Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy - not a cause for termination

May 27, 2014

 bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy
 Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy is not uncommon. The reason - the decline in immunity against the background of hormonal changes. This condition is not dangerous either for the woman or the fetus, but only if the woman is under the constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.


Bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a natural decline in immunity. This is necessary to ensure that the mother's body does not reject foreign to him fetal cells. Immunosuppression promotes activation of infection: can escalate any infectious-inflammatory processes. Including the possibility of proliferation of gardnerellas - bacteria that are part of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity

Vaginosis rarely poses a risk to mother and child and is not transmitted through the placenta to the fetus, so it is not a cause for termination of pregnancy.


Bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women - it takes

Most often exacerbated during pregnancy bacterial vaginosis, which was already a woman before conception and goes unnoticed. That's why experts recommend planning a pregnancy and up to her to get rid of all infections.

Dysbacteriosis vagina may occur during pregnancy as a heavy discharge with a characteristic odor of fish. Vaginal discharge may be abundant foamy, creamy, thick and so on. Sometimes the appearance of such discharge is combined with a light burning and itching in the genital area. And it is very rare there is pain while urinating.


Can gardnerella prevent pregnancy

The development of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is dangerous because it helps to change the acidity of the vagina, it becomes alkaline, comfortable for the development of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. And after enough safe gardnerellami can grow colonies of more dangerous pathogens.

For example, the combination of microorganisms such as ureaplasma and gardnerella This insidious ureaplasma - often too late  This insidious ureaplasma - often too late
 During pregnancy can cause miscarriage due to the formation of serious fetal malformations (of the nervous, cardiovascular and other systems), and missed abortion. Later, this combination can cause placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
   (when the fetus lacks oxygen and nutrients), premature delivery, infection of the fetus in utero and postpartum endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus) of the mother.

Ureaplasma and gardnerella during childbirth represent varying degrees of risk. So, even gardnerelly in contact with skin and mucous baby during childbirth is almost never causes disease. Ureaplasma can also cause postpartum infection in the child. The causative agent of infection in these cases is found in a newborn baby in the nasopharynx and on the genitals.

However, ureaplasmas is rarely transmitted through the placenta, so is not an indication for abortion. Dangerous combination with bacterial vaginosis chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases.


Features observation of pregnant women with gardnerellezom

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy is usually not carried out, as antibiotics can cause a woman and the fetus more harm than bacterial vaginosis. Therefore, treatment is delayed to the postnatal period.

But the woman requires careful monitoring and timely detection of other, more dangerous infection that can threaten the woman and the fetus. For this woman every month during a routine inspection of an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic needs to be tested - a smear of vaginal discharge and crop on nutrient media. When identifying pathological microflora it untreated.

If bacterial vaginosis symptoms become significant, just before delivery is carried out sanitation of the external genitalia. It can be conducted by douching with lactic acid administration and vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   with lactobacilli (atsilakt, laktonorma) and bifidobacteria (bifidumbacterin).

Of great importance is the strengthening of general immunity women. She should receive adequate nutrition, at least three hours a day to be outdoors, to lead sedentary lives, engaged in special gymnastics. With increasing general immunity decrease the risk of any infections.

Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy develops frequently. But gardnerelly usually does not threaten any woman or child. Instead, they "open the gates" for penetration of other, more dangerous infections, the moment of penetration into the body which need to catch and take all necessary measures for its suppression.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • gardnerellez

Thyroid disease during pregnancy

March 12th, 2012

 thyroid disease during pregnancy
 The most common thyroid disease during pregnancy - lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can cause many changes in a woman's body - cause irregular, heavy menstruation, absence of menstruation, reduce fertility.

 Thyroid disease during pregnancy

Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy

Because some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism - such as fatigue and weight gain - considered quite ordinary phenomenon for pregnant women, very often it is the disease of the thyroid gland during pregnancy do not notice. Blood tests, and, above all, a blood test for levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, to help determine the presence of thyroid problems in pregnant women.

Medications for the treatment of hypothyroidism (eg, levothyroxine), are almost identical to hormones produced by the thyroid health, so even pregnant women during childbearing can take such drugs. If you stick to the recommended dosage of a physician, levothyroxine and other drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism does not cause side effects. It is important to understand that, even if the mother is found hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland in a child will function normally.

For women previously treated by hypothyroidism, the recommended dose of levothyroxine, or other similar drugs may be increased during pregnancy. During the course of treatment is recommended to make regular blood test for thyroid stimulating hormone, and after treatment - every two or three months during pregnancy to check the thyroid gland.

 Thyroid disease during pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism - disease associated with increased activity of the thyroid gland and excessive secretion of hormones. Hyperthyroidism is often seen in young women. As signs of the disease - heart palpitations, nervousness, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Nausea, weight loss - in some cases, can be confused with symptoms of pregnancy, hyperthyroidism is not always diagnosed during pregnancy.

In non-pregnant women the increased activity of the thyroid gland primarily affects the menstrual cycle: do not start menstruating regularly, quickly run out or disappear altogether. A woman suffering from hyperthyroidism, pregnant more difficult, and the risk of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   Her above. It is a disease of the thyroid gland is very important to timely diagnosis and treatment during pregnancy because of hyperthyroidism increases the risk of miscarriage or birth defects in the baby.

Fortunately, there are effective treatments for hyperthyroidism, safe even for pregnant women. The most common method is considered to be receiving special drugs that suppress thyroid function and in just a few weeks to facilitate the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. For pregnant women, so the safest drug propylthiouracil is considered.

Since propylthiouracil may act on the thyroid gland of the embryo, it is important to follow a course of the drug at regular blood tests to ensure timely correction of dosing. In rare cases, receiving propylthiouracil is contraindicated (eg, allergies or the appearance of side effects). In such cases, the only alternative is the removal of part of the thyroid gland is surgically. The operation is performed before a planned pregnancy or, if necessary, even during pregnancy.

Although in most cases the removal of the thyroid gland surgically replaced successfully treated with radioactive iodine, the effective treatment of hyperthyroidism is not recommended for pregnant women - too large risk of damage to the thyroid gland of the embryo.

To treat hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is quite difficult, so doctors recommend that women who are planning to become pregnant in the near future, the first to solve all the problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, only one administration of drugs that suppress the activity of the thyroid gland may not be an effective method of treatment, because hyperthyroidism often returns after discontinuation of the drug.

Treatment with radioactive iodine is considered the most common and effective treatment for hyperthyroidism, and surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland is regarded as an alternative in the event of failure of the first treatment .  This method of treatment of hyperthyroidism involves injecting a small amount of the blood of radioactive iodine, which, after the capture of the thyroid gland destroys cells .  That is why this method of treatment of hyperthyroidism is not recommended for pregnant women - a radioactive iodine can destroy perfectly healthy thyroid cells embryo .  In general, treatment with radioactive iodine is safe enough, and the only side effect of this method of treatment of hyperthyroidism - insufficient activity of the thyroid gland that occurs as a result of too great extent of organ damage .  Fortunately, this condition can be easily treated with levothyroxine, or other hormone preparations .

 Thyroid disease during pregnancy

Postpartum thyroiditis

According to statistics, every twenty women after childbirth is faced with an inflammation of the thyroid gland. Such a condition called postpartum thyroiditis - the disease is absolutely painless and causes only a slight, almost imperceptible increase in thyroid Increase in thyroid - that underlies the disease  Increase in thyroid - that underlies the disease
 . However, despite its apparent harmlessness, postpartum thyroiditis affects the thyroid gland: in particular, it can cause 'attack' hyperthyroidism, lasting several weeks. Later the impaired inflammatory thyroid gland may be unable to produce sufficient amounts of hormones, which leads to hypothyroidism.

 Thyroid disease during pregnancy

The symptoms of thyroid disease during pregnancy and after childbirth


  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability


  • Increased fatigue
  • Depression
  • Difficulties with losing weight

Typically, the symptoms of postpartum thyroiditis are themselves a few months later, however, during the active inflammatory process is recommended to treat the symptoms of deficiency or excess thyroid hormones. Some of the symptoms of postpartum thyroiditis, associated with an excess of thyroid hormone Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   (eg, tremors or palpitations), treated with beta-blockers (eg, propranolol). Receiving drugs that suppress the function of the thyroid gland, radioactive iodine treatment and, especially, the surgical removal of the thyroid gland in the treatment of post-partum thyroiditis is not necessary because it is a disease of the thyroid gland is considered temporary.

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  • thyroid disease
