Constipation during pregnancy - causes and prevention

July 7, 2012

 constipation in pregnancy
 Constipation - delayed or shortness of bowel movements, often accompanied by abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   or discomfort. Unfortunately, constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   - One of the very common effects of pregnancy: this unpleasant phenomenon encountered during pregnancy, according to statistics, nearly fifty percent of women.

 Constipation during pregnancy - causes and prevention

Causes of constipation

In general, the causes of constipation can be a variety of stress factors How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   to malnutrition and lack of adequate exercise. During pregnancy, the "culprit" of constipation are hormonal changes that have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestine. In addition, an important role in the violation of the intestine plays a pressure exerted on the intestine increase in size of the uterus. Lack of muscle tone of the intestine leads to too slow movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract and, as a consequence, constipation.

 Constipation during pregnancy - causes and prevention

Prevention and Treatment

Some measures and help prevent the occurrence of constipation and cure already appeared violation of the basic function of the intestine. Among them:

  • Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet

The recommended amount of fiber in the diet for twenty-five to thirty grams. The main sources of dietary fiber, normalizing digestion and bowel - vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole-grain products.

  • Increasing the amount of fluid

By increasing the amount of fiber consumed, and at the same time it is necessary to increase the amount of fluids you drink. The ideal is to drink ten to twelve glasses of fluid a day. Enriched fiber diet and adequate amount of liquid contribute as quickly as possible to eliminate toxins from the body and normalize the bowels.

  • Physical activity

Sedentary lifestyle - one of the most common causes of disorders of the intestine. Even during pregnancy, should not forget about physical activity: walking walking, swimming and other physical activities for pregnant women is not only allowed, but recommended. For the treatment and prevention of constipation and improve overall health enough twenty-minute workout three times a week.

  • Laxatives

The easiest way to get rid of painful constipation - laxatives, stool softeners. Not all laxatives are safe to take during pregnancy, so before you buy is better to consult a doctor or pharmacist. Some laxatives taken prohibited, as they may cause premature contractions.

Article Tags:
  • constipation

Teeth During Pregnancy: What you need to know

February 6, 2011

 teeth during pregnancy
 The conventional wisdom that with the advent of a child a woman loses one tooth today is overdue. Problems that occur in pregnant women with teeth, now it is solved. In the West, the loss of teeth during pregnancy is nonsense. In Russia, due to the available information, the general health education and obligatory visit to the dentist when you register at the women's clinic, patients teeth during pregnancy are treated promptly.

 Teeth During Pregnancy: What you need to know

Why pregnancy increases the risk of dental disease?

It is known that in the oral cavity while 50 million live microorganisms. During pregnancy there is hormonal changes the body, which impairs blood circulation and the immune system weakens. The saliva of pregnant women decreases the concentration of calcium and phosphorus, which makes it more vulnerable to the tooth enamel and accessible for the development of caries. Increased appetite during pregnancy leads to increased consumption of carbohydrates, which are the breeding ground for bacteria. In addition, vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy violates the acid-alkaline balance in the mouth, that is, makes the environment more acidic, which also contributes to the enhanced reproduction of microbes. As a result of all these changes in expectant mothers tooth decay occurs twice as fast, there is often bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
   and there is gingivitis - the scourge of almost all pregnant women.

 Teeth During Pregnancy: What you need to know

Gingivitis pregnant

Gingivitis - is the first stage of periodontal disease Periodontal disease: deep problem  Periodontal disease: deep problem
 It manifested by inflammation of the edges of the gums, interdental papillae hypertrophy, which could result in bleeding gums and tooth mobility. Gingivitis is caused by bacteria that are found in food debris and plaque. In pregnant women it occurs in 90% of cases, and in the presence of predisposing factors (smoking before pregnancy and during it, the presence of teeth and other nesanirovannyh) of 100%. The first and very characteristic manifestation of gingivitis is an uncontrollable desire to "scratch" the gum. Careful dental hygiene reduces symptoms of gingivitis. Dentists in this case is carried out professional tooth cleaning and anti-inflammatory treatment. If not provide treatment of gingivitis, it can lead to tooth loss.

 Teeth During Pregnancy: What you need to know

How can I reduce the risk of dental disease in pregnant women?

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat - it is a truism. Therefore, in the planning period of pregnancy is necessary to visit the dentist and get rid of all dental problems. Sick teeth are a danger to the health of not only the future mother but also her child. But what if the pregnancy has already occurred, and the patients teeth are? Of course, to visit the dentist after an obstetrician-gynecologist and plan with him a plan of dental treatment (what is an urgent need to sanitize and which teeth can be postponed to the second trimester of pregnancy). Even if a woman never complained to the teeth, going to the dentist is required! During the whole period of pregnancy female dentist must appear at least four times: 6-8 weeks, 16-18 weeks, 26-28 weeks and 36-38 weeks.

Observe thorough oral hygiene: brush your teeth How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
   at least two times a day, do not forget about the surface of the tongue. Ideally, teeth should be brushed after every meal, but if this is not possible, after a meal, you can for 15-20 minutes to chew gum.

It is important to balance the power: to limit the consumption of sweets in the diet of pregnant woman should contain sufficient quantities of micro and macro elements, especially calcium, phosphorus and fluoride, and vitamins. In a lot of vitamin D found in fish oil, cod liver oil Cod liver oil: useful properties and rules of use  Cod liver oil: useful properties and rules of use
 , Chicken eggs. Useful for long walks and sunbathing. The need for calcium in the fruit can be reimbursed use of cottage cheese.

Dental treatment is best carried out in the second trimester, when the risk of complications is minimal for the pregnant woman and the fetus. In the case of threatened abortion sanitation teeth better to postpone.

The dentifrice should use toothpaste with fluoride. The paste should be in a plastic tube, since the metal fluoride is destroyed. Acceptable use of mouthwash with a cleaning and protective effect.

 Teeth During Pregnancy: What you need to know

The procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women

However, not all manipulations carried dentist allowed during pregnancy:

  • prosthetics;
  • removal of tartar;
  • teeth whitening;
  • implantology;
  • dental treatment using arsenic;
  • the use of anesthetics with adrenaline.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • dental treatment
