A feature of the gestation period is that during this time women often develop thrush. This happens even in the case where the pre-pregnancy of fungal infections in women was not. Therefore, effective and safe drugs for the treatment of thrush are particularly important.

Why do pregnant women develop thrush and its manifestations
Thrush often develops in pregnant women because during pregnancy the immune system is reduced. It is a physiological reaction that helps prevent miscarriage
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Because the fruit is made up of foreign women for the body cells, which her immune system can reject.
It called thrush or candidiasis of external genitals of the woman the yeast genus Candida. These fungi are pathogenic microflora and live on the mucous membranes of the genitals in most women, without causing disease. But once reduced immunity, fungi can penetrate into the mucous membrane, proliferate and cause disease. The disease also contributes to change under the influence of hormones the vaginal environment: creating favorable conditions for the growth of fungi.
Manifested in the form of thrush swelling, redness and itching of the external genitalia and vagina
. After some time on the walls appear curdled raids, which are easily removed
. If this time is not to treat thrush, small cheesy raids proliferate and turn into the film, tightly attached to the mucosa
. May appear as copious as cheesy flakes
. The severity of symptoms of thrush can vary from almost imperceptible to the significant
. In any case, even if the thrush is almost evident, it is necessary to treat, or is a threat to the child
. Intrauterine infection by fungi of the genus Candida is rare, but the infection from mother to child during childbirth is quite real
. At the same time a newborn baby can develop thrush of the oral mucosa, which can then go to candidiasis gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary tract, etc.
Treat thrush in pregnancy is only authorized for use in this period of antifungal agents. The drug of choice in this case is often the pimafutsin
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Which is not absorbed into blood and has no systemic effects on the organism.

How does pimafutsin in the treatment of pregnant women
Pimafucin (active ingredient - natamycin) - is an antifungal broad-spectrum antibiotic that has a fungicide (destroys fungal cells) action with respect to sensitivity to infectious agents. The greatest sensitivity to this drug is fungi genus Candida, addiction to the drug pathogens fungal infection does not happen.
Pimafucin acts only locally, without being absorbed from the surface of the skin or mucous membranes into the blood, which is why he has almost no contraindications and side effects. Furthermore, it is absolutely a non-toxic drug: random ingestion large number of tablets or suspension does not lead to poisoning. Pimafutsin advantage is the fact that it comes in the form of various dosage forms, it can be used in a variety of courses of treatment and provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of thrush
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How to apply
First of all, it should be done only by prescription and under laboratory control cure. If you do not, the treatment may go down the drain, and will reappear relapse thrush.
For the treatment of thrush in pregnant women most commonly prescribed vaginal suppositories
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with pimafutsin. Candles injected deep into the vagina daily at night for three to six days. But sometimes it does not work, and relapse continues. In this case it is necessary to reorganize the intestine, which is the natural habitat of the fungus genus Candida. Germs from the intestine with feces constantly falls on the external genitals of a pregnant woman. Pimafutsin Take one tablet four times a day for two to three weeks.

Contraindications and side effects
Pimafucin non-toxic drug that acts locally, so it just is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to it the body of a pregnant woman.
Side effects with the use of vaginal suppositories pimafutsin may appear as slight local irritation at the beginning of the treatment, which takes place on their own, without requiring additional treatment. When pimafutsin pill may cause nausea and loose stools, but it also passes quickly.
Pimafucin is the drug of choice in the treatment of thrush during pregnancy.
Galina Romanenko