Patients with kidney and pregnancy: features and effects on the fetus

January 23, 2011

 kidney infection pregnancy
 Kidney disease in pregnancy in second place after diseases of the cardiovascular system. Kidney infection during pregnancy somehow make themselves felt. Therefore, before you plan a pregnancy, should see a doctor for a detailed inspection, survey and identify possible contraindications to carrying a pregnancy.

Taking into account that the human body 5 about 5 liters of blood, is pumped through the kidney daily about 1700 liters. This is a huge burden, which increases with pregnancy. Moreover, if a woman has had kidney problems before pregnancy, the kidneys work doubly hard. The kidneys excrete toxic substances during pregnancy, they are joined by the decay products of the fruit of life, and kidney infection nevsegda can cope with such a load during pregnancy. Therefore, in some diseases of the woman giving birth is prohibited.


The causes and contributing factors

The causes and predisposing factors can cause kidney disease during pregnancy or exacerbation of existing chronic:

  • increase the burden on the genitourinary system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • disruption of the normal movement of urine - reflux (reverse throw urine in the upper urinary tract);
  • foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, caries More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late  More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
 , Abrasions, thrush);
  • chronic constipation;
  • anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract;
  • recurrent cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   before pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • releases hormones (progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the ureters, they expand, lengthen and curve).

Often it occurs during pregnancy pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis and asymptomatic bacteriuria. Much less marked glomerulonephritis, tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   kidney, urolithiasis Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?  Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?
   and malformations of the urinary system.



During pyelonephritis are three risk:

  • Grade 1 - uncomplicated pyelonephritis, arising during pregnancy;
  • 2 degree - chronic pyelonephritis, which existed before pregnancy;
  • 3 degree - pyelonephritis and hypertension or anemia, pyelonephritis only kidney.

Incubation of pregnancy is contraindicated in the third degree of risk. Treatment of pyelonephritis is full, vitamin and diet, excessive drinking, antibacterial and detoxification therapy.



Glomerulonephritis - is infectious and allergic disease leading to kidney impairment immunnokompleksnomu. Proceeds in three forms: nephrotic, hematuric and high blood pressure. Incubation of pregnancy is contraindicated in acute glomerulonephritis, an exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis with severe hypertension and azotemia.



Hydronephrosis can be congenital or acquired, and is characterized by the compression of a stone, tumor, or bend the ureter, which leads to stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis system and its expansion. Prolong pregnancy in hydronephrosis can not.


Urolithiasis disease

Kidney stones characterized by the presence of stones in the urinary tract, often with the addition of a secondary pyelonephritis. During the attack (cramps), pain in the lumbar region, groin, in the course of the ureters, hematuria and stone passage. Pregnancy is not contraindicated, but requires careful monitoring and preventive treatment.


Malformations of the urinary system

The most common one kidney. Also, this pathology can be purchased. When kidney aplasia (absence of kidneys) is contraindicated in pregnancy, if joins pyelonephritis.


Pregnancy complications with kidney disease

Complications of pregnancy, which can result in kidney infection, varied and dangerous, until death mother

  • early and hard leaking gestosis;
  • miscarriages and premature births;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • fetal malnutrition;
  • Chronic fetal hypoxia;
  • stillbirth.

Anna   Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • kidneys

Ascorutin during pregnancy - should be careful

October 14, 2012

 Ascorutinum during pregnancy
 Contraindications Ascorutinum only in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, since in this period is laying organs and tissues of the child and taking any drugs is not desirable. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy Ascorutinum can be taken only on prescription.

 Ascorutin during pregnancy - should be careful

How does Ascorutinum capillaries pregnant woman

Since the second half of pregnancy, women may develop preeclampsia - a condition associated with blood circulation in small blood vessels - capillaries. Stagnation of blood in the capillaries and the high permeability of their walls for the liquid part of blood contributes to the appearance of edema.

In order to prevent the further spread of preeclampsia, appointed a complex treatment. Including appoint Ascorutinum which strengthens capillary walls, making them not so brittle that prevents the development of edema.

The structure Ascorutinum include ascorbic acid and rutin - both drugs help to strengthen capillary walls, relieve inflammation and edema of the walls.

Furthermore, the components included in the active Ascorutinum metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and facilitate its acceleration, which in turn reduces the need for other vitamins, such as vitamins B complex, A and E.

But drinking alone Ascorutinum in this case is that if a woman is increased blood clotting, increased blood platelet counts, this may contribute to the formation of blood clots, thrombophlebitis, and thromboembolism. During pregnancy, it is dangerous, because women in this condition often develops in the form of venous insufficiency varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Application Ascorutinum can enhance the propensity to thrombosis.

Furthermore, prolonged use Ascorutinum sometimes contributes to increased blood pressure which gestosis also tends to increase.

 Ascorutin during pregnancy - should be careful

Ascorutin as an antioxidant during pregnancy

Ascorutin has significant antioxidant properties, that is, it inhibits the toxic effects of free radicals in the cells of organs and tissues. Free radicals are formed during metabolism and negatively affect all cells. And as during pregnancy metabolism carries an increased load, and produce more free radicals.

Application Ascorutinum reduces the toxic effects of free radicals on the woman's body, thereby improving its general condition and the condition of the fetus.

 Ascorutin during pregnancy - should be careful

Ascorutin as a means to strengthen the immune system

During pregnancy, under the influence of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   reduced immunity. It contributes to the development of infections in pregnant women. Primarily increased risk of infection by a viral infection. Furthermore, if the pre-pregnancy she suffered infectious and inflammatory diseases, which may lead to their aggravation. Rutin facilitates transportation ascorbic acid directly to the cells without additional energy costs.

The structure Ascorutinum include ascorbic acid, which affects all types of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Including metabolism of proteins, which contributes to greater synthesis of immune cells and strengthen the body's defenses. But Ascorutinum appointed only if a pregnant woman does not get special vitamin complexes, or the dosage of vitamins is too high, that during pregnancy is not desirable.

 Ascorutin during pregnancy - should be careful

Ascorutin in iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

During pregnancy, you may receive the threat of iron deficiency anemia, it is very dangerous, because the iron is part of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to organs and tissues of the woman and the fetus. With a lack of oxygen the fetus begins to lag behind in development, with the first to suffer brain tissue. And as anemia usually lasts a long time, it may cause significant disturbances of the central nervous system of the newborn.

With a slight decrease in hemoglobin of pregnant women are prescribed a diet at a significant - medicines containing iron. And in fact, in both cases the absorption of iron helps Ascorutinum tissues, but rather one of its components - ascorbic acid. But when this routine is not more than - it promotes rapid delivery of ascorbic acid to cells.

Appointing Ascorutinum during iron-deficiency anemia, the doctor must take into account all the indications and contraindications for the use of this drug.

 Ascorutin during pregnancy - should be careful

What should I be afraid when appointing Ascorutinum pregnant women

In the first trimester of pregnancy Ascorutinum not appointed due to the fact that it may have negative effects on the fetus during the Bookmarks organs and tissues.

Subsequently Ascorutinum Ascorutin - strengthen capillary walls and warn toxic effects svob  Ascorutin - strengthen capillary walls and warn toxic effects svob
   prescribed, but rather short courses and control of blood clotting. In addition, chronic administration in large doses Ascorutinum can increase blood pressure and the formation of oxalate in the urinary tract stones.

Ascorutin take during pregnancy, but only by prescription and under medical supervision.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Ascorutinum
