Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy: it is necessary to see a doctor

May 16, 2012

 malodorous vaginal discharge during pregnancy
 Vaginal discharge - perfectly normal for any woman. Depending on their age, menstrual cycle and health they systematically appear and disappear, reduced or enlarged. They increase caused by increased levels of sex hormones and a rush of blood to the organs of the pelvis, it may be one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Moreover, plentiful allocation for the whole period of pregnancy is quite normal if they have a whitish color and smell. If the highlight color changes to yellow, gray or green, they have a sharp unpleasant odor, they are accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina Burning in the vagina: find the cause  Burning in the vagina: find the cause
 It may indicate a complication of pregnancy or infection. In this case, as soon as possible to see a doctor, so as not to trample the health of the unborn child at risk.

 Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy: it is necessary to see a doctor

The types of vaginal infections

There are two types of vaginal infections, which are felt by a sharp unpleasant odor.

This bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection (candidiasis or thrush) .  Bacterial vaginosis occurs in 62-65% of women with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, including pregnant women - in 46% of cases .  Bacterial vaginosis is a violation of the vaginal flora, which is destroyed in the natural protection of the vagina, greatly reduced the number of lactobacilli, a place which is occupied by anaerobic microorganisms (peptokokki, peptostreptokokki, gardnerelly) .  Discharges in bacterial vaginosis white, yellowish, grayish, homogeneous, their number is different .  The main manifestation of bacterial vaginosis is a specific "fishy" odor of discharge that appears or worsens during hygiene with soap and after intercourse .  This is because the anaerobic bacteria produce amines, which are the cause of unpleasant fishy smell .

Like BV, yeast infections are also common during pregnancy. They are caused by an overgrowth of bacteria Candida Albicans, and doctors often use the term "candidiasis" when discussing yeast infections. Pregnant women are particularly susceptible to yeast infection, according to US Symptoms include a yellowish discharge with yeast or bread odor, itching and irritation.

Thrush or candidiasis - is an infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi are normally present in the vaginal microflora. Symptoms occur when the Candida begins to proliferate. With thrush at least once in his life faced by 75% of women. Candidiasis is not a disease, sexually transmitted. Symptoms of candidiasis: abundant white "cheesy" discharge from the genital tract with a sour odor, itching of the external genitalia and vaginal burning.

 Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy: it is necessary to see a doctor


Although the woman can easily identify a vaginal infection How to avoid vaginal infection  How to avoid vaginal infection
   for obvious signs, accurately diagnose infection alone is not possible, so you need to see a gynecologist. The doctor will take a smear from the vagina for microscopic analysis to determine the following characteristics:

  • whether there is a sufficient number of lactobacilli;
  • qualitative and quantitative content of alien organisms in the vagina;
  • Does the vaginal mucosa has a dense, supple and healthy shell.

The doctor may also test the degree of acidity of the vaginal fluid.

 Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy: it is necessary to see a doctor


If left untreated bacterial vaginosis can spread to the uterus and the fallopian tubes and lead to inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (PID), which is one of the risk factors in pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy can cause). In addition, an inflammatory disease of the pelvic organs increases the likelihood of premature birth or the birth of a premature baby.

Fungal infections are not a threat to life and health of the fetus, although the woman deliver considerable discomfort. A newborn may also develop thrush if the mother at the time does not cure candidiasis.

 Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy: it is necessary to see a doctor


Treatment of bacterial vaginosis involves the removal of pathogens and colonization of vaginal lactobacilli and ensure their reproduction for the full restoration of natural defenses.

For the treatment of candidiasis use different antikandidoznye (antifungal) preparations. Given that candidiasis - is dysbiosis vagina, make sure prescribers to restore the natural protection of the vagina (the restoration of the number of lactic acid and lactic acid bacteria ensure their livelihoods). Often the treatment of thrush Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus  Treating Thrush: how to get rid of bad fungus
   only limited by antifungal drugs without restoring lactoflora.

In this case, exacerbation guaranteed because after a while

Candida again begin rapidly multiply and cause symptoms such as itching, burning and unpleasant discharge.

 Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy: it is necessary to see a doctor


Every woman should observe good personal hygiene, wash daily external genitalia with warm water without soap. Wipe the perineum after a bowel movement should be from front to back. Do not wear tight synthetic clothing such as nylon underwear, tights, tight tight tight pants, gym suits and jeans.

Wear cotton underwear (or at least with a nylon additive cotton), changing its daily and tights with cotton insert in the crotch.

Caution should be used tampons and remove the diaphragm, not later than twelve hours after intercourse. Never use a vaginal (feminine hygiene) aerosols. Do not use deodorant tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   and a sanitary napkin, which can cause irritation of the vulva and vagina.

Do not engage in unprotected sex, especially with untested partner. It is strictly prohibited sex detection of infection in both partners during treatment.

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy
