Progesterone - a female hormone that supports the second phase of the menstrual cycle (phase corpus luteum) and pregnancy. Its quantity in women depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the presence of pregnancy, and age. Lack of progesterone negatively affects a woman's ability to have a child. And if there is an excess of progesterone?
Which organs produce progesterone
Female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Pregnancy is synthesized mainly temporary endocrine gland the corpus luteum, which is formed immediately after ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
(release of the egg from the ovary) in place of the bursting of the follicle. The amount of progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, first increases, reaches its peak and then decreases.
In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the blood contains very little progesterone.
During pregnancy, the corpus luteum grows and begins to produce increasing amounts of progesterone until the 16th week of pregnancy. After this period begins to produce progesterone matured placenta.
Furthermore, progesterone is produced by the adrenal cortex and seminal vesicles male testes.
In what diseases and conditions increased progesterone levels
Physiological increasing the amount of progesterone in the blood is pregnancy associated with phases of the menstrual cycle, the second phase of progesterone is many times greater than the first. Significantly increased and constantly growing amount of progesterone during pregnancy.
But apart from these states may be pathologically increased progesterone-related diseases of which it is produced - the ovaries, placenta, adrenal glands, testicles.
Diseases of women who can lead to increased levels of progesterone
The most common such diseases is the corpus luteum cyst of hormone
Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes
Which is formed during the second half of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. Such cysts can cause menstrual disorders, for example, the emergence of inter-menstrual bleeding, which in turn can cause severe iron deficiency anemia. Danger cysts and corpus luteum that may come its rupture or torsion of the legs. Therefore, if the cyst does not go on their own, then it is removed.
The reason for increasing progesterone in the blood can be a malignant neoplasm, for example, horionepitelioma that developed in situ ovarian pregnancy. They can also produce progesterone lipidokletochnye ovarian tumors.
Another reason for the increase in the blood of women progesterone - molar pregnancy. This disease, which is based on abnormal development of the ovum, leading to his death and grozdevidnomu proliferation of fetal membrane. Moreover, the body produces a large amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which stimulates progesterone secretion by the ovaries. This leads to ovarian hormone producing tekalyuteinovyh cysts. After removal of hydatidiform mole, these cysts regress.
The reason for increasing progesterone in women can also be disease and adrenal tumors. Furthermore, in chronic renal failure can be disrupted progesterone excretion from the body, leading to an increase in its concentration in the blood.
Thus, the appearance in the blood of women increased amount of progesterone is not associated with physiological processes is a serious sign. For the diagnosis of such a woman must be thoroughly examined.
Diseases men which may lead to an increase in progesterone
In the body, men, progesterone is produced by the seminal vesicles located in the testes. Tumors of the testes may produce progesterone in large quantities.
Also, in men, progesterone produced by the adrenal cortex, which also may develop benign and malignant hormone producing tumor. Men may be congenital hyperplasia
Hyperplasia - do not be afraid
(accrementition) adrenal glands, which is also produced in an increased amount of progesterone. Kidney disease in violation of their functions may be causing the delay of progesterone in the body that will be reflected in the increase of its concentration in the blood. Therefore, an increase in the blood of men progesterone should be the reason for the survey.
Progesterone - a hormone that the body needs for a woman, so that she could conceive, carry and give birth to a child. But the persistent increase in its concentration in the blood of women and men can talk about serious illness.
Galina Romanenko