Troxevasin lactation - use with caution

October 7th, 2012

 troksevazin lactation
 Troxevasin is a drug that strengthens the walls of veins, reduces inflammation and swelling of the tissues, prevents the formation of blood clots. The need for such a preparation after birth has almost always, but it is prescribed with caution, as there is no data on its impact on a woman's body and the baby.

 Troxevasin lactation - use with caution

Features status of women after childbirth

Almost always, the pregnancy is accompanied by a greater or lesser degree of severity of venous insufficiency. This is manifested in the form of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Varicose veins after birth gradually decreases as stops squeezing the pelvic veins enlarged uterus.

But hemorrhoids can worsen after childbirth. This is due to a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure during childbirth. Contractions and especially attempts to contribute to the fact that hemorrhoids are infringed or are due to prolonged stagnation of blood clots formed. Perhaps the development of necrosis (necrosis) of tissue and bleeding. Acute hemorrhoids postpartum requires emergency medical care.

Throughout the first year after the birth a woman can worsen hemorrhoids because of high physical activity, which are replacing sedentary during pregnancy. In order to chronic oligosymptomatic for hemorrhoids is not replaced by sharp, a woman must always be prevented as a diet conducive to the normalization of stool (constipation - this is the main mechanism for supporting hemorrhoids) and moderate physical activity (damaging as high physical activity and sedentary lifestyle ).

But sometimes this is not enough and hemorrhoids still acute. In this case, women are prescribed medications - venotoniki that are beneficial to the walls of the veins, prevent their inflammation and clotting.

There is enough of drugs in this group, but during feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast is recommended to use them with caution. Most often, nursing mothers for the prevention of acute hemorrhoids and its treatment is recommended to use troksevazin.

 Troxevasin lactation - use with caution

Application troksevazin during lactation

Troxevasin - a drug, an active substance which is a semi-synthetic analogue of the natural bioflavonoid belonging to the group of vitamin P, routine. All active substances belonging to the group of vitamin P, can positively influence the condition of blood vessels, they strengthen the walls of veins and make them more dense and less permeable. As a result of reduced characteristic of venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
   swelling. They also helps to reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins.

Produced troksevazin capsules for oral administration and as a 2% gel for topical application. During lactation troksevazin used with caution, as clinical studies that stands there troksevazin with human milk and in what quantities, the manufacturer of this drug is not available. Not provided data on how troksevazin affects infants.

Therefore, during breastfeeding prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins are trying to carry out using the gel for external use.

Hemorrhoids 2% gel troksevazin Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins  Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins
   applied to a folded several times gauze, which is applied to the hemorrhoidal nodes in the anus. But in the rectum gel is introduced - is contraindicated. The gel is absorbed slowly in the middle layers of the skin, active substance enters the bloodstream and has a therapeutic effect.

If the condition is not improving, and women are concerned about severe pain, then with care, under the supervision of a doctor prescribe capsule troksevazin that take one (300 mg) twice a day. The course of treatment usually lasts no more than ten days.

During exacerbation of varicose veins, which is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the legs, nocturnal leg cramps, it is also possible appointment of first gel for external use, which is applied to the skin and rub gently until complete absorption twice a day. If this treatment does not work, then join the capsules troksevazin, they take on the capsule in the morning and evening for two weeks.

The absolute contraindication to the use of any drug form is troksevazin woman hypersensitivity to the drug. Capsules for oral administration can not be used as an exacerbation of any of erosive and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. With care prescribe capsule troksevazin Troxevasin capsules (pills) - facilitate the state at current varicose bolez  Troxevasin capsules (pills) - facilitate the state at current varicose bolez
   as renal impairment.

Appoint troksevazin lactation may be a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • troksevazin

Thyroxine during pregnancy - can you take?

January 24th, 2014

 thyroxine during pregnancy
 Thyroxine can be taken during pregnancy. Moreover, if the thyroxine has been appointed for the purpose of replacement therapy, the dosage of it during pregnancy should be increased, because in this period the body produce more proteins, gamma-globulin, linking free thyroxine levels and to deprive him of the activity.


In some cases, appointed by thyroxine during pregnancy?

Thyroxine - is iodine-containing thyroid hormone Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
 Formed of iodine supplied to the body with food, and amino acid tyrosine. Thyroxine (T4) is not biologically active hormone, but in human tissue by enzymes it is converted into an active hormone, triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroxine in the blood is detected in the form of the free and bound forms with Bellamy blood. Active influence on the body provides free thyroxine. Thyroxine regulates the secretion of pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

The most common cause of thyroxine suppressive therapy during pregnancy is hypothyroidism - reduced thyroid function The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones

This is a very dangerous disease during pregnancy, since the lack of thyroid hormone can lead to developmental abnormalities in the child. Most often, a lack of iodine-containing thyroid hormones adversely affects the development of the central nervous system and thyroid gland. Especially dangerous is the condition in the first trimester of pregnancy when there is a bookmark of organs and tissues of the fetus.

Sometimes the presence of hypothyroidism in women can be detected only by laboratory diagnosis - studied the blood for thyroid hormones. No other symptoms of the disease is not detected, and it is very dangerous, because if you do not assign a hormone replacement therapy suffer fruit.

That is why in preparation for pregnancy or after a pregnant woman becomes registered in female consultation, it must be conducted blood tests on thyroid hormones. If their level is lower than normal, but this wee no symptoms of hypothyroidism (subclinical hypothyroidism, which is accompanied by an increase in pituitary thyritropic Gomonov at a normal level in the blood of free T4 and T3), still appointed replacement therapy. Replacement therapy requires hypothyroidism exhibit characteristic symptoms - in this case the TSH level is increased, and free T4 and T3 reduced.


Hypothyroidism during pregnancy - is it dangerous?

Obstetricians now able to cope with almost all the states that can occur during pregnancy. But just in case, if a pregnant woman becomes timely registered in the antenatal clinic regularly visits her and performs all the prescribing physician for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Otherwise, it is impossible to guarantee anything, including child birth with severe developmental abnormalities.

Subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and child. The ideal, of course, is to identify hypothyroidism prior to pregnancy, during its planning. In this case, the appointed replacement therapy with L-thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   Adjusted-dose. But the prescribed therapy in the first trimester of pregnancy also will be effective.


How is it treated hypothyroidism during pregnancy

For the treatment of hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism - Treatment: Replacement Therapy  Hypothyroidism - Treatment: Replacement Therapy
   during pregnancy today designate synthetic analogue of the natural thyroxine - levothyroxine or L-thyroxine. If hypothyroidism was diagnosed before pregnancy, the woman explained that for the complete elimination of the negative consequences, it must compensate for before conception. To that end, appoint a L-thyroxine in individually selected dosage that reduces the level of TSH in the blood up to 2, 5 mkIE / ml (for women not planning pregnancy, above this level - 3 mkIE / ml).

After conception replacement therapy should be continued, while increasing the dose of L-thyroxine.

This is because during normal pregnancy amount of bound thyroxine is increased, whereas the level of free T4 and T3 is reduced due to the fact that increases blood levels of binding proteins, thyroxine.

Smoking should be increased dose, decides the treating physician. But usually the dose is increased by a third or half. If the level of TSH in the blood is lower than 2, 5 mkIE / ml, the dose of the drug reduced appointed - a higher dose, appointed earlier, it has no negative impact on women and children. Therefore, once a woman becomes aware of her pregnancy, she should be prescribed by your doctor to increase the dose of L-thyroxine in the third.

In hypothyroidism in the plan of care and treatment of pregnant women include blood tests for hormones (TSH and free thyroxine) every two months. On the day of donation of blood for analysis do not take thyroxine.

Take a L-thyroxine once a day, in the morning half an hour before a meal. If a woman appointed as vitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant women, which include calcium carbonate, they must be taken at a different time, with a gap in time at least four hours, as calcium carbonate blocks the absorption into the blood stream of L-thyroxine.

Mainly during pregnancy is the fulfillment of all doctor's appointments antenatal clinic.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • thyroxine
