In accordance with the instructions the manufacturer's pentoxifylline during pregnancy should not be applied, since all necessary clinical studies when it is not tested. However, in practice, obstetricians often use this drug.
Why pentoxifylline is contraindicated in pregnancy
In accordance with the existing rules during pregnancy can only be used with the drugs through clinical trials established the safety and well-known ways of elimination. Pentoxifylline does not meet these requirements, as for the recognition of producers adequate and well-controlled clinical studies safety of pentoxifylline during pregnancy was conducted.
Why obstetricians still prescribe pentoxifylline
In the appointment of drugs such as pentoxifylline pregnant obstetrician takes into account the condition of the pregnant woman and the gestational age. During bookmark organs and tissues (in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy), no medication is best not to use - it can lead to developmental abnormalities.
But when it comes to an end tab fetal tissues from this woman's hard to say, so drugs that raise doubts about their safety, it is best to apply only after the twentieth week of pregnancy. And, of course, the purpose of such drugs require special control over condition of mother and fetus.
However, sometimes the condition of a pregnant woman is such that it requires the introduction of drugs that improve blood circulation, including pentoxifylline.
Under what conditions can a pregnant woman to be appointed as pentoxifylline
Pentoxifylline during pregnancy are usually appointed in violation of circulation in the mother - placenta - fetus. Such states are called twin-placental insufficiency (FPI). FPI is very dangerous to the fetus, as it may lead to changes in the development of individual organs, which are developing most actively in the period when impaired blood circulation. Particularly affected in this case, the central nervous system of the child, because the nerve cells can not exist in conditions of prolonged lack of oxygen.
FPI can be acute or chronic. Acute FPI occurs against a background of acute disorders of utero-placental blood flow, such as premature detachment of the placenta and cause miscarriage
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Chronic FPN develops gradually as a result of violations of adaptation mechanisms and disorders of blood circulation in the placenta. Circulatory disorder leads to malnutrition placenta, leading to its gradual regression. In late pregnancy, a gradual decrease in blood flow in the placenta is physiological in nature: the body prepares for childbirth, so the blood vessels of the placenta gradually zapustevaet (it reduces the risk of bleeding during childbirth). This process is called aging of the placenta. But sometimes the placenta starts to grow old too early and it is dangerous to the fetus.
Chronic FPN may occur imperceptibly when the body cope with the violations and it does not require treatment. But in some cases, the body of a pregnant woman is unable to cope with disturbances, and it requires medical attention, as this condition causes chronic oxygen starvation of the fetus and could lead to his death. Pregnancy in these women often occurs on the background of the threat of interruption.
In addition, chronic FPN may cause intrauterine growth retardation
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. Fruit is not it receives the necessary nutrients and oxygen, is lagging behind in weight and development. In contrast, just small babies, children with intrauterine growth retardation may suffer development of various organs, including the brain and spinal cord, immunity
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How does pentoxifylline during pregnancy
Pentoxifylline improves blood circulation by improving its flowability, and a small expansion of the small blood vessels. Improved blood flow is due to the fact that pentoxifylline prevents bonding (aggregation) of erythrocytes and platelets
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That reduces the viscosity of the blood. The less viscous the blood is easier to move through the blood vessels, especially since they are also slightly increasing.
Pentoxifylline has an effect on the body as a whole, in particular, causes an improvement in the blood flow and contributes to its better oxygenation in the lungs, which is very important for the fetus.
That is why, after weighing all the pros and cons, obstetricians is prescribed during pregnancy pentoxifylline. Himself pregnant women without a doctor's prescription, taking pentoxifylline (as, indeed, all other drugs) is strictly forbidden.
Galina Romanenko