Vaginal suppositories during pregnancy may be the best way out, if a pregnant woman has revealed any infection. Of course, not all infections are treatable using the vaginal suppositories. For example, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
treated only with antimicrobials systemic action. But some infections candles can play a positive role.
For what purpose during pregnancy can be used vaginal suppositories
It is known that during pregnancy under the influence of hormones in a woman reduced immunity, resulting in pathogenic microflora, constantly living on the mucous membranes of the genitals and usually do not cause disease, it begins to actively multiply and cause an infectious-inflammatory processes.
Thus there may be colpites bacterial, fungal or any other origin. Treat them only on prescription after a preliminary survey and subsequent control of cure. In addition, for the treatment of pregnant women, obstetricians are trying to prescribe dosage forms of drugs for local application, for example, vaginal suppositories.
So, for the treatment of yeast infections in pregnant women use candles pimafutsin
Pimafucin - help in difficult times
And for the treatment of bacterial infections - Hexicon.
Treatment of yeast infection in pregnant women using vaginal suppositories pimafutsin
Vaginal candles pimafutsin contain active substance nataminin - polyene antifungal macrolide antibiotic that has a fungicidal effect (kills fungal cells). The mechanism of action pimafutsin associated with metabolic disorders in the cell membrane of the fungus, which leads to their destruction. Yeast fungi genus Candida, causing thrush (candidiasis of genitals), show a high sensitivity to the drug.
Pimafutsin special feature is that even when administered it only acts locally in the intestine without being absorbed into the bloodstream. When using vaginal suppositories pimafutsin action is also just local.
Candles administered once a day at night when lying on the back deep into the vagina. Duration of treatment - from three to six days, extend the treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.
Because of the side effects of the drug are known only to allergic reactions and irritation of the mucous membranes, which manifests itself in the form of burning and itching. When allergy pimafutsin canceled and irritation is a cause for discontinuation of treatment. Contraindicated candles pimafutsin only when the patient's hypersensitivity to its components.
Treatment of bacterial infections in pregnant women using pimafutsin
The most popular means for the topical treatment of bacterial infection is an antiseptic Hexicon. Active ingredient is chlorhexidine digluconate hexicon (each candle it contains 8 mg). Sensitivity to hexicon show syphilis, chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, herpes simplex
Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
Types I and II.
Actively suppressing vital activity of infectious agents, including the presence of blood and pus, Hexicon no negative impact on the normal vaginal flora (lactobacilli).
Hexicon vaginal suppositories used for the prevention of infections, sexually transmitted diseases, to various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the process which may be traumatized by genital mucosa, before delivery.
Pregnant women using hexicon treat vaginitis (colpites) and endocervicitis - infectious-inflammatory processes in the area of the vagina and the cervical canal, including those caused by mixed infection. For this purpose, suppositories
Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
Hexicon introduced during the week one candle twice a day, morning and evening. On prescription treatment may be extended for up to three weeks.
Hexicon vaginal suppositories should not be used after hygiene with soap - Active ingredient hexicon soap destroyed. In a tie with that before the introduction of vaginal suppositories Hexicon soap residue must be carefully removed.
Contraindications for use hexicon is the only woman hypersensitivity to the components of this drug. Side effects hexicon known allergic reactions and in rare cases - irritation of the genitals.
Vaginal suppositories are often used in pregnancy. But even if the instructions indicated their complete safety for pregnant women, the candles should be used only on prescription.
Galina Romanenko