Cyclodynon and pregnancy - assistance only at conception

August 26, 2012

 Cyclodynon and pregnancy
 Pregnancy is a contraindication for receiving Cyclodynon because it suppresses the secretion of pituitary hormone prolactin. This hormone during pregnancy is essential for the proper development of the mammary glands, and prepare them for the subsequent lactation after giving birth. But Cyclodynon can help to conceive.

 Cyclodynon and pregnancy - assistance only at conception

Cyclodynon infertility

Cyclodynon - a herbal medicinal products, active substances which is a dry extract of K. prostrata ordinary. He produced tablets and oral drops.

The mechanism of action Cyclodynon based on the fact that it inhibits the secretion of anterior pituitary hormone prolactin. Prolactin - a hormone that plays an important and today is not entirely clear role in the hormonal system of women. The anterior pituitary gland produced HCG stimulating the reproductive function of women, as well as the synthesis of ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone.

A large number of prolactin suppresses the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, helps create a hormonal imbalance between gonadotropic and sex hormones, as well as between estrogen and progesterone. Thus longer suffers the second half of the menstrual cycle, since under the action of hormones prolactin increases the first half cycle of estrogen and progesterone is decreased, which in the second half of the cycle normally should be greater than estrogens. This leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, which in turn can lead to infertility.

The course of treatment Cyclodynon can rectify the situation. This drug is mildly suppresses the secretion of excess prolactin, harmonizes the relationship between pituitary hormones and sex hormones and restores normal menstrual cycle, allowing a woman to become pregnant. Assign Cyclodynon after a preliminary examination of women take it by yourself without a prescription does not make sense, because the cause of menstrual disorders may not be prolactin. In such cases, the reception will Ciclodinone ineffective.

Often, the women, the question arises, what will happen if during the reception Cyclodynon she gets pregnant, will not have any negative impact of the drug on the child? Data on teratogenicity (malformations in the fetus) or fetotoxic Cyclodynon impact on the fetus is not. But this is a non-toxic drug that, like most herbal drugs, acts slowly and gently, so that if in the beginning of pregnancy, a woman will be for some time to accept it, nothing terrible will happen.

 Cyclodynon and pregnancy - assistance only at conception

How to take Cyclodynon

Cyclodynon take one tablet or 40 drops daily in the morning. The tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing, with some water. In the morning Cyclodynon take because he has a slight stimulating effect.

The course of treatment Cyclodynon Cyclodynon - will help restore hormones woman  Cyclodynon - will help restore hormones woman
   long, it must be taken regularly for at least three months. Ciclodinone has a harmonizing effect on the concentration of the female sex hormones, restores the correct menstrual cycle that promotes pregnancy.

 Cyclodynon and pregnancy - assistance only at conception

Cyclodynon during pregnancy

Cyclodynon inhibits secretion of prolactin Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known  Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known
 Which during pregnancy is necessary, it has a significant impact on a woman's body. Under the action of prolactin increase in the volume of the mammary glands, they grow milk ducts. Under the action of prolactin in the mammary gland colostrum is produced first, followed by human milk after parturition.

Prolactin performs another function during pregnancy. It inhibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) of the anterior pituitary under the influence of which the ovaries mature egg in the follicle, and other anterior pituitary hormone - luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates the output of mature egg from the ovary - ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . This physiological mechanism facilitates complete inhibition of oocyte maturation and ovulation, thus preventing the possibility of re-conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
   during pregnancy.

Admission Cyclodynon during pregnancy can disrupt the whole physiological mechanism. Therefore pregnancy is a contraindication to receiving Cyclodynon.

Pregnancy - is generally a state where all drugs can have unpredictable effects. It is therefore very important to take them only as directed or as agreed with the obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist antenatal clinic.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Cyclodynon

Composition of vitamin complexes for pregnant women: especially delicate state

May 22, 2011

 part of vitamin complexes pregnant
 During pregnancy, especially in women increases the need for vitamins and minerals. Therefore, prophylactic pregnant appoint a special vitamin-mineral complexes. But this does not mean that ordinary vitamins woman no longer needed, just almost all the vitamin-mineral complexes, there is a shortage of some materials needed for women.

 Composition of vitamin complexes for pregnant women: especially delicate state

Which substances woman needs at a particular stage of pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy women need vitamins and minerals is not so high. Basically, it needs folic acid and iodine. Therefore, any special vitamins in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy tend not to appoint. During this period, it is better not to take synthetic vitamins. The need for folic acid, which protects the fetus from birth defects can be covered by eating bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 , Legumes, green leafy vegetables, iceberg and Brussels sprouts, beets, veal liver. Iodine is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
 Which depend on the development of the fetal brain and its intelligence later in life. Requirements for iodine in the first trimester of pregnancy can be covered by eating seafood and iodized salt.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the need for vitamins and minerals increases dramatically and the only food they have hard to fill. Here come to the aid of vitamin-mineral complexes. Assign them a long time, course, with small breaks throughout the pregnancy. All the vitamins and minerals are involved in the "construction" of fetal cells by maintaining normal metabolism in the body of the mother. But the most useful minerals such as magnesium (inhibits contraction of the muscles of the uterus, ie prevents miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 Supports the work of the heart), calcium (involved in many vital processes and the formation of fetal tissue), iron (prevents the appearance of anemia in pregnant women), phosphorus (bone-forming and teeth).

Pregnancy can cause a woman's body changes such as acceleration or deceleration of metabolic processes, changes in the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys (including violation of the excretion of toxic substances from the body), a variety of endocrine changes. As a result, when taking certain medications before normally tolerable, a woman may receive unexpected response, up to a complete intolerance, there is a danger of drug allergy. In this case, the intake of vitamins should stop and fill the shortage of vitamins and minerals through natural foods.

 Composition of vitamin complexes for pregnant women: especially delicate state

Comparative characteristics of the mineral complexes for pregnant women

Maternity produced a lot of vitamin and mineral supplements, they are not all equal, so doctors often prescribe such complexes to suit individual needs and condition of the pregnant woman. Characteristics of the most famous vitamin-mineral complexes:

  • Eleven pronatal - designed by the famous Swiss company F. Hoffmann-La Roche especially for pregnant women; It contains many magnesium and folic acid, but does not contain iodine;
  • Materna is available in two forms; dosage form contains a lot of magnesium, vitamin A, and B vitamins, because of which the allergic reactions often occur and there is an increase of liver enzymes in the biochemical analysis of blood; appointed mainly for symptoms of magnesium deficiency (muscle weakness, tremor, seizures, insomnia, irritability, Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Anxiety, heart rhythm disorders, diarrhea, flatulence and intestinal cramps); Centrum Materna - biologically active food supplement, it can be taken to all pregnant women;
  • multitabs perinatal - contains enough magnesium, iodine and folic acid, but the dose of vitamin A is not enough; well suited to healthy pregnant women, but for different deficient states of the doctor usually appoints the other complexes;
  • Alphabet "Mother's Health" - contains a lot of iodine, vitamin C, but little folic acid and magnesium; but manufacturers claim that as a result of separation of components (they are divided into three tablets, the compatibility of the individual components) are better absorbed, does not inhibit the activity of each other and, therefore, sufficient and smaller doses;
  • Vitrum Prenatal (10 vitamins and mineral substances 3 - iron, zinc and calcium) and Vitrum Prenatal Forte (13 vitamins and 10 minerals); the first drug available for pregnant woman magnesium and iodine, but enough folic acid, vitamins A, D. It reduces the risk of birth defects, anemia and calcium deficiency in the mother's body, strengthens the immune system; the second drug has all the necessary components, it is indicated for the prevention of placental insufficiency, toxemia and the threat of termination of pregnancy, anemia.

There is still a lot of vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women to help them understand the woman doctor of female consultation.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Vitamins and Pregnancy
