poisons leads to the development of certain characteristics: a spasm of pulmonary edema, convulsions, and so on. Heavy exogenous toxicosis may occur with respiratory, circulatory, kidney and liver failure, coma. When poisoning with some poisons can psychoses.

With long-term effect of small doses of poison in the beginning there is a change in the nervous and endocrine systems and then join symptoms characteristic for this poison.

 What causes morning sickness? | Toxicosis - deliverance possible

General principles of treatment of toxicosis

Treatment of toxicosis is primarily in the removal and disposal of toxic substances from the body (gastric lavage, enema, the introduction of large amounts of fluid into a vein while administering diuretics, ingestion adsorbents - substances which are deposited poisons followed by elimination from the body), and restore all functions. In severe intoxication treatment is carried out in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Enter the antidote (if installed poison and an antidote for him there).

Article Tags:
  • toxemia
