Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work - Causes

April 8th, 2010

  • Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work
  • In the early stages
  • When toxemia during the first days of pregnancy
  • What is the danger?
  • Causes

Why does a pregnant woman can begin diarrhea

Cause diarrhea (frequent loose stools) may be different. This can be eating disorders, food allergies, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines, pancreas), including congenital enzyme deficiency, goiter (a decrease of normal intestinal microflora), intestinal infections, food poisoning (poisoning), helminth invasion, mental stress and so on.

The causes of diarrhea can be dealt with only by a doctor. If necessary, he will appoint a laboratory examination followed by treatment, based on the results of the survey.

 Causes | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

Symptoms of diarrhea in pregnancy

Diarrhea is called frequently (2-3 times a day), a chair with a change in his character. The character of the chair can be mushy, frothy, watery, with a lot of mucus, blood and so on. Change the color and smell of the chair: he becomes a light yellow, greenish-brown, with a sour or putrid odor.

Violations stool often accompanied by abdominal distention Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 , Paroxysmal pain along the intestine, frequent (including false) urge to defecate. If the cause of the disease was the infection, then join the common signs of the disease include fever, vomiting, weakness, malaise.

Sometimes pregnant women periodically have diarrhea, which are replaced by bars. Most often, it is a sign of a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which is necessary to identify and treat.

Some women diarrhea have a clear link with stress and mental stress - are also needed medical attention.

 Causes | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

The diarrhea is dangerous for pregnant women

Three major hazards:

  • dehydration due to loss of large amounts of fluid (and with them, and salts thereof) with diarrhea and vomiting; Dehydration is dangerous that disrupted water-salt balance in the body and, therefore, the operation of all organs and tissues; severe dehydration can even lead to the death of mother and child;
  • intoxication - the impact of pathogens and emissions of toxins on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus; such exposure can cause miscarriage, the fetus can cause a variety of birth defects (which is dependent on the duration of pregnancy and what organs are developing in this period);
  • increasing intestinal motor activity can cause a reflex increase in locomotor activity of the uterine muscles, which in turn creates a risk of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   or premature labor.

 Causes | Diarrhea during pregnancy - to cope not work

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy

Diarrhea during pregnancy can be treated only under medical supervision should not take risks and to be treated ourselves. First of all, the physician must identify and eliminate the possible cause of the disease if it is some kind of chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then assign it to the treatment, the disorder of the nervous system - sedatives Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?
 , Poor diet - adjust the diet, intestinal infection - appoint antibacterial agents. All drugs should be appointed with regard to their possible use in pregnancy, it is always a guidance manual.

But what a woman can do itself, such as drinking more fluids to compensate for its losses (daily amount it is also necessary to agree with the doctor). It may be black or green tea without sugar, extracts of herbs (eg chamomile, St. John's wort), just water. As with the body loses fluid and salt, you should drink a special salt solutions (eg, rehydron).

To deduce from intestinal toxins must take chelators (e.g., smectite or activated carbon) which is deposited on the surface of all harmful substances and remove them from the intestine. So, smectite Smecta - necessary in any medicine cabinet  Smecta - necessary in any medicine cabinet
   It binds and removes harmful substances from the intestine, protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from the adverse effects of bacteria and their toxins. Activated charcoal can precipitate on the surface toxins and noxious gases, it also prevents the absorption of various toxic products.

When parts of the chair on the first day appointed by the famine in conjunction with the reception of a sufficient amount of liquid, then gradually you can go to the mucous broths, cereals, gruel on the water (preferably rice), dairy products, and regular meals with the exception of fatty, fried, sweet, sweet food and raw vegetables.

Any other drug treatment for pregnant women is assigned only to the doctor, taking into account the causes of the disease, duration of pregnancy and the effects of medication on the fetus.

Article Tags:
  • diarrhea

Massage during pregnancy - how it differs from the usual?

February 17, 2008

 Pregnancy massage
   Prenatal massage pursues the same objectives as the common - relax tense muscles, calm the nervous system, relieve pain, improve blood circulation and mobility, mood enhancement and improvement of health. You look and excitement awaiting the birth of the child, and about imagine how your life has changed with the advent of the baby, but the attendant expectation of discomfort is often unexpected. Just like a regular massage helps us relax and forget about tiredness, prenatal massage eases the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. Besides bracing function, this massage will prepare you for childbirth.

Calming the nervous system, massage facilitates the production of endorphins, which leads to a state of deep relaxation. Positive strokes affect on blood circulation, lymph circulation, deduce byproducts. In addition, a good massage relieves fatigue, energizes.

Although massage during pregnancy is very beneficial for both mother and child, it absolutely necessary if you are not a fan of this kind of relaxation. If the thought of massage causes you discomfort, discuss this with your doctor in any case do not do what you hate.

It is best prenatal massage is better to start after the end of the first trimester. At this time, you will already be able to enjoy the massage experienced professional masseur. During the massage, the woman should lie on her side - a position considered to be the most convenient for massage during pregnancy.

 Massage during pregnancy - how it differs from the usual?

The prenatal massage differs from the usual?

For massage you need to take the correct position of the body and fix it with the help of reliable support, such as pillows or folded blankets. The correct position of the body during the massage ensures the comfort and safety of mother and child.

 Massage during pregnancy - how it differs from the usual?

Time and method of massage

Although some schools recommend avoiding massage in the first trimester of pregnancy, many women find gentle massage from the first to the last weeks of pregnancy are very helpful. Prenatal massage should be very careful, especially massage the back and waist. It is strictly forbidden to press or pat on the skin.

 Massage during pregnancy - how it differs from the usual?

The benefits of massage during pregnancy

  • Excellent means of relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
   and stress.
  • Relieves muscle spasms, cramps, myofascial pain, especially in the lower back, neck, hips and legs.
  • It improves lymphatic circulation, which helps to reduce swelling.
  • It reduces stress on joints.
  • Improves circulation of large and small circle, thereby improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells in the body of mother and child. For the expectant mother this means toning and lifting of fatigue, and for the baby - the best food.
  • It stimulates the glands that helps stabilize hormone levels.
  • Relieves depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   or anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 Caused by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

 Massage during pregnancy - how it differs from the usual?

Is prenatal massage for you?

However, massage can not fully eliminate all the discomfort associated with pregnancy. Massage will not stop weight gain, hormonal changes will not stop and will not protect you from the stresses of everyday life.

And, nevertheless, regular massage during pregnancy and after childbirth can significantly ease the discomfort and help cope with stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

Article Tags:
  • massage
