Nutrition during pregnancy - a pledge of normal development of the fetus

January 31, 2010

 nutrition in pregnancy
 With food in the body of a pregnant woman receives material from which constructed the body of the child and all the necessary biologically active substances. It is from food into the body of mother and fetus receives the energy necessary to maintain their livelihoods. Therefore, the power of women should be varied, well-balanced and rational.

 Nutrition during pregnancy - a pledge of normal development of the fetus

Digestion of the fetus during pregnancy

Key nutrients go directly into the bloodstream of the fetus from the mother's blood through a special temporary authority - the placenta. Nevertheless, and the work of the digestive tract of the fetus is also quite active. The digestive tract of the child begins to operate between the 16th and 20th weeks of fetal development. At this time, there is a well-developed swallowing reflex, the salivary glands contains the digestive enzyme amylase (breaks down carbohydrates) in the stomach - pepsinogen (breaks down proteins). In the 18th week in the small intestine is determined by secretin, after the 20 th week begins the secretion of trypsinogen.

It was found that the normal fetus swallows a large amount of amniotic (amniotic) fluid. Ingested amniotic fluid penetrating through the stomach into the intestines and exposed to suction and the individual components are pre-hydrolyze (decompose). Moreover, in the digestive tract of the fetus also digested products coming into it from the blood. Only a portion of the contents of the stomach and intestines is not subjected to digestion and absorption, and forms a feces (meconium). During the first six months of pregnancy amniotic fluid contains 6 - 18 g / L protein and later - 2 - 3 g / l. The concentration of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   10 - 11th weeks of pregnancy - 0 54 g / l, 14 - 15th - 0, 40 g / l, 35 - 40th - 0 22 g / l.

If we consider that during the day the fetus swallows about 450 ml of amniotic fluid, the daily content of protein, entering the digestive tract, is about 1 g protein that is the amniotic fluid to the fetus is an important means of power.

 Nutrition during pregnancy - a pledge of normal development of the fetus

Recommendations for proper nutrition

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is important for the health of women and the normal development of the fetus. In the first half of pregnancy, a special diet is not required. Food should be diverse and delicious cooking. Power in the second half of pregnancy should take into account the physiological needs of the body. The number of proteins - 100 - 120 g per day. Of the products that contain complete proteins, recommended dairy products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.), milk (if a woman carries it well), cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, lean meat (100 - 120 grams per day), fish (150 - 250 g per day).

The amount of carbohydrate should not be less than 500 grams per day. Recommended vegetables, fruits, berries, and wholemeal bread (a source of fiber and B vitamins). Fats recommended 100 - 110 g per day, preferably in the form of butter, cream and vegetable oils.

The amount of liquid is limited to 1 - 1, 2 liters per day. The amount of salt is also limited, particularly in the second half of pregnancy (8 - 5 grams per day).

During pregnancy, increases the body's need for vitamins. A good source of vitamin A are liver and kidneys of animals, milk, eggs, butter, carrots, fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
 Spinach. Vitamin B1 rich brewer's yeast Brewer's yeast and their healing properties: an indispensable source of vitamins  Brewer's yeast and their healing properties: an indispensable source of vitamins
 , Liver, kidneys, cereals and legumes. The daily dose of vitamin B1 - 10 - 20 mg. The daily requirement for vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is equal to 2 mg. Vitamin PP lot of yeast, meat, liver, wheat, the daily need for this vitamin - 15 mg. Of vitamin C per day is required 1 0 - 1 5 g Vitamin C is found in vegetables, fruits, berries. Vitamin E rich portion wheat germ and corn, eggs, liver, soybean oil, vitamin D - fish oil, liver, eggs, butter.

Pregnant four recommended five meals: first breakfast should contain 25% diet, lunch - 10 - 15%, dinner - 40%, mid-morning snack - 10%, dinner - 15 - 20%. Food is better to cook, stew or steamed.

Winter and spring are encouraged to nominate pregnant vitamin - mineral complexes, designed specifically for pregnant women.

 Nutrition during pregnancy - a pledge of normal development of the fetus

What threatens the wrong food for mother and child

It is known that proteins from food, go to form tissues of mother and child, carbohydrates - to energy, providing all the vital processes of the mother and child (metabolism, respiration, heart rate, etc.) and functioning during the day, fats - for proper metabolism, vitamins and minerals - for the formation of biologically active substances in small quantities that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body of the child and mother (enzymes, hormones, and so forth).

If the food lacks these components, this threaten the child:

  • intrauterine growth retardation, up to his death;
  • prematurity;
  • impaired fetal immunity with the formation of intrauterine infection;
  • violation of the formation and functioning of the brain (encephalopathy), which in the future may result in mental retardation Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped  Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped
   or increased nervous excitability of the child.

Eating disorders can threaten the mother:

  • late toxicosis of pregnancy (preeclampsia);
  • miscarriages and premature births;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • immune disorders and infections of the accession;
  • the weakness of labor activity - disrupted the muscles of the uterus because of a shortage of protein and complex carbohydrates;
  • svertyvemosti decrease in blood - broken formation of blood components affecting its clotting, threatening bleeding during childbirth.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy - is the basis of maternal and child health.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in pregnancy

Colposcopy in pregnancy: there is no reason for feelings

January 5, 2012

 colposcopy during pregnancy
 Colposcopy - a procedure is absolutely safe for pregnant women (although a pregnancy should notify the physician prior to performing the procedure). If necessary, treat the necessary measures are laid before birth (except for those situations where growths in the lining of the cervix threaten the health of women and require immediate medical attention). Colposcopy performed during pregnancy, does not threaten the health of the child, it does not affect the delivery and the ability to conceive in the future.

There are no reasons why the colposcopy procedure may be considered dangerous during pregnancy. For a pregnant woman is safe even biopsy that may be required after a colposcopy (although in such cases, a biopsy can cause quite significant vaginal bleeding). In most cases, however, treatment is delayed until after a colposcopy delivery (if the period of more than ten weeks of pregnancy) because of the risk of excessive bleeding.

 Colposcopy in pregnancy: there is no reason for feelings

The objectives of the procedure

The aim of colposcopy in pregnancy - a thorough examination of the cervix for the presence of tumors and the possibility of exclusion of invasive disease.

  • If the results of colposcopy The results of colposcopy - how to interpret them  The results of colposcopy - how to interpret them
   It did not confirm the presence of invasive disease, and biopsy, and any necessary treatment is delayed until delivery.
  • Upon detection of cervical dysplasia of the first degree (CIN 1) colposcopy should be repeated three months after childbirth.
  • If during the procedure discovered a second or third degree of cervical dysplasia, repeat colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   carried out late in the third trimester or later, three months after birth, when the gestational age is greater than twenty-four weeks.
  • If invasive disease can be recommended buttonhole biopsy or wedge biopsy (conization of the cervix).

Colposcopy is performed during pregnancy, in order to preclude the development of cervical cancer.

As during pregnancy, cervical mucus may look different (cervical dysplasia may be more pronounced, and the increase in the amount of mucus in the cervix Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person  Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person
   may hinder the survey), colposcopy procedure should only be performed by qualified gynecologist.

Due to the strengthening of the vascularization of the cervix during pregnancy and increasing the chance of excessive bleeding biopsy, usually after The ongoing colposcopy during pregnancy is not usually recommended - except in cases where colposcopy revealed the presence of potentially dangerous growths or cervical dysplasia Dysplasia - what is it?  Dysplasia - what is it?
   third degree. Taking a sample of tissue from the cervical canal is contraindicated in pregnancy because of possible damage to the fetus.

Article Tags:
  • colposcopy
