Dysbacteriosis during pregnancy - a threat to the health of mother and child

May 23, 2014

 goiter during pregnancy
 Dysbacteriosis during pregnancy may cause infections that lead to the development of infections and miscarriage. The newborn child is almost always suffers as dysbiosis, as gets microflora of the mother during childbirth.


Dysbacteriosis and pregnancy

Dysbacteriosis - a violation of the relationship between the normal and the pathogenic microflora. Most often during pregnancy develops intestinal and vaginal bacteria overgrowth.

Sometimes dysbiosis occurs in women before pregnancy, but asymptomatic. Pregnancy also contributes to the progression of the process and the appearance of the first signs of it. This is how to hormonal changes the body, and with a decrease in immunity, which always occurs during pregnancy.

Dysbacteriosis during pregnancy is dangerous because it is often complicated by the addition of infectious-inflammatory process, it is clear that he is a threat to a normal pregnancy. But even in the absence of complications in the baby after birth is always developing dysbiosis, which is very dangerous this time, as is often complicated by intestinal infections.

That is why all obstetricians recommend planning a pregnancy, take place in this period, a full examination and, if necessary - treatment.


Intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy

Intestinal bacteria overgrowth - is the most common form of dysbiosis. It is he who is most often the cause of dysbiosis spread to other organs. During pregnancy, intestinal dysbiosis, which previously flowed seamlessly, can worsen.

The main symptoms of dysbiosis Symptoms dysbiosis - they should know  Symptoms dysbiosis - they should know
   Pregnancy - is a violation of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, sometimes - vomiting, flatulence, intestinal colic. And since most of these pregnancy symptoms, and so there is, in the presence of dysbiosis may sharply increase.

In advanced intestinal dysbiosis Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?  Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
   a woman has symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, since one of the functions of normal intestinal microflora is the synthesis of essential B vitamins also violates the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy is the appointment of pre- and probiotics. Preparations of these groups may be used during pregnancy. Prebiotics - are substances that are capable of creating in the gut conditions favorable for the growth of normal microflora. The most frequently prescribed drugs on the basis of lactulose - Duphalac, Normase, portalak. These drugs are more suitable for women who have goiter combined with constipation.

Lactulose is cleaved by the intestinal flora of the colon, resulting in lower pH (high acidity). By increasing the osmotic pressure increases the volume of intestinal contents, increases peristalsis and constipation disappeared. Lactulose also stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora. What pregnant while taking dysbiosis, only a doctor can decide, as some women are not assigned to drugs that stimulate peristalsis because of the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Probiotics - it's drugs, which include a colony of beneficial bacteria that live in the intestine, they are not contraindicated during pregnancy. These are drugs like bifidumbakterin Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora  Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
 , Laktobakterin, Atsipol Atsipol - normalizes the intestinal microflora  Atsipol - normalizes the intestinal microflora
   and so on.


Vaginal bacteria overgrowth during pregnancy

This type of dysbiosis may also worsen during pregnancy due to lower immunity. At the same time the woman has abundant malodorous discharge with a fishy odor. There may also appear burning and itching in the genital area, and sometimes (very rarely) - transient immunity disorders.

Dysbacteriosis vagina during pregnancy is dangerous because due to lower immunity pathogenic microflora of the vagina at any time, can cause inflammation in the area of ​​the external or internal genitalia. And this in turn can cause miscarriage, premature delivery or intrauterine infection.

Vaginal birth after goiter may be complicated by the development of infectious-inflammatory process in the uterus and its appendages. Such processes can occur after birth is very difficult.

Vaginal bacteria overgrowth in pregnant women treated with the application of pre- and probiotics. Sometimes the suppression of life pathogenic microflora of the vagina prescribe antibiotics topical.

Treatment of dysbiosis during pregnancy should only be a doctor (general practitioner or obstetrician) women's clinic.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dysbiosis

Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: the interaction of multiple hormones

October 6, 2011

 hyperthyroidism and pregnancy
 Any violation of the thyroid is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Increased thyroid function may be a variant of the norm (in this case, it is short and passes on their own), and a sign of severe endocrine disease - diffuse toxic goiter.

 Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: the interaction of multiple hormones

How does the thyroid gland during pregnancy

The thyroid gland produces hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine), which are necessary for the child to correct fetal development, especially they are needed for the formation of brain tissue.

During the first trimester of pregnancy and in the early beginning of the second trimester of the thyroid gland of a woman running in emergency mode, because the need to develop a much thyroid hormone to meet the demand of the woman and the growing baby. En thyroid baby is laid on the fourth week of pregnancy, and the formation of its ends about the sixteenth week. After that, the child's thyroid gland begins to produce its own hormones. But still they require a sufficient supply of (high compared to the needs of non-pregnant women), iodine (two hundred micrograms per day compared to one hundred and fifty), which replenishes the body of a woman.

Therefore, from the beginning of pregnancy, the thyroid gland works in enhanced mode, and slightly increases in volume. It was seen in ancient Egypt, where married women were instructed to wear thin silk thread on the neck, and if it bursts, it was considered a sign of pregnancy.

 Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: the interaction of multiple hormones

Transient hyperthyroidism during pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can be transient (transient) - this is due to the physiological characteristics of pregnancy and held no later than the sixteenth week of pregnancy.

Signs transient increase in thyroid function can be changeable mood, a small rise in temperature and heat intolerance, a small weight loss in the beginning of pregnancy, sometimes - the heartbeat. All of these symptoms sometimes very difficult to distinguish from the normal beginning of pregnancy. Therefore, if a woman loses weight in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is usually prescribed blood tests for thyroid hormones. Treatment of transient hyperthyroidism does not require, but the woman must be constantly observed to not allow evidence of diffuse toxic goiter.

 Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: the interaction of multiple hormones

Hyperthyroidism on the background of diffuse toxic goiter during pregnancy

Graves' disease develops on the background of autoimmune processes in the body (allergy own tissues). It is a serious illness that requires timely detection and treatment.

Symptoms of Graves' disease are:

  • irritable weakness, persistent conflict, anxiety, self-pity, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Trembling of the hands;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia) - the pulse of up to one hundred beats per minute or higher, arrythmia (extra heart beats, breaking his rhythm), high blood pressure with a large gap between the systolic (upper) and diastolic (bottom) pressure;
  • increased appetite, pain in the upper abdomen, diarrhea;
  • gleam in his eyes and the expansion of eye slits.

When these symptoms pregnant women exists prescribe blood tests for thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating pituitary hormone (it regulates the secretion of thyroid hormones). In addition, the reason ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and if necessary - needle biopsy - a fence contents of the thyroid gland using a fine needle puncture it.

After the final diagnosis treatment is prescribed drugs that suppress thyroid function. If a woman is not treated, complications may occur from both the mother and from the fetus because of the constant toxic effects of excess thyroid hormones. It prematurity, toxemia second half of pregnancy, the various malformations of the newborn and its low weight, the development of hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone

Pregnant women who have Graves' disease was diagnosed in a timely manner with the appointment of adequate treatment, it can have a child without any deviations.

 Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: the interaction of multiple hormones

Postpartum thyroiditis

After birth, thyroid problems may not be over. It is known that during pregnancy a woman causes low immunity. After birth, the immune system is gradually recovering. And the immune cells begin to "direct your pryadok." In some cases, they begin to produce antibodies against their own thyroid tissue that postponing in cancer, inflammatory process cause - autoimmune thyroiditis (AT). A sign of postpartum autoimmune thyroiditis Autoimmune thyroiditis - thyroid disease  Autoimmune thyroiditis - thyroid disease
   It is increasing, the reduction in the amount of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   in blood.

After about six months, the immune system to cope with this problem and the disease goes away. If the phenomenon of hyper and hypothyroidism in this expression, the following treatment - a suppression of the secretion of the thyroid gland or thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

The thyroid gland has a significant impact on the course of pregnancy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hyperthyroidism
