Thalassotherapy - a method of climatotherapy, which consists in the use of marine nature and its components - climate, sun, air, sea water, sea mud and algae. All this has a significant curative effect on the human body. Thalassotherapy and methods used during pregnancy, but with caution.
Physiological effects of thalassotherapy on the body of a pregnant woman
The aim is to introduce a thalassotherapy through the skin missing macro- and microelements, mechanical and chemical effects on the skin and blood vessels. Women during pregnancy especially needs a "recharge", which is a physiological as well as sea water has a composition close to the mineral salts in its composition of human biological samples, including blood plasma.
Human skin is a kind of pump which attracts the body missing mineral salt and does not transmit anything that may damage the body, such as infectious agents. Such action improves blood and lymph circulation, which is very important during pregnancy.
And if mud applications, a variety of wraps with algae and other treatments, has a marked effect on the body during pregnancy is not necessary to carry out, the sea bathing can have a very beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman.
Physiological effects of sea bathing is more pronounced than the sea baths and is due to a complex of factors. Thus, lower than body temperature, water temperature, cold exposure has on the body. Sea waves act as a mechanical factor and the dissolved salts in seawater - as a chemical factor, settling on the skin, stimulating its receptors. The positive impact has also bacterial flora of seawater and seaweed allocated volatile.
While bathing the person actively moves, breathes the ionized sea air, exposed to sunlight (ultraviolet rays penetrate the water to a depth of one meter). All this is of great importance.
Thalassotherapy as prevention of gestosis
Toxicosis second half of pregnancy and preeclampsia is one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy. The cause of this disease is a disturbance of the body's adaptive capabilities mother to the developing fetus. As a result, developing spasm of small blood vessels (capillaries), increasing their permeability, causing first appearance of edema, then the protein in the urine
The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
, Increased blood pressure
Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
and circulatory disorders of the internal organs of the body of the woman and the fetus. The result can be severe preeclampsia brain damage maternal and fetal stop
Fetal development - week after week
Prevention and treatment of gestosis is a major concern of obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation. On the basis of the perinatal center of Sochi was conducted research on the impact of thalassotherapy
Thalassotherapy - successful detoxification
as a sea bathing in the main clinical and laboratory parameters in pregnant women during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. As any pregnant women were divided into two groups: basic (it runs courses thalassotherapy) and control (in this group held regular outpatient prevention of gestosis).
Women also the main group were divided into two subgroups. In the first subgroup were women whose pregnancy was without complications, the second - women at risk of developing preeclampsia.
Pregnant first subgroup received a course of sea bathing with mild or moderately intense exposure in the form of short-sea bathing (three to seven minutes) without swimming at a water temperature 23-27˚S, only 15 to 40 procedures. The second subgroup received a course of water treatment in the swimming pool with heated sea water (26-27˚S) when the air temperature is less than just one degree. The duration of one session is 40 minutes in total were held 16-19 procedures.
As a result of thalassotherapy in the main groups of pregnant women to reduce the percentage of gestosis, including in women at high risk for this complication. In the control group of the same number of gestosis remains the same, the relevant key indicators in Russia. No less significant and the state of newborns. After a course of thalassotherapy during pregnancy were born babies with the best health indicators, the neonatal period in which the vast majority uneventful.
Thus, it can be argued that the thalassotherapy during pregnancy has a positive impact on the mother and the fetus and can be used as a method of prevention of gestosis. However, such procedures can be carried out only on the basis of medical institutions (including resorts) under medical supervision.
Galina Romanenko