Ultrasound during pregnancy - controls the process of fetal development - Results

March 1, 2014

  • Ultrasound during pregnancy - controls the development of the fetus
  • results

 Ultrasound during pregnancy results

The first routine ultrasound in pregnancy

The first routine ultrasound during pregnancy conducted on 11-13 week. During the study of the fetus are determined: appropriate size and overall development of the fetus Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week
   pregnancy (gestational age determination by ultrasound is the most reliable), heart rate, various indicators of development of the skeletal system, the condition of venous blood flow, conducted inspection of the internal organs of the fetus (heart, stomach, bladder). This allows you to completely eliminate such gross fetal abnormalities as a lack of the brain, or the absence of deformation of limbs, spinal deformity, and so on.

It conducted a study of the future of the placenta, amniotic fluid, fetal membranes, the walls of the uterus (the presence of tumors), cervix, ovary (defined by the presence of the corpus luteum of pregnancy - cancer, which actively allocates progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   during the first trimester of pregnancy).

Pi first ultrasound can install multiple pregnancy, and parents have more time to mentally tune in twins or triplets.


The second routine ultrasound in pregnancy

US in the middle of pregnancy by 21-24 week - one of the most important diagnostic procedures, which runs a pregnant woman. This enhanced ultrasound in pregnancy, it includes a comprehensive study of fetal membranes, amniotic fluid and the walls of the uterus, eliminates the majority of fetal malformations, as well as the risk of having children with certain chromosome and hereditary diseases, including Down syndrome. Identifies changes in the amniotic fluid, fibroids in the uterine wall. More reliable than at the first ultrasound, can detect multiple pregnancies.

Each organ of the fetus is examined in detail. Held measurement of the fetus. In particular, the measured width of the skull, and the length of the femur. If it turns out that the value of the body of the fetus does not correspond to his age, will be assigned additional ultrasound or other diagnostic tests. Determination of amniotic fluid in the uterus also allows you to identify the various problems in the development of pregnancy.

During the second held Doppler ultrasound, which detects violations of the placenta, umbilical cord, fetal insufficient blood supply. Ultrasound of the heart during pregnancy to determine the heart rate of the fetus. The study allows to verify the location of the placenta. If the placenta covers the cervix (placenta previa), this can lead to bleeding and a number of other problems in the later stages of pregnancy, so these women are taking on control and carry them further ultrasound.

This study also includes the definition of the child's sex. In some cases, this is particularly important, for example, if there is an increased likelihood of developing any of congenital disorders. Please inform your doctor if you do not want to know the baby's gender before birth.


Last ultrasound in pregnancy

Ultrasound at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy is carried out to exclude certain fetal malformations, intrauterine growth retardation, improper position or previa (location in the uterus) of the fetus.

Ultrasonography in late pregnancy may be necessary to ensure that normal if the baby develops (if you were previously aware of any problems), once again check the amount of amniotic fluid and determine whether to be a woman to carry out a caesarean section, or it can give birth naturally . If a woman in the third trimester vaginal bleeding started Vaginal bleeding - if monthly return when they were not expecting  Vaginal bleeding - if monthly return when they were not expecting
 Using ultrasound can install its causes.


The results of ultrasound in pregnancy

Obstetrician-gynecologist very well how big the accuracy of ultrasound in pregnancy. For example, the calculator pregnancy ultrasound is the most accurate, it can be used to determine compliance with the size of the fetus midwifery date (the first day of the last menstrual period) pregnancy. Standards of ultrasound during pregnancy is calculated at the skeletal system of the fetus.

Routine ultrasound during pregnancy significantly reduced the number of children born with severe malformations. This study allows to identify and timely treat many pregnancy complications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Ultrasound during pregnancy

Breech - help complex therapeutic exercises - What could be the presentation?

September 20th, 2009

  • Breech - a complex of therapeutic exercises help
  • What could be the presentation?

What could be the presentation?

Incorrectly called placenta previa, in which the presenting part is not present, it is formed only in childbirth (eg side or handle) that creates obstacles to the natural course of labor.

Breech may occur when polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, obstacles to the coup in the womb or in the narrow pelvis, and so on, it can be:

  • breech - the entrance to the pelvis predlezhat buttocks, legs well bent at the hips and straighten the knee, stretched out along the trunk;
  • buttock-foot - the entrance to the mother's pelvis facing the buttocks with the legs bent at the hip and knee joints;
  • full foot - predlezhat both legs slightly bent at the hip and knee joints;
  • incomplete foot - predlezhit one leg straightened in the hip and knee, the other leg bent at the hip and above is;
  • knee - predlezhat knees bent.

Breech presentation is detected during the inspection obstetrician-gynecologist and confirmed by ultrasound. It is believed that childbirth is easier to pass if the child is in cephalic presentation, so the management of labor with breech developed a number of special techniques.

The fruit in the first half of pregnancy is in the womb head up and only about a 32th of the 35th week of pregnancy, it can change the position of the opposite. But sometimes this happens just a turn of the last days of pregnancy.

 What could be the presentation? | Breech - a complex of therapeutic exercises help

What if the child did not overturned

If the child did not turned up to 32 weeks, the pregnant women are advised to perform a special set of exercises for translation breech in the head, like this:

  • enough to lie on a hard surface on the side (the one in which the baby's head is turned - it will be clearly stated doctor after ultrasound) lie within 5 minutes, then turn over and lie within the same time; the exercise can be doubled and do the exercises at least twice a day;
  • lie on your back on a sufficiently solid surface, placing a pillow under the waist to hips was higher than other parts of the body at least 20 cm; to lie in this position a quarter of an hour; to perform at least twice a day on an empty stomach;
  • sleeping on the side where the baby's head is turned.

With proper implementation of the regular exercise of ¾ of the cases the child turns in head position. Contraindications for such exercises are scars and tumors in the uterus, placenta previa, toxemia of pregnancy and the second half of a variety of diseases of women.

 What could be the presentation? | Breech - a complex of therapeutic exercises help

External cephalic fetal head position

If the complex of therapeutic exercises do not help, in some cases, a maternity external version of the fetus in the head position, which is held in the period of about 36 weeks only in the Department of Pathology pregnant maternity hospital under the control of ultrasound. Contraindications for such a turn of the fetus are:

  • scars, tumors and malformations of the uterus, a narrow pelvis;
  • placenta previa;
  • entanglement umbilical cord fetal neck (seen in the US);
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • late toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
  • obese pregnant women;
  • the age of first birth for over 30 years;
  • pregnancies occurring after IVF;
  • if a woman has previously had miscarriages;
  • severe diseases of internal organs and systems of a pregnant woman.

External rotation of the fetus can be complicated by placental abruption, preterm birth complications and injuries from the fruit, so it is rarely done.

Pregnant women with breech planned hospitalization subject to a period of about 38 weeks to obstetrician hospital was able to work out the correct tactics of childbirth. If necessary, such a woman is a cesarean section (removing the baby through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and the uterine wall).

A pregnant woman must always be seen in the antenatal clinic, it is the prevention of any kind of surprises, it's one thing to take delivery, knowing about the breech and quite another if the breech suddenly show up in the process of childbirth.

Article Tags:
  • fetal position
