Psoriasis during pregnancy - what to expect?

December 25th, 2013

 psoriasis during pregnancy
 Psoriasis most often during pregnancy proceeds easier than before. But there are cases and worsening disease during pregnancy, as well as stabilization of the pathological process. Sometimes the first manifestation of psoriasis develop it during pregnancy, often it is a form of the disease is difficult.


Psoriasis During Pregnancy - characteristics of the disease

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones changes the operation of all organs and systems of a woman. This often leads to changes in the flow existing in her chronic ailments. Including may vary and psoriasis.

Unfortunately, psoriasis still is not fully studied the disease. For example, unknown mechanisms to facilitate change course of the disease in pregnant women. Statistics show that most women have psoriasis during pregnancy proceeds easier than before, and sometimes the process of pregnancy and all fades.

But this is not all women. Approximately one-third of pregnant women with psoriasis the disease worsens, sometimes significantly. Some women do not feel the changes in the course of the disease. With what it is connected?

One can only assume that the current improvement in psoriasis is associated with increased blood levels of the female hormone progesterone.

It is known that progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It suppresses the immune system so that the mother did not reject the foreign tissue of the fetus. Since psoriasis is now recognized by all autoimmune disease, the immune system is aggression against the body's own cells, immune suppression leads to the fact that during its becomes easier.

In addition, during pregnancy in women increases the secretion of adrenocortical glucocorticoid hormone cortisol Cortisol - the hormone of the adrenal cortex  Cortisol - the hormone of the adrenal cortex
 Which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action.

Why is it that of the pregnant women for psoriasis becomes more severe? Some researchers have suggested that this is due to stress, resulting in disrupted hormones that affect the course of psoriasis.

But it is also possible that changes in psoriasis in pregnant women is associated with some other unknown factor science.


Impetigo herpetiformis

Impetigo herpetiformis - a form of psoriasis that develops during pregnancy in women who have not previously suffered from psoriasis. This disease is sometimes called herpes during pregnancy, although herpes infections, it is irrelevant. It occurs rarely, and almost never learned - until now, there are disputes about whether it is a distinct disease or a form of psoriasis.

Still, most experts believe that Impetigo herpetiformis is a form of generalized pustular psoriasis Pustular psoriasis - a severe form of the disease  Pustular psoriasis - a severe form of the disease
 . It is developing the disease for the first time during pregnancy, which appears to be associated with neuroendocrine disorders in women. During subsequent pregnancies disease often repeated.

Most often the disease develops in late pregnancy, and sometimes immediately after birth. It begins with the appearance of pustular eruptions in the abdomen, in the inguinal folds, which can quickly spread throughout the body. The vesicles with yellowish-green contents burst, skin folds become wet, the process is often joined by a bacterial infection.

At the same time a woman has dramatically increased the temperature to high numbers, deteriorating general condition. The rash may spread to the mucous membranes, which further aggravates the course of disease.

Impetigo herpetiformis of pregnancy may occur very hard and cause miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 , Premature birth, or severe complications in the mother.


Psoriasis after childbirth

Psoriasis may worsen after delivery, and the disease becomes the same as before pregnancy. Sometimes psoriasis after birth is not changed.

Geperteformnoe impetigo can develop after birth in this period, it also runs hard and gives complications.


Pregnancy and psoriasis - what to do?

Non-severe forms of psoriasis are treated with the help of external resources - ointments, creams, powders and so on. Of course, all treatments for psoriasis in pregnant women should be given only in consultation with a dermatologist obstetrician-gynecologist, since many drugs, even for outdoor use during pregnancy can not be used or can be used in limited areas of the skin.

Impetigo herpetiformis are treated according to the rules, with the use of drugs for systemic effects as treatment depends on the woman's life.

Psoriasis in pregnant women is usually not an obstacle to the birth of a healthy child except in rare cases severe psoriasis. Hereditary predisposition of the child to the psoriasis is quite likely.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • psoriasis

Arthritis and pregnancy: the individual tolerability

February 28, 2012

 polyarthritis pregnancy
 Arthritis - a disease involving inflammation of the joints and in some cases, provoking considerable damage to the joints. To predict what exactly would be the consequences of arthritis during pregnancy, it is impossible, because in each case the disease is individual. For example, in some cases - for example, in rheumatoid arthritis - pregnancy often causes a temporary relief of symptoms, worsening after the birth. In other cases, the pain caused by inflammation in the joints during pregnancy only intensified.


How arthritis can affect a pregnancy?

The physical changes in women caused by pregnancy can affect the development of arthritis - if the disease struck in the first place, the joints, which is an additional burden (joints of the hips, knees, ankles, feet), then during pregnancy, with a gradual increase in body weight , symptoms of arthritis may become even more unpleasant. At the same time, numerous studies have shown that in some cases - for reasons as yet unstudied - pregnancy, by contrast, is beneficial and brings temporary relief, for example, rheumatoid arthritis.

In most cases, the development of arthritis does not affect the course of pregnancy - provided temporary renunciation of receiving certain medications needed to treat the disease. The consequences of arthritis during pregnancy in the first place depends on the type of disease and location of damaged joints: for example, if arthritis has caused damage to the joints in the hips, it can complicate the process of birth, cause the need for caesarean section.


Rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy

The most common form of arthritis - rheumatoid, or so-called seropositive polyarthritis Seropositive arthritis: possible serious joint damage  Seropositive arthritis: possible serious joint damage
 , Autoimmune disease in which inflammation of the joints provoke antibodies produced by the immune system. During pregnancy attacks rheumatoid arthritis with characteristic symptoms - pain, feeling of immobility of joints, swelling and redness of the skin around them - may be rare. Very often during pregnancy there is a temporary disappearance of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis - often to the fourth-fifth month of pregnancy. Symptoms, however, returned after some time after birth (usually after two to eight weeks).

At the same time we must remember that rheumatoid arthritis What is arthritis - when it hurts everywhere  What is arthritis - when it hurts everywhere
   could threaten the normal course of pregnancy and requires special attention. According to statistics, women who suffer from arthritis, the risk of preterm birth and postpartum complications is higher than that of healthy women. In addition, some drugs commonly used to suppress the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, may trigger preterm labor or miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?


Polyarthritis, and the baby's health

The exact cause of most types of arthritis is not fully understood, and therefore scientists are inclined to believe that a certain influence and such factors as genetic predisposition to the disease. However, the chance that polyarthritis be transmitted from a pregnant woman to the newborn is very low. For example, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis - debunking myths about the disease  Rheumatoid arthritis - debunking myths about the disease
 Which is considered the most common form of the disease, the risk of inheriting a newborn baby rheumatoid arthritis is only one to three percent.


Treatment of fever in pregnancy

For the period of pregnancy from taking certain medications, normally recommended for the treatment of arthritis, it is better to give up - unless, of course, it is possible. Some medicines for arthritis are allowed even during pregnancy, while others are forbidden to pregnant women. For example, in small doses to suppress symptoms of acute arthritis in pregnancy allowed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (up to thirty-second week of pregnancy), corticosteroids, sulfasalazine, hydroxychloroquine, which are used for the suppression of inflammatory processes in the joints. Strictly prohibited drugs such as methotrexate, mycophenolate, cyclophosphamide, rituximab.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • polyarthritis
