Breast during pregnancy: what changes occur

August 9, 2012

 breasts during pregnancy
 During pregnancy a woman's body hormonal changes occur. Gaumont, who are beginning to be developed in the period of gestation of the child, crying out various changes in all internal organs and systems. Primarily these "transformation" occurs in the reproductive organs, including the mammary gland. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the breasts during pregnancy. Breast cancer is the first source of supply of the newborn and breast unprepared or disease will become an obstacle to feeding a baby. In addition, breast care during pregnancy helps maintain its shape and beauty.


Breast changes in pregnancy

Breast changes during pregnancy occur every woman differently. The period of pregnancy when the breasts begin to be transformed, also varies. The major transformation of the mammary glands are:

  • Increased breast

Pregnancy is accompanied by intensive growth of the mammary glands. For most women, the increase in breast occurs already in the first month of pregnancy, and sometimes in the first trimester. If the breasts have increased in volume during the pregnancy, the postpartum breast increases little or no increase. In some cases, breast growth starts at the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy.

The growth of the mammary glands occurs by the action of the hormones of pregnancy.

Estrogens stimulate the growth of the milk ducts and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   glandular tissue. Also it occurs and proliferation of connective tissue which supports the breast lobules. After the cessation of lactation connective tissue turns to fat. Bust in the childbearing period is increased by two to three sizes.

  • Breast tenderness

During pregnancy, women often notice discomfort in the breast. It can be as breast tenderness and pain expressed. Mammary glands are tight, "poured". Chest discomfort associated with its growth and preparation for breastfeeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?  The first signs of pregnancy to delay: Eyes on intuition?
 . Sometimes feeling in the breasts occur before a missed period.

  • Change nipples

A characteristic sign of pregnancy is the change in the color and shape of nipples. They are larger, around the nipples (the influence of hormones on the pigmentation) appear small bumps - "pimples", peripapillary area (the areola) darkens and the nipple. These effects disappear in the postpartum period. Also on the skin of the breast begin to exude blood vessels.

  • Isolation of colostrum

Colostrum - a precursor of milk, surpassing its content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Colostrum is a thick, sticky mass yellowish or grayish yellow. Furthermore, in the colostrum in a larger amount than in milk contains vitamins and antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 Performing a protective function.

Colostrum - this is the first meal of the newborn. Isolation of colostrum may begin in early pregnancy, but usually before birth.

Provoke colostrum may leak different stressful situations.

  • The appearance of stretch marks

The appearance of stretch marks (striae) also refers to characteristic changes in the breast during pregnancy. Stretch marks are the result of the growth of breasts and an increase in its volume. The formation of stretch marks of pregnancy is directly related to the structure of the skin. If the skin in sufficient quantity contain collagen and elastin, the risk is minimal stretch. Stretch marks are formed by softening the collagen fibers of the connective tissues that are broken in the process of increasing the size of the mammary glands. Stretch marks are painted in a dark purple color, which is associated with damage to the blood vessels. After delivery, after some time, fade stretch marks and scars resemble, but do not disappear.


Breast Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to bras. They should be with wide shoulder straps, regulates clasp on the back and pitted. Also useful for breast regular massage, which can be carried out with special creams and oils.

Water treatments enhance the chest, stimulate its growth and prepare the nipples for feeding. Recommended two or three times a day to take air bath (chest must be stripped for 10-15 minutes). After showering lubricated breasts with special cream after stretching, which contain vitamins A and E.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • pregnancy and your body

Herpes on the lip during pregnancy - in most cases not dangerous

January 17, 2014

 Herpes on the lip during pregnancy
 Herpes on the lip during pregnancy is not usually dangerous, as the causative agent of the infection is usually ingested in early childhood. By the time a woman is preparing to become a mother, she produces immunity against the infection. This immunity is passed, and the child, protecting him from the virus within a few months after birth.


Herpes on the lips of pregnant - is it dangerous?

Pregnancy and herpes on the lips - a frequent combination. This happens because during pregnancy under the influence of hormones decreases immunity. As a result of the herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-I), causes cold sores on the lips, is activated rapidly multiply and cause inflammation.

HSV-I ingested by women in early childhood (usually after three years) and for all settles it. In response to the introduction of an infection the body produces specific proteins of immunoglobulins (antibodies) to protect it from infection. During the initial introduction of infection into the body in a few days the mother's blood appear antibodies of immunoglobulin class M (IgM). These antibodies time, they can be detected in the blood for several months, but less than a year. After 10-14 days after introduction of infection appears another kind of antibodies belonging to the class of immunoglobulin G (IgG). IgG are detected in human blood for the rest of life - they will protect the fetus from the negative impact of the herpes virus.

HSV-I resides in nerve ganglion cells and stored in a dormant inactive. From the "hibernation" of such a virus can bring the immunity or reduction of injury lips. In this case, the herpes virus is activated, it multiplies rapidly, gets on the nerve endings in the skin cells and cause inflammation. This inflammatory process does not have any adverse effects on the fetus, as infectious agents is securely blocked by antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   IgG class in the mother's blood.

It is believed that about 95% of adult men and women infected with herpes simplex virus type-I. The remaining 5% are not susceptible to HSV-I - why this is happening today is not established. Despite this, the possibility to eliminate the primary infection with HSV-I was not possible during pregnancy.

The problem often is before pregnancy a woman had no lesions on the lips. This does not exclude, as the presence of both latent chronic infection and primary infection.

And as any herpes virus first entered the body during pregnancy may have adverse effects on the fetus, it is important to promptly establish a herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman a consequence of primary infection or recurrence of latent infections.


Laboratory diagnosis of herpes on the lips

To confirm the diagnosis of herpes on the lips Herpes on the lips - problems with immunity  Herpes on the lips - problems with immunity
   It carried out two types of tests - PCR and ELISA. PCR or polymerase chain reaction to detect the presence of HSV-I in biological fluids of the body - in swabs taken from the site of inflammation in the blood and so on.

But for pregnant women such evidence is not enough: you need to know exactly what the primary infection is chronic or recurrent herpes. Clarify this by using ELISA - enzyme immunoassay blood Blood tests: a mirror of health  Blood tests: a mirror of health
 Which allows to reveal the presence of antibodies - IgM and IgG.

Have IgM indicates that infection has occurred recently and is primary. But the difficulty is that the antibodies of the IgM class may sometimes appear, and in relapsed disease. Much more reliable indicator is the presence in the blood of women of early forms of IgG, which form unstable coupling with antigens - the herpes virus. Such forms of IgG are unstable symptom of primary infection. Over time, the adhesion between the antibody and antigen become strong - a sign of disease duration.


What if herpes on the lips - the result of primary infection?

Such a result is extremely rare and is nonsense. The most common cause of primary herpetic infection is genital herpes, which is caused by HSV-II. Nevertheless, this situation is theoretically possible.

Then do the same as in primary infection with HSV-II: if the contamination occurred in the first three months of pregnancy, then it is recommended to interrupt, if later, the left, carefully watching the fetus using ultrasound - in most cases Ultrasound can detect abnormalities in the fetus.

Herpes on the lip during pregnancy should not cause panic among the women - whom the disease is rarely passed. The primary manifestations of herpes on the lips of adults are extremely rare, as the herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   Type I ingested in childhood.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • herpes in pregnancy
